Inducing Oneself to Start Something New


(By Abiola Oyetunde)

Inducing or induce simply means the ability to cause, move by persuasion, influence someone or something to do or try something new by creating and simplifying the subject matter to their own understanding.

Inducing oneself to start something new can be coin with individual ability or capability to develop him/herself in bringing out his/her uniqueness.

Did you ever pause to observe that the proverbs that are passed on from generation to generation are almost all visual and similar sayings relating to knowledge, hard work and which enunciate indirectly the judgement, cause or solution to a particular problem.

E.g Hard work, the root of all success

New thinkings, New possibilities

What goes around comes back around

However, the psychologist believed that individuals wakes up everyday to pursue a certain goal/target for that day but the problem is how do they achieve these goals.

Dale Carnegie said “pride is such a fundamentally explosive characteristic of human nature”. If an individual is able to develop him/herself well, definitely you’ll have the pride by achieving your goals but if he/she didn’t develop him/herself, how can these set goals be achieve. We all clearly know that everyone needs money to live freely or happily but what are the steps we take to build up our talents or uniqueness in starting something new.

Here is a simple ways by which individuals can induce him/herself to start something new;

Define yourself

By defining yourself, you’ll be able to know your strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat through which you can build yourself up or realise your unknown talent/potentials.

Let me illustrate these by given you a concrete example from a Nigerian famous Artist called Brymo

Olawale Ashimi popularly known as Brymo was born and raised in Okokomaiko,Ojo Lagos State: His father is an Awori carpenter and his mother an Egun petty trader. He is the only child of his parents. In 1999, he recorded his first song while in secondary school titled it ‘Famous’.

To cut the story short, if the son of a CARPENTER can define himself to realise this talent or uniqueness, then who are you? The son or daughter of a mechanic?, Plumber?, Tailor?, e.t.c.

Believe me, you can induce yourself to start something new. It is not too late and remember the sayings. “It’s not over until it is over

Create the time

Having define yourself and your talent is known to you, while not create the time to practise and focus on how you’ll use that talent to prefer solutions to peoples difficulties or how you’ll start.

Distant yourself from distractions

Imagine if your talent is speaking(able to give speech) and you move ahead to be a motivational speaker. Your role model is Niyi Adesanya but all you keep doing is to focus on other thing else like excessive listening to radio gist, T.v programs, and lingering to books or speakers that can help you. Though, listening to radio and T.v programs is good but you have to limit yourself to achieve more. To become great in life, you have to move away from any sort of distractions and stay focus to what you intend doing.

Make it Real

You have define yourself, create the time to be focus and also distant yourself from distractions. Another step or way forward is to make your set goals, talent or uniqueness real by been consistent/persistent.

The more actions and excitement you put into what you’ve define(I.e your talent or set goals), the more it become easy and real. Obstacles or challenges would definitely come your way but regardless of these obstacles or challenges, Never give up as you calmly achieve your set goals.

“You’re ready”, Act confident, pray, have Faith and let the good stories, memories and compliments begin. You are great! You need to be celebrated.

Bet Picks – Is it Really Possible to Win Sports Bets Consistently With Free Picks Or Paid Tips?

Seriously, do people still use bet picks to decide which games to place their bets on these days? Please do not get me wrong, whether it is free picks or paid tips, there are some really good ones out there. In fact, not too long ago I actually observed a sports betting blogger who averaged close to 70% strike rates with his picks. However, the real issue here is the feasibility to consistently win bets using these bet picks.

Using the example of paid tips services in sports betting, there are many different types of service providers in the trade. Without a doubt, some paid tips providers have excellent record and reputation, but lately, there are too many competitors who want a share of the pie, and ended up putting the reputable paid tips providers out of business.

With free bet picks posted by bloggers, it is an entirely different scenario. Some sports betting bloggers are really good, and they have been posting their picks and results up for years. However, almost all bloggers and sites that publish free picks are doing it on a hobby basis, which means there is really little at stake for them besides the matter of pride. For the people who actually bet according to these picks, it is not pride, but their money that is at stake.

The best way to profit consistently, as many successful case studies have already proven, is to invest in a good, reliable sports betting systems rather than to permanently depend on bet picks. If you want to win your bets as regularly as the top 1% of sports bettors, then what you need to do is right now, is to find your own profitable system as they did, and stick to it with some discipline.

Appreciation Has Numerous Rewards – Check Them Out!

To appreciate means to say thank you to someone for rendering you a favor or help.

It is an act which can be oftentimes forgotten or taken for granted.

The reason why some individuals fail to appreciate what God or someone else have done for them may be as a result of the following:


When a man fails to show appreciation, it may be as a result of pride. Some individuals believe that whatever the have gotten in life is as a result of their hard work, strength, wisdom or knowledge. They fail to realize that it is made possible by God.


Greed may be another reason for not showing appreciation. If you were asking someone for five thousand dollars and you eventually got eight hundred dollars, can you still find a place in your heart to appreciate the individual who gave you the money? Some may grudgingly appreciate the favor, while some may not bother, because they feel the amount they eventually got is too small. No matter how small the favor we get from God or from individuals is, let us learn to appreciate.


Some individuals have very short memory. The rarely remember the things God has done for them and prefer to remind him of what has not been done. I once sent a close friend of mine $35 when she had some urgent needs to meet. I waited for more than a week to hear a word about the little token I sent to her, but nothing was forthcoming, and I was forced to ask whether she received the money I sent her. She replied in the affirmative and said she forgot all this while and later appreciated my kind gesture. I was shocked with her attitude and it affected our relationship.

Benefits of appreciation

  • When God uses other people to bless our life, we must never forget to appreciate them and show sincere gratitude. We must realize that when we sincerely show appreciation for the little we have been given, it will open doors of opportunities for more blessings to flow into our life
  • Appreciating people for their good works and efforts will inspire them to do more. We must not wait for special occasions like Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, New years Day or Mothers, before we appreciate those who are close to our heart. When we appreciate our parents for been there for us when we were growing up, they will lift us up in their personal prayers and we all know what such prayers can do. We need the blessings of our parents, but we must first appreciate them first
  • Appreciating people who have done excellently in the office, church, community or family will instill in them a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. They will not feel abandoned or neglected. The zeal to genuinely put in their best will be stirred up and relationships become strengthen
  • When we appreciate the works and gifts of others, we will also be appreciated in return. It is natural for us to reap what we have sown. The only clause here is that we must not render assistance or favor to people and hope to get same in return. Whatever we do must be done because God have instructed us to give to others. When those we have assisted fail to show appreciation, it should not deter us from doing good to others. We would eventually reap the fruit of our labor in due time if we continue to show love to others

Two Simple Steps to Overcome Shyness and Fear With Women

Okay guys, I will be honest with you. It is VERY frustrating when I talk to men who think that fear and shyness with women are things that need to be “worked on”. These are the same dudes who think they need a therapist for 5 years just to get over their fear of heights.

If you want REAL, no bull ways to overcome fear and shyness with women, here they are…

Two Simple Steps To Overcome Fear And Shyness With Women

1. STOP IT!…

What’s the past is the PAST. You cannot change it, you cannot “overcome” it. If they have created a time machine, please let me know.

Forget about your shortcoming with women. Who cares if you got rejected and embarrassed in the past?

It happens to every guy. I have been “rejected” by women before, and my seduction skills are MORE than a little good!

Stop looking at fear and shyness with women as some mountain you must climb. Stop wasting your money on therapists. Just…stop.

2. Have Some Pride…

There is always SOMETHING which you can be proud about. Confidence is simply a matter of what you choose to focus on. The problem with most men is that they focus on all their failures. They think about all the times they lost “the one” they loved or how their friends always get the girls and they don’t.

Focus on your strengths. Get some pride. Be PROUD of the man you are. This one thing will skyrocket your confidence and increase your success EXPONENTIALLY with women AND every other part of your life.

Was that enough tough love for you? I hope it was enough to push you to make some changes in the way you think about yourself. Just man up!

Speaking English Like An American

For many foreigners who travel to the U.S. in search of greener pastures, there is one perennial dilemma that often accompanies them on their journey: their foreign accent. Speaking English with a foreign accent opens a Pandora’s box to a whole host of problems, not the least of which include discrimination as far as job opportunities are concerned as well as general difficulty in being understood. Furthermore, it can be quite a blow to someone’s pride to learn that he/she simply does not speak English on the same level as a regular native speaker.

Putting pride aside however, it’s actually quite easy to see why a foreigner would have difficulty attempting to speak English like an American. Putting an American in a foreigner’s shoes, it generally takes quite a few months or even years of training and exposure to a foreign accent before the American can start speaking it as well as a native speaker. The reason for this is that the first language that we acquire during childhood usually becomes the unconscious foundation on which we acquire other languages. So if you learned Chinese as a child and only learned English in school as a teenager or an adult for example, most of the time, what you tend to do is to make use of the rhythm, intonation, and timing of Chinese while using English words, grammar and structure. What happens is that you might have good grammar as well as an excellent vocabulary, but since you speak with a distinctly foreign accent, people still cannot fully understand you whenever you speak in English.

The fact of the matter is that accent is not something that you can just magically learn nor is it something that you can instantly get rid of so that all that is left is a neutral, American Accent. The reality is that accent is actually learned even before vocabulary, grammar, and structure. Speaking with an American Accent therefore, is something that you usually acquire during early childhood even before you began to study the English language formally. Realistically, it takes around six months of accent training before you are able to speak English with an American Accent if English is not your primary language. The reason for this is because six months is just enough time for you to learn about the basics of accent and most importantly, the little things that make up the American Accent that you might not be consciously aware of at the moment.

It goes without saying therefore that if you are past the stage of early childhood, which you should be if you are reading this article right now, then you might find it hard to acquire a new accent simply by immersion or by being constantly exposed to the American Accent as it is used by native speakers. You could spend several years or even a decade in the U.S. and you might still have an accent unless you took the time to consciously get rid of your foreign accent and start speaking like an American.

Fortunately, if you are interested in learning how to speak English like an American, you don’t have to do it on your own. Nowadays, there are several accent reduction classes and seminars being hosted all over the U.S. annually. Most often, these classes were made especially for foreigners living in the U.S.

Sheri Summers, the creator and host of the American Accent Course was once a full-time, American Accent Coach herself. Sheri has lived and worked in 3 different countries and once hosted over 40 international students in her home in Seattle, Washington. She has taken the time to really study the intricacies of the American Accent as well as the problems that her students often encounter when trying to learn it.

Drawing from her vast experience in the field of American Accent Training, Sheri soon began hosting online classes and providing resource materials online in order to reach out to more people than she ever could by merely hosting classes offline. Her online programs such as the American Accent Audio Course have earned her the nickname, “The Pronunciation Queen.”

With her new program, the American Accent Course, Sheri has decided to go completely online for her American Accent Training endeavors and now caters to anyone who wishes to learn the American Accent without ever having to leave the comfort of home. The American Accent Course brings together some of the best aspects of Sheri’s previous online American Accent programs into one complete package. The American Accent Course features online classes, drills, downloadable resource materials as well as options for extended 1 on 1 coaching providing real-time critique and instruction for students who feel like they need more help with their accent. The course combine audios, videos as well as live conference calls in order to effectively teach students how to use the American Accent.

The American Accent Course was created especially for foreign professionals living in the U.S., Canada as well as other English-speaking countries. Students enrolled in the course will learn all about the different elements of accent such as pronunciation, intonation, rhythm and timing as well as voice. While the course does involve some degree of memory work, Sheri asserts that what is more important is to develop the muscle memory for the unique sounds of English and integrate them into your speech organ; thus, while you might have to actively think about where to place your tongue in order to make the American “R” at first, you will no longer have to think about it once you have practiced it a few times and are able to produce the sound at will.

Network Marketing Tips – Being Coachable Is Essential for Growing Your Business

Network marketing can be one of the most rewarding and satisfying career styles known today. Not only does it allow you to create your own schedule but, it can also be extremely profitable. However, it should be noted that network marketing is not for everyone. This is a career style that requires a person to be coachable. It requires you to possibly change your thoughts about what you’ve been taught or what you think you may know about this type of selling.

In order to thrive in network marketing, you have to be coachable. To be coachable means that you can admit that as a person, you do not know everything and even that you may require the help of others when it comes to learning new things or even needing help and that you are willing to listen and accept that help. Often times, pride is what stops you from moving forward either in your day to day life or in your career but, if you can get rid of your pride you can discover the benefits of network marketing training.

If you desire to be coachable, there are several steps you can take to help you along that path. First and most important is the need to admit that you have more knowledge to gain. Next, feed your thirst for knowledge by obtaining books, audiobooks, podcasts and CDs to read and listen to daily. The audiobooks, podcasts and CDs can easily be played in your car on the way to work or transferred to an MP3 player to listen to while doing a variety of activities such as working out or doing a household chore. Another great option to being coached is to listen to other marketers and find out what works for them. Very often, people who have been in network marketing for a long time may have tips and tricks that you may never have thought of. A little known tip but one that works well is to listen at least twice as often as you talk and this way you can obtain more information than you would have thought. Yet another option tip to being coachable and one that may very well benefit your business is to befriend and take tips from someone in your marketing organization that you may have a competition with. You may find that creating a friendship can be beneficial to building your business.

Socrates And The "Examined Life"

Socrates was a man of very strong conviction. A conviction to live his life for the pursuit of knowledge, true wisdom, piety, and God’s will. In Plato’s Apology, Socrates delivered a passionate defense for the way of life he had chosen. He believed that this way of life was not only right in every sense of the word, but prosperous for him and the people who came into contact with him. This is apparent when he states “Indeed, men of Athens, I am far from making a defense now on my own behalf, as might be thought, but on yours, to prevent you from wrongdoing by mistreating the god’s gift to you by condemning me; for if you kill me you will not easily find another like me” (35, 30d).

Socrates’ begins his arguments by turning the general belief of what true knowledge is upside down. Socrates busied himself by asking questions to hose who were thought to be very wise. He does not claim to have this knowledge himself, “Certainly I would pride and preen myself if I had this knowledge, but I do not have it, gentlemen” (25, 20c), but he does argue that this knowledge is not true wisdom, and does not lead to an “examined life”. “What has caused my reputation is none other than a certain kind of wisdom” (25, 20d). The fact is, Socrates believes in a true wisdom that is fed by curiosity. The wisdom that he has was gained through examining his life and the lives of others. He does not occupy himself with personal gain and “knowledge” like those who are considered the wisest of all. Instead he is steadfastly rooted in the will of god, and takes on his quest for the examined life selflessly. For example, Socrates believes that he is wiser, in that he knows he knows nothing, while others believe they know when they do not, “I am wiser than this man… he thinks he knows something when he does not, whereas when I do not know, neither do I think I know; so I am likely to be wiser…” (26, 21d).

Socrates drives home his argument with a statement telling the jurors that he would rather be as he is, with neither knowledge nor ignorance than to be like the “wise” people and have both, “I asked myself… whether I should prefer to be as I am, with neither their wisdom now their ignorance, or to have both. The answer I gave myself and the oracle was that it was to my advantage to be as I am” (27, 22e). Finally, he tells the jurors of the oracle and interprets the oracle’s message as putting Socrates forth as a model for other people, “as if he had said: ‘This man among you, mortals, is wisest who, like Socrates, understands that his wisdom is worthless'” (27, 23b).

Socrates believes that the examined life is one spent seeking internal and spiritual wisdom, asking questions and examining the lives of others, and seeking the best possible state of the soul, “For I go around doing nothing but persuading both young and old among you not to care for your body or your wealth in preference to or as strongly as for the best possible state of your soul” (34, 30b). He questioned those who thought they had wisdom and helped them to see that what they were looking for in life was not the way to true wisdom and satisfaction.

This statement made by Socrates about the unexamined life not being worth living makes sense from one point of view, but it is untrue if taken from the point of view of someone who is oblivious to this kind of wisdom and lacks the motivation to look for it. It is the same principle as saying ignorance is bliss. People can lead very happy lives, however simple, even without asking the questions that people like Socrates dare to ask. When it comes to those who do have an intrinsic desire to understand and have that passion about true wisdom like Socrates, however, to not pursue that desire would be very unfulfilling. So from Socrates’ point of view, the statement makes perfect sense and should be true for those who have that curiosity, but from the point of view of many others, it simply does not apply. There could be an argument that a life lived by one who is oblivious to true wisdom is still leading a worthless life, but only from the point of view of someone looking in from the outside. To the person living it, his life has all the meaning in the world. It just depends on which point of view is taken. This statement is so bold that it is impossible for everyone to agree with it. I think that Socrates is thinking purely from the point of view of someone who has this knowledge, and not considering the possibilities of one who does not bother with curiosity.

Essay 4: The Clash Between “Just” and “Right”

Socrates makes a couple of very strong arguments in the dialogues of the Apology and the Crito. In the Apology, he states that if he were to be let free, he would still continue to live the lifestyle he was living. He believes with all his heart that what he is doing by asking questions and seeking answers and true wisdom is the righteous way to live. It was given to him by God and he is simply fulfilling his duty. Socrates argues that he must do what is right and if this meant going against the law, then he would certainly have to do so, for what is commanded by God is more important than what is commanded by the state, or the laws. Nothing should come before what is right, and Socrates believes that this overrides what the people who govern say is just.

Later in the Crito, Socrates is met by Crito who suggests that he run away and escape. In this dialogue, Socrates argues that it would indeed be wrong for him to break the law, even if his conviction was not just. In this situation, the law comes before anything else. He is saying that if he were to run away, he would be living as a poor example of what he believed and that he would rather face his death than live a life in which he was a coward, or at least where he would be labeled as a coward. Crito suggests several reasons why it should be right for Socrates to escape. He mentions his own reputation, and the fact that he would be forever looked down upon as someone who valued money more than he valued his friends. He also brought up the fact that he believes those who are accusing him and putting him to death are in fact his enemies. He should do what he can to keep from benefiting them, and so should escape to defy them. Finally Crito tells Socrates that he is careless for refusing because he is abandoning his own sons. His sons are the ones who should convince him to stay, because they need a father figure in their lives to bring them up properly. Socrates listens to each of these reasons for escaping intently, but in the end, still refuses to run away. He argues that to break the law is not right, no matter how unjust the law seems to be.

So, in the Apology, we have an argument that tells us we should do what we know is right and at all costs. This means that since Socrates believed his way of life was commanded by God, he should follow that path no matter what. On the other hand, we have an argument in the Crito that tells us that to break the laws, even if they seem to be unjust would be wrong. He backs up these arguments in their own situation. In the first instance we have the reasoning that righteousness in leading the way of life ordained to him by god overrides everything else, and in the second situation, it is wrong to go against your government even if the conviction is unjust.

After reading through and observing each of these situations and examining the words of Socrates in both instances, it is conclusive that they are inconsistent with each other. In the Apology, Socrates speaks of the evils in politics and the corruption. He states, “Do you think I would have survived all these years if I were engaged in public affairs and, acting as a good man must, came to the help of justice and considered this the most important thing? Far from it, men of Athens, nor would any other man” (37, 32e). As Socrates makes points about the justice system being corrupt, he defends the fact that what he is doing with his life is simply what was commanded of him by God. He refuses to live his life any other way, even if it meant giving up his life. Later in the Crito, Socrates makes arguments saying that it would be wrong for him to leave and escape death because he would be going against the law. He also makes it clear that his values and principles have not changed. He says that he still holds true to the things that he has said in the past and defends those values the same now as he did then. This is made clear when he states, “I cannot, now that this fate has come upon me, discard the arguments I used; they seem to me much the same. I value and respect the same principles as before…” (48, 46b).

An argument to saying these two claims are inconsistent may be to say that one simply undermines the other. In other words, Socrates only uses breaking the law hypothetically in thinking about what would happen if he were let free on the terms that he not speak as he does. The other situation in the Crito is more potent in the fact that what he is saying about following the law is actually right and just, and is in fact, the actual situation he is in. I believe the argument that they are simply inconsistent makes more sense, because they are two very extreme statements that boldly contradict each other. It does not seem correct to say that the government is secondary in one argument and then to say that the government is the core of justice and should be followed in another.

4 Key Reasons Many Enjoy Home Ownership!

Many Americans consider, owning a home, of their own, to be, one of the greatest dreams, satisfactions, and enjoyments, of life! There are a wide – variety, of options, in terms of how, and where, one lives/ resides, etc, including: renting; owning a cooperative apartment, a condominium, single – family home, and/ or, living in a multi – family, dwelling, one owns. Each of these, has certain benefits/ advantages, as well as disadvantages/ challenges, and there is no such thing, as, one – size – fits – all, when it comes to, determining, which a specific individual, would enjoy most, and be happiest, living in. This article, however, will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 of the key reasons, many enjoy, home ownership.

1. The American Dream: It has often been said, owning a home, of one’s own, is an essential component, of the so – called, American Dream! How often, has the pride of home ownership, been mentioned, as a major, motivating, inspiring scenario? Many, look forward, to owning their house, rather than renting, because, they can customize, it, to meet, their needs, goals, and personal perceptions, If, one chooses, wisely, determines his needs, requirements, and financial necessities/ challenges, etc, this becomes, an easier period, and adjustment!

2. Building asset value: Many renters, feel, they would prefer, building – up, asset value, rather than enriching their landlord, as they do, when they rent, instead of own! Since, for most Americans, the value of their house, represents their single – biggest, financial asset, doesn’t it make sense, to proceed, in terms of making this important decision, in a well – considered, introspective, objective manner?

3. Satisfaction/ personal pride, of ownership: Homeowners, usually, customize their house, to align with their personal identity, priorities, preferences, and what they like, need, and enjoy! Some enjoy this, because, it offers them, a degree of personal pride, and a sense of belonging! Shouldn’t, where, we live/ reside, be a reflection of one’s personality, and provide them with satisfaction, and happiness?

4. Ability to customize, to fit their personal needs: When, one rents, he can decorate, in terms of furniture, etc, but, are limited, in terms of any sort of customizing, to best, meet their personal needs, and requirements! When, you own, on the other hand, it offers you, the ability to customize it, to meet their personal needs/ requirements/ specifications, etc, in terms of, both, the look, and feeling, of the interior, and exterior. Also, when it’s your house, you can alter it, redecorate, expand, etc.

This article attempted to briefly mention, and discuss, 4 key reasons, some enjoy owning a house, of their own. Do you want to be a homeowner, and why?

5 Reasons Many Give For Wanting To Own A Home!

Although, individuals have specific, personal reasons, for wanting, to own, a house, of their own, after, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I have come to believe, there are, at least, five, common reasons and motivations, most have, for wanting to do so. Since, for most, their house’s value, represents, their single – biggest, financial asset, doesn’t it make sense, to know, as much as possible, and proceed, wisely, and proactively, during this period? With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 of these reasons, many state, are the key ones, in – terms of, why they hope, to own their home.

1. The American Dream – Pride of home ownership: For many, their concept of the American Dream, includes home ownership! Personally, emotionally, mentally, etc, it often, makes a difference, in many people’s lives! There is, something, referred to, as the pride of owning a home (home ownership), and while, difficult, to, pin – point, exactly, what this means, and represents, it seems, there is an internal feeling, which makes a difference, for the better!

2. Tax considerations: Although, in some regions/ areas of this country, the Tax Reform Law of 2017, significantly minimized this, there are still, some tax benefits, to home ownership. If, an individual’s financial numbers, indicate, he would benefit, from itemizing, instead of taking the Standard Deduction, the ability to deduct, mortgage interest, real estate taxes, etc (although, real estate taxes are capped at $10,000), make home ownership, even, more attractive. After, all, we cannot deduct, any part of rent!

3. Build – up equity: Historically, real estate has been able to keep – up, with, and/ or, out – perform, the cost – of – living. When we rent, all the dollars, go to the landlord, and we build no equity! On the other hand, when we own, over – time, there is often, a significant degree of equity, created!

4. The ability to customize/ personalize: Renters are limited, when it comes to, being able to customize, and/ or, personalize their housing. Owners, within local regulations, and limitations, become able to, personalize it, to their taste, needs, goals, priorities, and aspirations!

5. Sense of belonging: Few renters feel any true sense of belonging, because, they are, merely, occupying, someone else’s premises, and paying, rent, to do so! Their leases are, generally, one, or two years, as opposed to, owning, where we have a sense of permanent – enjoyment, and belonging!

Most of us, like the feeling of owning a home, of our own! Know the advantages and disadvantages, and determine, what’s best, for you!

Fun Woody Quotes From Toy Story

Sheriff Woody Pride is that pull string cowboy from the Disney Pixar children’s animated movie Toy Story that Andy holds dear to his heart. Woody is voiced by Tom Hanks throughout all of the animated feature films. Woody always has been Andy’s favorite toy. When Buzz Lightyear came along, Woody was worried that he would be longer be appreciated and treasured as Andy’s favourite toy, but that wasn’t the case at all. Andy loves both Buzz and Woody along with the rest of the toys residing in Andy’s bedroom, which proves an important lesson throughout the films.

In Toy Story 3 we see that Andy is now all grown up and off to go to college, but he still cares greatly about all of his treasured toys. Sheriff Woody has taken on the leadership role for the group of toys housed in Andy’s room and maintains a close friendship with each of them, including Jessie, Bullseye, Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog, Mr. Potato Head, Bo Peep and Buzz Lightyear.

The Toy Story films offer entertainment, adventure, fun and laughter to children and adults alike. The movies are well written and the characters are quick witted to offer lots of laughs throughout their adventures. Whether it’s Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, Buzz Lightyear or Woody, each of the toys throughout the stories provide value to the movie and offer many memorable scenes.

Buzz and Woody both equally offer plenty of entertainment value in their conversation and character. Both of them offer many occasions whereby they provide entertaining conversation and fun quotes to recall. Woody offers just that too, as a toy cowboy with a pull string. Whenever Woody’s pull string is pulled he says the following quotes that are from the 1950’s television show, Woody’s Roundup: “Reach for the sky!”, “You’re my favourite deputy!”, “Somebody’s poisoned the waterhole!”, “There’s a snake in my boot.” or “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us!”.

Each of the movies feature entertaining and funny dialogue and conversations between the toys as they embark on their adventures. Some of Sheriff Woody Pride’s most popular quotes from the Disney Pixar movie franchise are:

“Wait a minute, I just lit a rocket… Rockets explode!”

“What chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure?”

“The word I’m searching for, I can’t say, because there’s preschool toys present.”

Woody is a dependable cowboy, leader, companion and friend to Andy as he grows up and to all his toy friends. Woody, like Buzz Lightyear, brings much fun, laughter and entertainment to the Disney Pixar series of movies for young and old alike. He’s not alone however as all of the toys offer their own entertainment value and contribute to the story and enchantment of the films. The toys are back in town and we’re always eager to hear what hey have to say.

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Discover how I blend creativity and technical expertise to craft digital experiences that make a real difference. I am a web designer & developer helping businesses build better website experiences.By focusing on user-centered design, I ensure websites are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and accessible. My development expertise brings these designs to life, ensuring they are responsive, fast, and functional across all devices.With a deep understanding of SEO, I optimize every aspect of the web experience to improve visibility and drive targeted traffic. Together, these capabilities allow me to create compelling online environments that captivate audiences, enhance brand recognition, and foster business growth.

Freelance Web Designer | Web Design Hong Kong | WordPress HK