Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe’s Snapshot of Nigerian Colonization

Chinua Achebe is a multi award-winning Nigerian writer and one of the most important African authors of all time. He is also the most translated – which is saying something, considering that he writes in English specifically for the purpose of bridging language barriers. His three most widely read novels form a sort of trio that explores Nigerian history during British colonization. By focusing on traditional Igbo culture, the novels provide a very human backdrop for the immense social changes that took place.

Things Fall Apart gives us a peek into Igbo culture during the period leading up to the violent British takeover of southern Nigeria. In addition to portraying the gradual imperial encroachment, it also emphasizes the danger of hyper-masculinity in tribal cultures. Our not entirely lovable protagonist, Okonkwo, does everything in his power to avoid resembling his dad, who is lazy and in debt and spends waaay too much time playing flute. Okonkwo works hard, wrestles even harder, and makes sure to beat his wives every now and then for good measure.

Life gets a lot more complicated when Okonkwo must adopt a boy from a neighboring village and starts to get all kinds of horrible, emasculating, fatherly feelings for him in the years that follow. Nevertheless, when the tribe decides to kill the boy, Okonkwo opts for participating in the murder – so nobody thinks he’s a softie. Things go from bad to worse when Okonkwo makes a bit of a social faux pas and accidentally shoots someone at a funeral. During his seven-year exile, Christian missionaries make their move on the village, symbolically leaving him totally helpless and out of place upon returning to his own home.

The second novel in the series, No Longer at Ease, takes a more contemporary look at Nigerian society. On the brink of Nigerian independence – that is, about sixtyish years after Things Fall Apart – it portrays the corruption and instability stamped indelibly onto society by colonial structures. (You know, just in time for Nigeria to try and do its own thing.) The story follows the blossoming career of Obi Okonkwo, an idealistic young politician who promises himself never, ever, ever! to give in to the bribery and corruption endemic to his country.

We all know how much success literary figures have making negative promises to themselves, but in case you still have hope, throw in a younger brother in need of college tuition, a showy politician’s lifestyle, a loan, a break-in, a forbidden love (no, really – forbidden) with a shunned member of Igbo society, and an expensive/controversial medical procedure. The picture we’re left with is of a social structure that is not only completely at odds with the surrounding culture, but also unequipped to promote the good intentions of individuals.

Arrow of God, the third in Achebe’s series, is sort of an in-between-quel, depicting the decline of Igbo culture during the period between Things Fall Apart and No Longer at Ease. Set in the Umuaro region, the story chronicles an Igbo village that is led by priest Ezeulu. Umuaro and the neighboring region of Okperi, led by a wealthy upstart named Nwaka, are on the brink of a war that the colonial British government has kept on ice for five years. While Ezeulu and his people worship the god Ulu, Nwaka supports a lesser god, Idemili – probably just to piss Ezeulu off.

War or no, these five years of resentment have had a devastating effect on the community. People within Umuaro stop trusting each other and, worse yet, Ezeulu and Nwaka’s respective followers begin poisoning one another. In themeantime, Christian missionaries take advantage of the situation by offering an alternative to either side of the feud. Compound this with an unsolicited appointment to the local British government, religious resistance, an arrest, and some sacred yams gone horribly wrong, and you get front-row tickets to the fragmentation of tribal society under colonialism.

Premature Ejaculation, Solving the Problem – Part 7

In this article we look at ways to eliminate performance anxiety. This is necessary not only for the successful resolution of premature ejaculation but also to enhance enjoyment of all sexual experiences.

How many times have you read a heading like this in magazines or books? "Give your woman toe-curling, screaming orgasms every time. Just follow these simple steps." How many times have they delivered what they promised? The usual advice doled out in these articles is a series of "tricks" or techniques that promise you the perfect experience every time.

Let me save you a lot of money and frustration. The promise of perfect sex all the time, is impossible to achieve. Pursuing it will only lead to disappointment.

I am sure you understand that you will not always have a great game on the golf course or the tennis court. You may be disappointed with those days, but you will not get down on yourself and start questioning your masculinity and your worth as a human being. You have not been taught to believe that having a bad day at one of these activities makes you a failure. Unfortunately, you have been taught this about sex. In order to develop a sex life where both you and your partner can come away from every experience feeling good about it and feeling good about each other, you must re-educate yourself so that your expectations are realistic.

As I said earlier, the danger with holding on to this "normal" image of what it is to be a "real" man, is that, you are doomed to fail some of the time. The truth is, that even if you can live up to this ideal most of the time, there will still be times when your partner does not have a great experience, for reasons that have nothing to do with you (fatigue, stress, ill- health etc). So, you not only have to give up your longing to be a super-stud, but you have to understand that you are not totally responsible for your partner's satisfaction. Providing her with the kind of stimulation she lets you know she enjoys, is all you can do. The rest is up to her.

I have spent a lot of time talking about unrealistic goals that will doom you to failure and lead to your getting caught up in the destructive fear of failure cycle. Lets now look at developing a healthy, achievable goal.

If you continue to hold on to any goal, other than the one I am about to suggest, you are bound to fail some of the time. If you accept it you can't possibly fail. Pay attention now! This is probably the single most valuable piece of advice you are ever going to get to ensure that you thoroughly enjoy sex for the rest of your life. Please do not just gloss over this.


The last six words are the most important. They mean that regardless of whether the experience ends up with intercourse and orgasm for one or both partners, or an orgasm with intercourse for one partner, and for the other with manual or oral, or self-stimulation, or with the help of a vibrator . Or it may mean an orgasm for one partner but not the other. As long as you both agree about a satisfactory end point, you can't fail.

The only way to make sure that one of these options is satisfactory and acceptable to your partner is to be able to discuss it with them. To let them know, in the moment, what is going on for you and to find out what is going on for them. Then you can decide on how to finish the experience so that you are both OK with it.

You do not have to pretend that it was an ideal experience if it was not. You can acknowledge that it was as good as it could be under the circumstances. In that way you can both feel good about it and look forward to the next time, which will hopefully (but not necessarily) be closer to what you want ideally. We all have our preferences and I am not suggesting that you alter them or pretend they don't exist or give up on working towards them. You know how you would like things to work out ideally. When you understand that it will not always end up that way, for a multitude of reasons, and when both partners are willing to accept that fact, then you can decide how to finish any experience in a way that is satisfactory for both of you.

And you will never suffer from performance anxiety.

How Positive Affirmations Are The Secret To Unlocking Your Future

Positive affirmations are encouraging thoughts about oneself being put into statements, hence a positive attitude. In order to put these affirmations into everyday life, one must acknowledge what they want. Repetition makes them absorbed into the subconscious mind for later use. Such affirmations can be used together with subliminal technology for a more profound effect. In fact the best ways to pass these affirmations into the subconscious mind would be to invest in the best forms of subliminal technology.

Gives One A Positive Attitude

Making routine positive encouraging statements ensures a strong mind at all times. In any kind of situation, the impression created in the mind is that it is possible. Having this positive attitude will certainly make goals achievable and keep stress at bay. Positive declarations lead to a positive way of thinking and attract positive thinking. Sometimes when it is hard to do that, one should invest in subliminal technology like DVDs, tapes and others.

Make Goals Attainable

Having affirmations that are positive is a great key to achieving goals. Most successful people have accomplished what seemed impossible by believing in themselves and actually affirming the beliefs. They make it possible by making everything to have the "I can" outlook. From waking up until end of the day, it is important to repeat the positive words in each challenge. Putting up posters with positive information in one's house, phone updates that helps drive the message home. The messages are stored in the subconscious mind that contributes so much to our activities.

Increases Confidence And Self Value

Making positive declarations, working on your goals and achieving them boost your confidence. The impression that everything is possible becomes alive and pursuing other goals follows. Physical appearance has always been an issue due to the media pictures on the perfect body image. Choosing to appreciate each part of the body everyday and every time acts like magic. Gradually, low self esteem is converted into confidence and value of one's body. This further leads to proper appreciation of the body, mind and surrounding. With this confidence, nothing will be impossible.

Provides A Barrier To Hardships

Whether having a stressful job, incurable diseases, conflicts in the family encouraging messages to the latter ensures easy conquering of challenges. For instance, a patient who has cancer can either break into depression or stress if hope is lacking. Positive affirmations are the hopeful messages that believe that things will be better in the long-run. The positive messages stored in the mind become useful through positive attitudes, hope and positive actions.

Success In Relations

No one wants to be around pessimistic people. Positive declarations make someone happy and enthusiastic in daily activities. Many people are likely to get attracted to you because of your positive attitude. Making friends will seem easy since one will tend to appreciate others and encourage them. Believing in oneself is the key to having good relations with colleagues and partners. Looking for a future spouse when poor, but with a lot of confidence is likely to score more points than when wealthy, but with low self esteem.

Making positive affirmations is the key to unlocking your future. Give back to the society in terms of positive messages or donations shows one's positive attitude in life and people. Because you need to make more changes in your attitude, you need to invest in subliminal technology so that your subconscious mind can absorb more positive messages.

Film Review Of ‘Once Upon A Time In Anatolia’

‘Once Upon A Time In Anatolia’ by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, is a Turkish film of deep meanings where dialogues reveal as much as they conceal. Indeed this is as much true of the plot which is about a murder in rural Anatolia. It very well might have been an actual incident as it has all the hallmarks of realism.

However as substantial as the plot is the background and the interplay between characters involved in investigating the murder which forms the focus and context of this film. The character cast is restricted involving as it does primarily the police, a public prosecutor, a prisoner and a doctor accompanying them in trying to find out the actual place of occurrence of the murder which forms the opening scene of the film.

This doctor is mercurial and we suspect he is also disturbed. He however shows an empathy towards the alleged perpetrator of the murder accompanying him and the police in attempting to locate the victim’s corpse; an empathy which is totally lacking from the police who are brusque and intimidatory.

Apart from this there are certain other interesting perspectives which come out in the film such as that “behind every problem is a woman” which chimes interestingly with a comment by somebody I know who said recently that “women represent bad news.” In that context the doctor narrates to a public prosecutor in a dialogue that a woman predicted the day of her death exactly in advance. All this is not to be of course taken out of context to indicate I’m gender biased but helps in putting ‘Once Upon A Time In Anatolia’ in a certain context. In this regard its main focus is on violence and masculinity, where women are placed in ambiguous positions as they are both primary as well as secondary to the plot.

The particular dialogue and the doctor are relevant as apparently he covers up certain facts of the murder victim’s autopsy and we are left wondering why or if indeed if he has some involvement in the actual offence. This is all the more relevant as its revealed that the alleged perpetrator is covering up for somebody else and naturally this is quite curious.

Apart from all this, in the context of the murder a perspective is given of Turkey beyond the gloss of its urban centres; a facet which a casual visitor to that country or foreigners residing there may not normally come across. At the same time this is a visual production which deviates from mainstream cinematic traditions with added authenticity as the dialogues are in Turkish with English subtitles; naturally therefore knowing Turkish would enhance a potential viewer’s appreciation of this film considering that the duration of the film is close to two and a half hours.

The leading figures in this drama include Nusret (Taner Birsel), commissar Naci (Yilmax Erdogan) and Dr. Cemal (Muhammet Uzuner) together with a prisoner, Kenan (Firat Tanis). This film won a Grand Prix award for its producer. Apart from that as the Guardian has noted its one of those films where nothing seems to be happening but everything is, which is no mean achievement. There are of course many more details to this production than described here but then the idea is not to reveal everything; as is the case with the film itself,

Rumba Dance History – The Dance of Love

The Rumba Dance is one of the oldest Latin American dances. It is a popular ballroom dance in the United States and in other countries as well. But where did the dance originate? And how did it all began? Rumba is believed to be invented by Black African slaves who were imported to Cuba, some Caribbean Islands and Latin America. This same dynamic dance can still be seen in parts of Africa, but the Rumba we now see in the United States has been changed, modified by influence of other races and/or cultures. They say the modern Rumba Dance is a combination of different dances which includes the Cuban “Son” (a slower version of the traditional rumba), guaracha, the rural rumba, and bolero.

The word Rumba was originally a generic name used to classify a music style instead of a dance style. At present, there are three distinct types of Rumba practiced in Cuba, with the steps mainly danced as solo or freestyle. The first is called “Guaguanco,” which depicts a seduction between a man and a woman where he tries to “attack” her to get her. The second is called the “Yambu.” In this type a flirty woman dances with a man who cannot “attack” her or get her. The last is called “Columbia”. This is the more polite type and can be compared to the customary rooster and hen dance. It is like a courtship dance where the male struts his masculinity around the female.

The American Rumba is an altered version of the “Son.” It is now known as the “Latin-Ballroom” couple’s dance and is properly labelled the “Dance of Romance.”

A lot of the sensual movements of the modern Rumba Dance or Ballroom Rumba developed from the original Cuban dancers doing daily tasks such as “climbing a rope,” shoeing a mare,” or the “courtship of farmyard fowls.” The costumes that the performers traditionally wore represent symbolism. Like the woman’s ruffled train of skirt which signifies a hen’s feathers. And the man’s ruffled neckline or chest and/ or shirt sleeves signifies a cock’s hackle feathers. Now, the modern Latin costumes are more like lingerie. The Ballroom Rumba is a pleasant dance for dancers to demonstrate their technique, skill and ability, which also shows a polite sensuousness or romantic flair on the dance floor. While the Cuban Rumba is more like a rhythmic street dance which can give the impression to be a cool, yet frenzied and at times the dancers could wild abandon with the technique, rather than a popularized pretty dance form.

When Straight Guys Go Gay

Heard stories about straight guys go gay and want to convert one you are after now? If you have been afflicted with the straight guy craze, you definitely need basic information on how the mind of straights work, especially about his gay perspective.

Truth is, you cannot convert anyone into being gay, even if the straight guy has already had sex with you, that is no guarantee that he is going to switch teams. However, those stories about straight guys going gay are not entirely false. It only means that the guy is not even straight to begin with – only a straight acting one trying to stifle his urges towards the opposite sex.

But if you really are after a straight and desire for some skin to skin action, it does not mean that you cannot get it, because you can. It is a fact that there is no such thing as 100% masculinity and the key to getting a straight guy go gay, or at least act upon his sexual fantasies with another male is to convince him that having sex with a man does not make you gay.

Feed his mind that acting out all your sexual pleasures is something men do because it displays their superiority. Imagine having another of your specie submit to you and giving in to your sexual whims – that makes you the ultimate alpha male. There are many ways on how to conduct this mental handling and it all starts with sex talk – lots of it to make him game for anything.

How Community Volunteering Can Give You a Sense of Joy, Happiness and Fulfillment

Volunteers attribute various reasons for being a volunteer but quite often the vast majority will say that community volunteering provides them the opportunity to give back to the community for all the benefits the community had given them.

There are many good citizens who would love to make financial contributions to worthy causes but unfortunately their financial situation does not permit them to do so. The best possible alternative is to become volunteers and give the community their time and expertise. Whether you donate your time or money, giving back is considered to be beneficial not only to the recipients but to the volunteers themselves as the old saying goes – "It's better to give rather than receive".

There are many who volunteer because they do not have a job or had lost their job and are in the process of looking for a job. If you are considering a new career, volunteering is a smart way to gain experience in your area of ​​interest and also meet people connected to your field of activity.

Volunteering provides people the opportunity to put their skills to good use while at the same time learn new skills. It gives them the great feeling that they are not idling but contributing in some way towards the development of the community by sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Many people on retirement find the sudden change in lifestyle, boring, monotonous and depressing unless they had planned well in advance to meet these challenges. They miss their office mates, friends and the opportunity to meet people. As a volunteer they get the opportunity to meet people, make new friends and above all to get that great feeling that society needs them, appreciates and values ​​their services.

Quite a few take to volunteering or make large donations to charity because of their own personal experience of caring for someone near and dear to them. After being witness to people suffering with incurable deceases many people volunteer to contribute their mite in some form or the other to serve their community.

There are and numerous reasons why people want to volunteer and give of themselves. Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore what really interests you and what you are passionate about. Volunteering opportunities that match your interests will often be fulfilling and satisfying.

"Volunteering can be an exciting, growing, enjoyable experience. It is truly gratifying to serve a cause, practice one's ideals, work with people, solve problems, see benefits, and know one had a hand in them." Harriet Naylor.

Ultimately what inspires and motivates most people to volunteer is that tiny spark of love and kindness that glows within their hearts to help and serve those in need irrespective of class, color or creed. By doing this with loving kindness they derive a sense of joy and happiness

Critical Thinking: Are Young Men Being Conditioned To Hate Themselves?

For quite some time now, it has been said that there are plenty young men that are suffering from motivational problems. Unlike a lot of young women, these young men don't have a lot of drive.

But, as so much attention had been placed on young girls, this is an issue that has largely been ignored. What undoubtedly plays a part in this is the fact that, in general, females are seen as being oppressed and held back by the 'patriarchy', which is why so much energy and attention is directed towards young girls.


And, regardless of whether this is actually true or not, it has meant that a lot of young men are being overlooked when it comes to support and guidance. It's as though young men can sort themselves out and don't need any kind of support or guidance.

Yet, even though this can appear to be the case, it is clear that young men need support and guidance just as young women do. So, bearing in mind how many young men not in a good way, it is pretty obvious that a lot needs to be done to get them back on track.

A Big Problem

One of the main reasons why so many young men are lost is surely due to the lack of male role models in society. Let's say that a young man is at college / universality, what he could find is that most of his tutors are women.

Along with this, his father might not be around, and, even if he is, he might not be emotionally available. Perhaps there another male figure there to fill in the gap or maybe there are no other male figures around.

Looking Outwards

If he was to look beyond his family and his university / college for guidance, he may look towards the world of entertainment. He could then come across a lot of men who come across as totally incapable and men who come across as though they don't have emotions.

Both of these types of men are not going to be good role models, but this could be as good as it gets for him. Thanks to the conditioning that he has received at home and during his time in the education system, he is unlikely to have a good view of himself.

Behind Closed Doors

If his father is not around, there is the chance that his mother has spent a lot of time criticizing his father. This may then have set him to set him up to believe that men are basically worthless.

Even though he would have most likely played no part in the reason why his father left, deep down, he can believe that it's because he is worthless. Based on this, if he had value, his father would still be around.

A Natural Consequence

Through feeling as though he is a deeply flawed human being, it is not going to be a surprise for him to spend a lot of time feeling depressed, and even to withdraw from the real world and into the world of virtual reality. Being in this state is not going to supply him with much motivation, that's for sure.

It can be normal for him to be passive and to act as though his life has no purpose. He won't value himself, so he is unlikely to value his time or believe that he will be able to contribute anything of value to the world.

The Drip-Feed Approach

What he may have learnt, during his time in the education system, is that masculinity is a problem. Perhaps he has had classes that talk about 'toxic masculinity' and how oppressive men are.

This is then going to be another environment where he will receive negative messages about males and men in particular. And, if men are only causing problems in the world, why the hell would be won't to grow into one?

Another Source

It doesn't stop there, though, as he will also have to deal with the hate that a number of mainstream media organizations direct towards men. Men are often painted in a negative light, while women are often painted in a positive light.

The misandry that a number of these organizations embody can then play a part in why a young would end up forming a negative view of himself. Even the American Psychological Association (APA) has been infected by the 'men are bad' ideology.

A Total Shambles

This organization is supposed to exist to assist people with their mental and emotional challenges, not to indoctrinate them. According to these experts, 'traditional masculinity' is now a problem.

Thus, even if a young man has a father around who does offer him guidance, he will still have to deal with messages that say that masculine traits are a problem and men are bad. Indentifying with women and displaying feminine traits can then be seen as the best way for him to survive in the modern day world.


Taking all these factors into account, it could be said that it is a minefield for a young man nowadays. If a young man has an emotional available father around, or someone similar, it will make it easier for him to handle this rocky terrain, but it still won't be a walk in the park.

Fortunately, if a young man is starved of support guidance, he can find plenty of information online that will assist him. There are books, articles and videos that will provide him with some of the support and guidance that is not being provided by anyone in the real world.

The Truth About Man Boobs, And What You Can Do About Them

Man boobs can derail a man's confidence and shatter his self esteem. A little bit of chest fat might be easy to ignore at first, and easily put down to poor diet or a lack of exercise, but concentrated "man boob fat" on your chest, that just won't go away, is a whole new ball game. I'm sure you realize that this is an important issue. The good news is that it is not a life threatening or even dangerous condition.

Man boobs are just embarrassing, uncomfortable, restrictive, and demoralizing … and what man has time for that sort of nonsense in their life! The medical name for Man boobs is GYNECOMASTIA. Gynecomastia is defined as a condition amongst men which is characterized by an unusual size of a man's chest. Gynecomastia hits a mans ego, masculinity and confidence. Gynecomastia may appear at an early stage of a man's life, and can go away on its own. Unfortunately, it is a completely different scenario for full grown men. It takes more effort to cope with the condition and may involve a long wait for the situation to improve. There are three major causes of man Boobs: obesity, prescribed drugs and addiction to unhealthy substances.

What can be done to reduce man boobs?

o Watch your weight gain. It is healthy to be fit. Therefore, keeping a healthy and active lifestyle through a well balanced diet and ample amount of exercise will not only save you from the embarrassment of developing an unmanly chest, but will also save you from developing all other sorts of unfavorable health condition.

o Find the difference between being an occasional drinker and a habitual drinker. It is never healthy to have regular intake of alcohol. Remember, that occasional drinkers have lesser chances of developing man boobs and other health problems as compared to those who drink habitually. This gives the first more time to enjoy their lives sans the risk of getting a bigger breast.

o Up your knowledge on any medications you are taking a notch higher. It always helps to be familiar with what you take in. Most medication will have side effects and it might include the growth of your breasts. Go the extra mile and check your cabinet every now and then, research about the meds you take in regularly and consult a doctor if deemed necessary. Most importantly, keep a positive attitude towards your health. Man boobs should not keep you from staying happy and productive. No matter what happens, make sure to always look at the brighter side of things.

How to Give Your Wife Orgasm? (Better Orgasm Techniques) – Enjoy Voluptuous Sex

We are biologically designed to feel intimacy, lust, attraction and sexual anticipation. In early stages of relationship, we feel the magic of all these things and enjoy voluptuous sex with our wives. We give our wives orgasms and become desirable men.

I recently read that women decide to end the relationship only because of lack of attraction, lust and sex. Actually, it is quite right because most of the men only focus on providing orgasms instead of creating sexual attraction and lust. They keep their attention on the genital areas of their wives and turn themselves into vibrators. That’s why; they fail in keeping the sexual attraction and lust alive in their relationships.

Sexual Masculinity of warriors:

If you want to give your wife better orgasm then you should learn something from the warriors of history. They were rebel and extremely masculine. They made women wet with their extreme attraction and kept the sexual intimacy alive. Women not only worshiped their sexual masculinity but also followed them entire life.

So, you must create sexual attraction and intimacy in your relationship for giving better orgasms to your wife. It is entirely possible to create these things in your long-term relationship again. Better orgasms can never be achieved without sexual attraction and sexual intimacy.


Most of the time, a woman leaves a man only because of lack of sexual attraction. In fact, she will never enjoy voluptuous sex if there is no sexual attraction. In long-term relationship, a wife often feels lack of attraction and ignores the pleasure of sex with her husband.

You must train yourself for creating sexual attraction. It is only about you because your wife expects from you a lot. She expects you to be the desirable man and make other women yearn for you. She will be the happiest woman on the planet when you will project yourself as a desirable man. That’s why; superstars always make women drool over them.

If you want to create sexual attraction then you have to increase your status. A lover with high status is always greater than a lover with low status. You will also love to have blow jobs from a queen instead of a nerd girl. Similarly, your wife wants to see you on the high status. She desires to be loved and ravished by a high status man. When you turn yourself into a high status man, you not only create sexual attraction but also give your wife better orgasm during love making sessions.

Now, how to be a man with high status? There are many things which you need to dominate. For example, use dominant body language, attaché case and suit. These things immediately increase your status in front of women. Maintain a strong posture and never fidget. You have to be the best dressed man in the room with strong posture. That’s what makes you irresistible and a man with high status. When you do these things, you automatically create sexual attraction and make your wife/woman follow you.


According to experts, rebels are the best intimacy creators. They intensify the sexual intimacy in their relationship and keep their wives on toes. Superstars, wrestlers and vampires are always desirable to women because they mostly present themselves like a rebel. They break the boundaries and keep the sexual intimacy alive in their presence.

A rebel man always lets his woman shine in front of the world. He never underestimates the sexuality of his wife. He makes his wife proud of her sexuality. When his wife feels proud of her sexuality, she tries her best to keep her man under her sexual charm. So, let your wife enjoy the freedom of her sexuality under your authority. This will not only turn your wife into a sexual lady but also increase the sexual intimacy in your relationship.

You should force her to wear new lingerie, colorful dresses, high heels, hats and bikinis. In addition, keep her fitness in check and tell her to join fitness club. These things not only make her feel sexual but also intensify lust and intimacy in the relationship. As I said before, you can never give your wife better orgasm without sexual intimacy. When you will give her freedom, she will stay under your authority and try her best to keep you happy as much as she can.


According to experts, you can make your woman worship you with only one great voluptuous sex session. You only need to provide better orgasms while arousing all of her senses. In order to give your wife better orgasms, it is essential to activate all the senses. You can ignite the sexual passion in your wife by activating all of her senses.

There are many techniques that can activate all of her senses. For example, Use the power of your breath and send sexual sensations inside her body. Your slow breathing near her erotic spots arouses her instantly. Take slow breaths near her ears because her ears are highly sensitive. When you breathe near her ear, she feels sexual anticipation. In addition, you can also delay your ejaculation by breathing deeply and slowly. Your slow and deep breaths will make you last longer and give your wife better orgasms.

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