Brian Kopp’s 1-70 Alliance Leveling Guide

Brian Kopp’s 1-70 Alliance Leveling Guide is one of the best guides for horde players available on the market today. Created by a professional player who has been playing wow since the beginning, the guide contains the best leveling strategies and techniques that will help you to level up your alliance character as fast as possible. Let’s talk more about this guide and it’s main features.

While many other similar guides contain information only about grinding, Brian Kopp’s Guide is all about questing because it is the fastest way to get to level 70. You know, I have tried grinding and questing as well. As for me, both of these methods are efficient but grinding is very boring. That’s why I prefer questing. In the guide Brian focuses on the quests that give you the most XP. He tells you what to do, where to go etc. You should only follow his instructions and coordinates. Let’s talk more about coordinated because this is one of the best features of the guide. It includes interactive coordinates (map mod) so ou won’t have to ALT+TAB out anymore. Every coordinate is inside your game. The guide also includes many other mods which allow you to control your leveling process and see how quickly you are leveling up.

To sum up, I would like to say that I have been playing wow for a long time. But it took me over a month to get to level 70. But with Brian Kopp’s 1-70 Alliance Leveling Guide I can get to level 70 in a week simply by following the step-by-step instructions. So, if you want to discover the secrets which pro players don’t want you to know and shock your friends by getting to level 70 in under a week, Brian Kopp’s Guide is what you need.

The 5 Best Business Books To Put More Wonga In Your Wallet

You’ve heard the saying, “You have to kiss a hundred frogs before you find your prince/princess,” right?

Well you’ll find exactly the same applies to reading books.

Especially business books.

I’ve read countless ones that offered about as much value as a copper penny in an Arab prince’s wallet.

But there have also been books that have genuinely transformed my business, and therefore my life.

Luckily for you, my friend, you won’t need to waste hours and hours reading rubbish, because I’m gonna put on my best chef hat and serve you on a plate, the top 5 books that have helped level up my business.

And, providing you apply what you learn, they’ll do the same for you.

1. The 10X Rule (Grant Cardone)

This book will completely change your mindset when it comes to HOW you run your business, as well as the goals you set yourself in both your professional and personal life.

2. Words That Sell (Richard Bayan)

Struggling to come up with words and phrases that trigger your prospects emotions?

Can’t think of different words and phrases that make people desperate to take out their credit cards and BUY from you, right there and then?

Then “Words That Sell” is just the book you’re looking for.

It’s the ultimate copywriting “thesaurus”.

3. Copywriter’s Crib Sheet (Ben Settle)

Ben’s one of my biggest inspiration’s when it comes to writing copy.

I love the way how he doesn’t over-complicate things (like most of the egg-sperts do) and makes it easy for you to implement his teachings.

4. The Boron Letters (Gary Halbert)

Gary’s a copywriting LEGEND.

If you’ve never heard of him, he should be the first guy you study.

He’s unfortunately passed away now, but his legacy well and truly lives on… especially in “The Boron Letters”.

5. The 4 Hour Work Week (Tim Ferriss)

This book will seriously make you FAR more productive. It’ll also show you how to set up a business that you can operate from anywhere in the world.

So there you have it.

Read these books and you’ll become a better marketer instantly.

Wow Horde Leveling Guide-Good-Bad Or Just Plain Ugly?

There is one thing for sure, whenever there is a game released such as World of Warcraft that requires a lot of brain work there will always be a good WoW horde leveling guide to help you along.

In this article I will tell you about World of Warcraft and the best horde leveling guides, and what they are all about!

The best thing about WoW Horde Leveling guides and also the cleverest is someone has been through the game as a horde character and done all the guess work all you need to do is follow the horde leveling guide word for word and you will soon find you will level up faster!

Some if the best Wow horde leveling guides are able to tell you how to completely finish the game and get all the way up to level 60 in just 2 weeks. Some people think this is impossible but I have read some of the best Wow horde leveling guides out there, and believe me that time scale is not to far of the mark.

You will also want to find a Wow horde leveling guide that is set out so it is easy to follow, for instance some of the best horde leveling guides are lettered A through to Z and you just follow the steps!

I think these Wow horde guides are the best ones and if you just follow the steps within them it will make you a god of World of Warcraft (and level up fast too!)

Another good aspect to look for in a Wow horde leveling guide is one that tells you how to get fast and cheap gold as in the later levels of the game having enough gold becomes a must.

So there you have it! All you need to do is find a good Wow horde leveling guide and you are away! Some if the best Wow horde leveling guides have even gone a little bit further and added to an already complex story.

For instance did you know that Zhul, the king of Scourge was actually a demon and was killed in the wars of Draenor before he returned to rule the land of the undead?

Much of the Wow Horde Leveling guides also have links to communities and forums so you can interact with people working there way through the same guide. This can be beneficial because if you miss something or get stuck there is always someone on hand to help you.

You will also want to look for a Wow Horde leveling guide that gives you additional updates for the burning crusade as the expansion pack of World of Warcraft is to be released soon.

Some of the forums linked to these horde leveling guides give you the option to submit your own guide, so if you find out a secret or quick way to get past a certain quest you can let everyone know!

Trust me, once you get a good Wow horde leveling guide, it won’t be long before you are picking World of Warcraft back up, putting the disk in your drive and investing a lot of time into this awesome game!

With all this in mind I would say to anyone struggling as a horde character in world of warcraft to seek out a good WoW horde leveling guide and give the game another chance.

You will be level 60 in no time, trust me!

Bottom Up Multi Level Marketing Structures That Work

Feeding a Multi Level Marketing business is incredibly difficult in today’s world. There are many factors that stand in the way of creating a highly profitable home based business with the network marketing model. Traditionally people have faced the fear that the look of a typical multi-level marketing business is very pyramid like. I have always been able to see how network marketing is not a pyramid business. The results vary based on the individuals. People are the factor that add to the success or failure of an online business.

There is a change that needs to occur in the mentality of the person trying to build their network. People that go out only looking for the profit will soon find that they are broke. We are in a society that demands value. People are not likely do drop a lot of money into a home based business unless they know they are going to make money back. How do we do this as multi-level marketers when traditionally the bottom 60 percent of people in an MLM don’t make any money?

The answer lies in the question. With many newer multi-level marketing businesses there are team bonuses, and match bonuses. These are incentives to the leaders to ensure that their bottom people are starting to see money. This is accomplished by the leaders getting down to their bottom line and finding out what they need to ensure success. People want to succeed in MLM, but most people do not know how to recruit! The upline people’s job is to help these people get their first sign ups, and then that puts the people on a positive path. With team bonuses and match bonuses it is important to ensure the success of people further down.

Network Marketers that work in this fashion find two things. First they find that they gain more team building bonuses. Second they will find that these people nearer the bottom start to make some money and want to learn how to help the people below them!

When you take the time to help someone succeed, you will find that they will want to repay that favor. This is where the expert network marketer can shine. Passing on how to properly invite people, and teaching them how to talk to the people after and get them to sign up will go much further than just constantly recruiting more people.

In the end, taking the time to help, and to nurture your bottom line people will pay off huge dividends. People that are coached and rewarded for small successes will learn more and soon your level of success will surpass your wildest dreams!

Halo 4 Spartan Ops, Simple Tips for Beating Spartan Ops on Legendary

Spartan Ops vs. Campaign

Spartan Ops is a continuation of the Halo 4 campaign, taking place roughly 6 months after the end of the story. Similar to the campaign, you and up to 3 teammates fight against Covenant and Promethean enemies in order to complete objectives and progress the story. However, unlike in the campaign, you play as your Spartan IV character and gain XP, allowing you to level up. Therefore, Spartan Ops is very similar to Firefight from previous Halo games, and it is often considered a replacement.

Although Spartan Ops is very similar to the campaign, there are some key differences that you should keep in mind when playing. The major differences are as follows:

1. You are able to use your Spartan IV load outs, which means that you can develop your own loadout to match you play style. These are the same loadouts that you use in War Games.

2. When you die, the game does not revert to the last checkpoint; rather, you respawn at a far corner of the map. When you respawn, the game is not changed in any way (just like in War Games), meaning that all of the enemies that you killed in your previous life will remain dead. You are unable to choose your spawn point, so you often spawn in a poor location.

3. Especially in the later missions, you will encounter much larger groups of enemies than you do in the campaign. It is quite common to encounter multiple Promethean Commanders in the same room, or to find over 20 Grunts in a group.

4. In general, enemies are much more aggressive in Spartan Ops. In the campaign, enemies usually fire at you from a distance or slowly advance towards you in small groups. In Spartan Ops, large groups of up to 10 elites may rush your position at one time, which can be very overwhelming.

5. You gain XP points from playing Spartan Ops and you progress Spartan Ops commendations. This means that you can level up your Spartan IV, allowing you to unlock new weapons and items for both Spartan Ops and War Games.

6. Spartan Ops missions are shorter than campaign missions. In general, the early missions take around 10-15 minutes, and the later ones take around 20-25 minutes. There are a total of 50 Spartan Ops missions, making it much longer than the campaign.


Because you can choose your own loadout in Spartan Ops, it is very important that you take full advantage of this and develop the best possible loadout for multiple situations. I strongly suggest that you make two loadouts that you use solely for Spartan Ops: one for fighting Prometheans and one for fighting Covenant. When you first start playing, you will have very few weapons and items available. Once you play a few games on Spartan Ops or War Games, you will level up your Spartan IV and unlock new equipment. I suggest that you create the following loadouts as soon as you unlock all of the required equipment (you will have most of these items available before level 10):

Covenant Loadout:

– Primary Weapon: Carbine

– Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol

– Grenade: Plasma Grenade

– Armor Ability: Promethean Visions

– Perk 1: Armor Ability Regeneration

– Perk 2: Extra Ammunition

In my opinion, this loadout is the best possible loadout for fighting Covenant enemies. However, feel free to customize it to your own personal play style. The Carbine is the fastest firing headshot weapon and has the largest magazine, so you can use it to easily kill Grunts and Jackals with headshots. You can overcharge the Plasma Pistol to stun and jack vehicles and also to remove Elite’s shields, allowing you to then kill them with a Carbine headshot. Promethean Vision is especially useful in Spartan Ops because it will help you get headshots and see enemies before they can see you. It will also provide you with early warning when the enemies charging you. Plasma Grenades are the best grenades for Spartan Ops because they deal the most damage and stick to their target. This is especially useful if you play on Legendary. For Perk 2, it is very important that you choose extra ammunition so that you do not need to scavenge for new weapons. This perk gives you more Plasma Pistol energy as well. It is not very important what you choose for Perk 1, but I personally prefer Armor Ability Regeneration.

Promethean Loadout:

– Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle

– Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol

– Grenade: Plasma Grenade

– Armor Ability: Promethean Visions

– Perk 1: Armor Ability Regeneration

– Perk 2: Extra ammunition

As you can see, I only change the primary weapon for the Promethean Loadout. It is important to use the Battle Rifle instead of the Carbine against Prometheans because it deals the highest damage of all of the headshot weapons. This makes it much easier to kill watchers, allowing you to kill them in only 3-5 shots on Legendary. Because the Battle Rifle fires 3-shot bursts, it is easier to get headshots with it, making it easier to hit the small heads of the Promethean Knights. With this loadout, you can kill Crawlers with Battle Rifle headshots, Watchers with 3-5 Battle Rifle shots, and Knight with an overcharged Plasma Pistol and a Battle Rifle headshot.

Tips and Strategies

1. Both the Battle Rifle and the Carbine are very accurate and have 2x scopes. Be sure to use this to your advantage by picking off light infantry from a distance with headshots instead of engaging them up close.

2. If you have any UNSC weapon (other than a Rocket Launcher or Spartan Laser) equipped, you will gain full ammo if you touch a UNSC crate. Therefore, keep your eyes open for UNSC crates if you are using the Promethean loadout, as you can use them to refill your Battle Rifle.

3. Keep an eye out for weapons on the map. Each mission is scattered with weapons crates filled with high powered weapons. Swap your Plasma Pistol for some type of rocket launcher or other high powered weapon when fighting Hunters, vehicles, or many Elites or Knights at once. You may also wish to swap your Plasma Pistol for a SAW when fighting Knights.

4. In outdoor maps, there are often available unoccupied vehicles. Although I suggest against using Ghosts or Mongooses, I highly suggest that you use available Mantises, Scorpions, or Wraiths. If you are playing Co-op with a friend, you can uses Warthogs as well.

5. If you do not already have a vehicle, consider jacking enemy Wraiths instead of destroying them. Kill all of the enemies around the Wraith and then EMP it with you Plasma Pistol. Enter the Wraith’s turret, and the driver will exit, allowing you to take control of the Wraith.

6. When fighting Knights up close, consider removing their shields with a Plasma Pistol and killing them with a Plasma Grenade. This is usually a lot easier than the Plasma Pistol and headshot method, as Knights have helmets and tiny heads. When fighting Covenant, save your Plasma Grenades for Hunters.

7. When fighting Hunters on foot, try searching for heavy weapons such as some type of rocket launcher or a Spartan Laser. If you cannot find any, weaken the Hunters with Plasma Grenades and finish them off with a shotgun or fully automatic rifle (such as the SAW, Assault Rifle, or Suppressor). Be sure to aim for their weak spots on their backs.

8. In some situations, you will need to seize an area filled with a large number of Elites or Knights. When doing so, do not rush in; you will be overwhelmed and will most likely die before you can kill any of them. Rather, pick off all of the light infantry from a distance with your headshot weapon, then slowly approach the area. When you see an Elite or Knight far away from his allies, take him out with a Plasma Pistol and headshot combination. Continue eliminating the stragglers around the area until a much more manageable number of enemies remains. Whenever possible, avoid engaging many Elites or Knights at once, because after you remove one enemy’s shield, he will retreat and the others will provide him with covering fire until his shields regenerate.

9. In certain missions, a large group of enemies (usually Elites) will charge towards you. Unlike in the campaign, they will not approach you one at a time; they will instead try to overrun your position by charging in a single wave. Take cover in a good choke point such as a doorway so that you can fight them one at a time. If you feel that you are going to be overrun, retreat back the way you came and try to hold them at another choke point. Repeat this process until only a few Elite’s remain.

10. There is no safe-spawn system in Spartan Ops. This means that you might respawn right next to a group of enemies. If this happens, the enemies will most likely not notice you until you shoot, so try sneaking away to a safe distance before you engage them.

11. Throughout Spartan Ops, Miller and Commander Palmer will often make it sound that you need to do something quickly. However, this is almost always a plot device; there is usually no time limit for completing an objective. The one exception to this is when you need to defend an objective that has a health bar. In these situations, you will lose if the objective dies, so be sure to protect it.

12. If you are having trouble with a mission, try playing it with friends. The levels do not get any harder with more people, and having more people to draw the enemies’ fire is always useful, no matter how bad they are.

Priest Leveling Guide – How to Level a Priest in World of Warcraft

Leveling a priest in World of Warcraft is pretty straight forward. Learn some tips to help you do it so much faster.

Leveling a priest in World of Warcraft is fairly straight forward. There are some alternate techniques, but for the most part there is one way of leveling your priest.

What to do with your priest at the early levels of the game?

At first you might find the priest a bit frustrating. As a cloth wearer with lower hit points, they tend to die quite a bit easier than other classes since there is no way of getting away from groups of mobs. Be patient with the class. After about level 20 it does get quite a bit better.

Focus on the shadow tree for maximizing damage.

The reason that leveling a priest is easy is because there aren’t many options when it comes to dealing damage. Put your talents points into the shadow tree to do the most damage possible since this will help you level up faster. When you are doing more damage, you will get more experience points when you are playing the game per hour.

Should you have healing talents while leveling?

For the first at least 60 levels of the game, you can still heal fine even with all points in the shadow tree. What you need to do along the way is put up healing items and rewards. Keep a healing set of gear on you so that you can go into the healer role when needed. Even as a shadow priest, many will expect you to heal in pick up groups, but it won’t be hard with healing gear on even without healing talents.

Is grinding or questing better for leveling up?

A shadow priest is a class that can grind effectively because if done right there is little downtime. This does get old after awhile as questing is more fun. If you want to enjoy your experience, focus on doing quests.

AOC Leveling Guide – How to Level Fast With an Age of Conan Leveling Guide?

A lot of MMO players, whether playing Age of Conan or another game, are always looking for ways to level characters fast. AoC happens to have 80 levels and the first 10 levels or so are very easy for anyone to level up fast, but once you are beyond those, you may find that you want the help of an AoC leveling guide to get you the rest of the way to level 80.

The Age of Conan developers have figured that it will take average players at least 250 hours of game play to reach level 80. Now for some players that may be just fine. But if you are like me, you don't have tons of hours to devote to playing Age of Conan every week. You might be able to get online for a couple of hours a week if you are lucky. Fortunately, I can usually find about 2 hours a day or so to play so that really helps me get more EXP, but even so, I prefer to get up to level 80 much faster than 250 hours.

Once I get one character to level 80, then I can get some alts leveled up too so I can have more variety when I'm playing, and won't get bored playing the same character all the time. Or if I get bored playing AoC I can move onto a new game and stop giving Funcom all my money every month. Sometimes you just want to run through a game once, right?

But with an Age of Conan leveling guide, I can really cut that 250 hours down to size. In fact, I cut it in half. By using the step-by-step walk-throughs and shortcuts that any good leveling guide offers, I was able to get to level 80 in a little over 5 days of game play. I expect it will be even faster with my next character, who is a Barbarian.

Leveling guides also help with great maps of all the different zones and instances. This is really helpful if you don't have a lot of time to play on a particular day, but you want to log into AoC and go off and kill some NPCs and get some experience. You can just go straight to whatever instance you like, instead of wandering around wondering which way to turn next.

The best tip I can offer for learning how to level fast with an Age of Conan leveling guide is to make sure that you read over the guide before you start character creation. Often, some character classes just turn out to be easier to level than others, especially if you prefer to play solo most of the time. For example, many players find that the Priest of Mitra means fast leveling. Guardians are also great levelers because they are hard to kill (so less down time for you).

This isn't to say that you can't make use of the guide if you've already started leveling your character. Even if you happen to be at level 20 or so, you definitely can use the guide to help you to get to level 80 that much faster. But before you build your next character, you can use the guide's tips to help you decide which one is going to be the fastest to level.

FarmVille Tricks For Cash – The Best Way to Get FarmVille Cash

Almost everybody playing FarmVille gets to the point when they are shorter on money. You can make Farm Cash relatively easy, just check the following steps and you will have no problem gathering your own cash.

Make Surveys and Quizzes

When you are on your Farm you can select the “Get More Farm Coins” Tab and this will give you access to surveys and quizzes that will get you free Farm cash. It is not difficult to fill out the surveys and you’ll generate some extra dough. Be careful when filling out the surveys or quizzes and make sure you don’t give your own personal information away.

Level Up

This is the best and fastest way to get money. For each level you conquer you receive One Free cash, and you can earn more by learning how to level up faster and efficiently. Earning a lot of Farm cash by levelling up really forces you to learn how to level up efficiently.

Other Methods?

Of all the possible ways to get cash, the easiest way to get it is using FarmVille Secrets. You could waste your time trying to figure out how to make cash on your own and making boring quizzes, but I guess you won’t waste your time on nothing else than making Farm cash once you discover the best way to do it.

From all the available FarmVille guides online don’t get fooled: FarmVille Secrets is Number #1 when it comes to FarmVille Strategies, Cash making, Levelling up and Perfect Farms! This is what you can expect from Tony Sander’s guide.

You can learn how to make 580 Cash in just 3 days with the aid of the Bonus Cash guide. You’ll make tons of Farm Cash in no time!

I know you want to have the best looking farm on FarmVille. Just take your time and make your profits first.

Final Fantasy 14 Miner Guide – Guide To Power Leveling Your Miner In FF14 Online

Are you playing as the Miner in FF14 online? Want to learn how to level up in the quickest way possible? Well, if you want to learn how to get the most of EXP the fastest way possible, here are a couple of things you will want to know.

Use Your Miner’s Abilities To Level Up Quickly

Every gathering class has a unique ability that can help them further their character. When you are using your Miner, you have the ability to track down items that you want. Use this to your advantage when you are doing Fieldcraft leves.

These quests require that you find the appropriate items to complete the quest. So by using your Miner’s ability to track it down, you will be able to quickly completed lots of Fieldcraft leves.

Find The Large Mobs To Farm

It is because this game is an MMORPG that you will have to spend lots of time grinding and killing monsters. To speed up this process and to gain as much EXP as you can quickly, you will need to know where to find large mobs to farm.

Fighting large mobs can be very difficult on your hit points, however this will decrease the lag time between finding another monster to kill resulting in more EXP for your character.

It is recommended to bring lots of potions and even party up with a friend or two if you find a really good spawn to grind in.

Learn Exactly How To Power Level Your Miner With The Chrono Guide

Do you want to learn exactly how to power level your miner? If you want to learn exactly how to reach level 50 in the quickest way possible, I highly recommend that you use the FF14 Chrono Guide.

The Chrono guide is made from all the best strategies and tactics that the top beta players have been using to propel them to level 50 the quickest way possible. This guide will teach you all these secrets through step-by-step instructions and detailed screen shots.

Want to reach level 50 quickly and have millions of Gil in your account today?

Final Fantasy 14 Culinarian Guide – Power Leveling Methods For A Culinarian

Are you just starting out in Final Fantasy 14 and you need a simple Culinarian leveling guide to help you begin? Here are a couple of tips that you can take with you to Final Fantasy XIV and get you leveling in no time.

Using Culinary to Power Level

You can use your Culinary / crafting class to level up just by doing the things that the culinary crafters have in their ability book. The main method for leveling up would be making food and all the other things that are related to the class, so I think it’s a solid way to do it. It’s very entertaining and pretty interesting since you’re actually leveling doing what the class is meant to do – rather than killing or grinding mobs that you wouldn’t otherwise need to do from a culinary standpoint.

Use Quests to Power Level

You can also power level by doing quests, and I think that questing is still the primary way to get it done. Sure, you can level using crafting like I was explaining above, but if you want the absolute fastest way to 50 in Final Fantasy I think this one may be the best shot. Questing has been a part of all of these games for quite some time and it’s really “down pat,” so I think you’d be better off if you’re intent on power leveling up.

One City at a Time & One Area at a Time

Beginning with the beginning city you should be very careful about spreading yourself too thin. You should always stick to one city – and even more-so – one area at a time. A big mistake that people make is they try to accept too many different area’s quests at once, and that really spreads it thin because you will have to run a long way just to turn them in. It would be much better to do the quests in one area together, and then move on totally to the next one. You’re going to end up doing the quests anyway – so you may as well leave them until they are convenient.

Using A Detailed Step by Step Culinarian Leveling Guide to Get Started With Power LevelingIf your goal is to power level your culinarian to 50, then it’s highly recommended that you use a step by step guide. When you use a guide, you’ll get a step by step leveling path that tells with screenshots where to go, what quests to accept and what to kill.

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