What Are the Best Strategies of Low Level Wow Gold Farming? – Farming Gold in World of Warcraft

Are you looking for low level Wow gold farming strategies? There are many websites and guides on the internet that teach World of Warcraft gold making tips, but the truth is that most of them are only possible for higher level players.

1. The Problem With Most Gold Farming Strategies

For example, you will find websites discussing Eastern Plaguelands, which is for level 55+ players, or other great locations like in the Outlands and Winterspring which is impossible for low level Wow players. It would be very difficult for a low level player to kill anything at these locations.

2. So What Is The Best Way For Low Level Wow Gold Farming?

You should start by going out of the start area after you level your character up to level 6. By this time you should have kicked out to Goldshire, and you can go to Stormwind in Dwarf Quarter to pick mining as your profession. Purchase a mining pick at the bottom of the stairs from the mining supplies vendor and also choose another skill.

Once done, you can go to Goldshire and do your adventures again. Once you are near level 15, you will be able to mine easily in many places in the Elwynn forest. You should be able to gather a lot of copper ore, and you can sell them at the Auction House after turning them into copper bars.

3. Learning More Powerful Gold Making Strategies

There are still many powerful strategies that low level Wow players can use to make gold quickly. At low levels, it is easy for you to switch professions and quickly bring its level up. You can check out the website link below to read the best Wow gold making guide that I have used to make lots of Wow gold fast.

Rift Leveling Guide – How to Move Your Character From Level 1 to Level 50 Quickly

Use this Rift leveling guide to start off running, and fully enjoy your game play in Rift.

The point in Rift, as in any other MMO, is that you start a character at level 1, and subsequently level it up to the maximum. In Rift, the highest level possible is 50.

You can see your level beside the picture of your character. There is an experience bar over your toolbars on the User Interface. It shows your progress towards the next level and, when this experience bar is filled, you gain one level and then begin to fill the next bar.

There are different ways to quickly level up in Rift:

* Quests

Throughout the game, you will meet quest givers. You can recognize them because there is a big exclamation mark (!) Over their head. They will give you quests to do.

A quest can be to talk to someone; to gather different things; to kill monsters; to acquire a unique loot from special monsters – and many other varying tasks.

The quests can be handed back to the original quest giver, or to another quest giver somewhere else (generally this is to guide you into another zone of the game). When you hand in the loot, you receive a reward. Your prize will be money and experience points (XP), and sometimes even a piece of equipment.

* Kill, kill, kill!

Endeavor to kill as many mobs as possible on your way to and from your quests.

Mobs drop money and sometimes even awesome pieces of equipment. Even other items such as clothes (or skin if you have butchery and kill a skinable animal) can later be sold to the Auctioneer.

* Potions and Rest

When you go into an inn situated in the main or smaller cities, you can see you that are "resting".

Check the top right corner of your screen, where you should be able to see a little black and green icon indicating this.

When you are sufficiently rested, you will notice that your XP-bar has changed color and there is a little vertical bar on it (unless you have rested for a long period of time, in which case it might be on the "next" XP -bar).

Each time you kill a mob, he will count for 200% XP and you will move towards this little vertical bar. When you hand in a quest, you "only" get 100% XP, and this will be similarly indicated.

Therefore, it's a good idea that, before you finally log off, to initially log off in an inn or city where you can rest. This is especially important if you want to take a break with a particular character.

When you buy Rift for 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 or 24 months, you accrue "veteran rewards".

These include XP-potions, which last 2 hours (even through death) and give you 100% extra of every kill you make. If you only have a few, keep them for the last levels, which can sometimes seem to go on forever

* Rifts

All through the game, you will meet Rifts. These will give you attractive rewards, called planataries, enabling you to buy better gear and obtain XPs. Take as many as you can while questing.

* Dungeons

Commencing from level 15, you can click on the Looking for Group icon (bottom left part of your screen) and join a random dungeon. This will be a cross-server, so you can be with people from other shards. Dungeons give interesting rewards, such as gold and XP. Take at least a couple each day so you can acquire these valuable items and XPs.

* Warfronts

Warfronts are PvP (Player versus Player) battlegrounds where a team of Defiants and a team of Guardians are opposed to each other.

You can take your first warfront, The Black Garden, at level 10 (but you generally don't survive very long as the actual bracket is 10 – 19).

In each main city, Sanctum and Meridian, there are quest givers that will offer you special warfront quests. You can recognize them because of the color of the quest icon over their head. The exclamation mark (!) Is of a different color than the standard one: The icon is blue for Guardians and red for Defiants.

Most of the warfront quests are daily, repeatable quests, so you can begin your day by picking them up. They give desirable rewards; they give you favor, which are special points you can use to buy PvP gear with and then, of course, XPs.

So, unless you are with a faction, or on a shard that always loses (which obviously then is a waste of time continuing), then doing the daily warfronts is a very good move for your XPs.

Warcraft Leveling Zones and Warcraft Addons

Aim of current article is to appraise World of Warcraft addons for faster leveling. Firstly I will discuss nature and uses of Warcraft leveling addons; next topic addressed will be how a player is going to benefit by using these addons, and lastly what player should be ware when going for paid in game addons.

World of Warcraft leveling addons have revolutionized game play. In the past if player needed more than one month to achieve level 70, by using leveling addons wow player can easily progress up to level 85 in more than week. Main feature of wow leveling addons is that it helps player to save valuable time, these addons do not turn game into process of routine action and game becomes more enjoyable.

WoW player certainly is going to benefit from leveling addons. Player can easily find about 40 wow leveling zones, and finding these zones without this addons is almost impossible. Player for sure is going to miss some of them. Next great feature that these addons provide is that, it makes possible to level up only by questing. Grinding becomes no more such important as by plying without wow leveling addons.

  • You can actually find a wide variety of wow leveling addons over the internet.
  • There are two groups of addons-free and paid.
  • Free addons can be quite useful, especially for newbie's, but after some time player realizes that it might not be enough.
  • On the other hand paid addons provide wide variety of all kinds of imaginable addons.

In my opinion if you are serious about World of Warcraft, you should definitely give a shot to paid addons. It does not cost too much, moreover it is worth every dollar invested in it.

When choosing paid addons, you have to pay attention to several factors. Firstly you need to know if these addons come from reputable sources, secondly you need to know if life time updates are included in price. Lastly almost every paid addons have free trail, during trial you can test it, and level up to 25th level for free.

Getting Your Hand On The Best Guide: Ultimate Wow Guide

If you are playing the World of war craft game, you should be smart enough to be playing it with a leveling guide such as the Ultimate Wow Guide, the game that has gained recognition from all the different parts of the world. You will be surprised the first time you use the guide because the game suddenly becomes more entertaining and out of the ordinary as compared to when playing the boring levels of the game without a guide.

You can be sure that using the Ultimate Wow Guide can help you level up so fast in the game minus all the hassles. As a matter of fact, playing the game has never been easier when you use the leveling guide. It is like you have a constant coach on your back as you play along.

There is no doubt that you will get the help you need to play the game successfully and finish it in no time. You will be helped in making decisions as far as choosing a character is concerned, opting for the right army or race that will be most suitable for you, at the same time, helping you hand-pick the best weapons to use in defeating your opponents down.

What is more, the leveling guide has also been found to help the gamers hone their skills in digging up for more gold that is very much needed to accomplish all the tasks in the game. You will also find that there are various gaming purposes as well in the guide. The best thing it can do is helping you level up really fast without having to get stuck in the boring lower levels that are too difficult to surpass without a guide. Imagine, by simply equipping yourself with such a guide, you will suddenly find yourself leaving level 1 and going fast all the way to level 80 instead.

If you happen to be not so convinced about these guides until now, you may try checking out the boatloads of reviews available in the Internet. That way, you can get straight hand information from the previous users themselves and from there; you will get a bird’s eye view of the advantages in using the said guide.

Last but not least, with the Ultimate Wow Guide, there is no doubt that you will be able to accomplish the mission in just 5 to 6 days compared to having to wrestle it out with your opponents for several weeks without a guide. Check the testimonials to come up with a sound decision of whether to get or not to get a guide for you.

Play FishVille and Become a Giant Whale in This Charming Facebook Game

FishVille is an immensely popular Facebook game which allows players to create multiple virtual aquariums filled with colorful, occasionally stunning, fish. If you've ever wanted to succeed at having the greatest tank around you will follow these few simple tips when playing starting your virtual fish tanks.

Check that newbie enthusiasm at the door: when you first become the proud new owner of your first tank don't make the rookie mistake of getting carried away with enthusiasm and so buying everything in sight. You need to build up your cash and try to make it stretch as far as you can. Leveling up isn't easy and it takes time. Unlike some other games, FishVille doesn't offer quick rewards. The game makes you earn everything you get. There are many different things going on during the game. There are different challenges that require your friends to gift you the items.

Yes, you definitely need Friends: find out how many of your friends play FishVille and immediately ask them to be your neighbors. You are going to need as many neighbors as you can get. Having a lot of neighbors does a few things

* It allows you to ask many people for gifts …

* It gives you more tanks to visit and clean so you can build up you experience …

Every time you level up you will gain one Fish Buck. That is FishVille's top cash, not its regular coins. There are a lot of very cool things for sale in the store that you can only buy with Fish Bucks so save them up and use them wisely.

FishVille entertainments & challenges: there are always new entertainments and challenges:

1. The "ARENA" where you can train and fight certain fish.

2. There are Pearls and Challenge where you see how many different color pearls you can acquire so that you can buy special items which are only available for purchase with pearls.

3. Then there is your "cabinet". You have to ask your friends for different components like jars and when you have all of the items you will have completed the challenge.

4. The last challenge currently available is a fish challenge. There are four stages for each type of fish and there are a total of five fish. You have to buy and raise a specified amount of a certain fish to unlock the next level. This challenge is good because it allows you to build up your FishVille cash and experience.

World of Warcraft Quest Guides – Are They Really Useful?

Do you own a World of Warcraft quest guide or strategy guide? If you are just getting started in the World of Warcraft, chances are that you have one or spend lots of time online searching for them.

For many World of Warcraft gamers, life does not really begin until your character reaches level 30. In terms of leveling your character, there are generally two methods. They are to do quests or to grind your heart out. The most practical method is to combine the two, doing the quests that have you kill specific amounts of creatures or collect the dropped items from the creatures that you are grinding.

This is where the World of Warcraft quest guides come in very handy. WoW quest guides give you an edge in questing by providing the exact coordinates that you need to complete each quest. They also give you an order in which to accept and complete your quests. This helps you by allowing you to level your character much faster.

When you first start out in the game, you can level up very quickly. As your character gains levels, the XP required to level up again increases. The quests that you complete also become more and more complicated and time consuming. This is when most people start looking for a World of Warcraft quest guide.

World of Warcraft quest guides are mostly used by gamers who are just getting started or who are building a character in a different race. When you change races, you are going to be faced with quests that you are not familiar with. Having a World of Warcraft quest guide will help you by walking you through these unfamiliar areas and giving you a specific steps to follow to reach levels 10-12.

Once you reach this level range, the quest guide will then tell you the next area or region that you need to go to, and then give you the same step by step instructions for that regions quests. This process is repeated over and over until your character reaches level 60. For gamers with multiple characters, World of Warcraft quest guides are invaluable.

Once you start going into the battlegrounds, you will find out that to get certain gear or weapons in the game, you must complete specific quests. As you become more aware of the various items that you can acquire and strengthen your character, you will be faced with completing even more quests. Some of these quests you will need to complete with a group of people, and some of them you can complete all by yourself. World of Warcraft quest guides save you hours and hours of frustration by telling you the level requirements to complete quests and whether or not you will need a group.

By now it should be pretty clear that at one point or another you will benefit from having a World of Warcraft quest guide. There are many free quest guides available on the Internet and they are also available in stores where the game is sold.

How to Use a WoW Blacksmithing Guide

Using a WoW blacksmithing guide will explain exactly why teaching your character the blacksmith profession in World of Warcraft can be more than just a way to earn some gold. When you reach a high enough level you can also make your own high-level mail and plate armor as well as your own weapons. As your level increases, the quality of items you can make increases too.

If you decide to learn the blacksmithing skill, you may need to consider using a WoW blacksmithing guide to help you find the items you need. You should also consider learning the gathering skill of mining. As a miner, you can gather a lot of the stones, ores, and other materials you’ll need for your blacksmithing requirements.

Learning and working on these two professions at the same time can mean you save yourself a lot of gold as you won’t have to worry about buying the materials you need from the Auction House. Check your WoW blacksmithing guide to see exactly what materials you’ll need to make certain weapons or armor.

When you first learn your blacksmithing profession, you begin as an apprentice. At level 75, you can visit a trainer at any city and upgrade to journeyman level. Your WoW Blacksmithing guide will show you where to find convenient traingers.

Visit your trainer again at level 150 to upgrade to expert level and again at level 220 to move up to artisan. Master Blacksmithing can be attained by training at level 300 and Grand Master blacksmithing from level 350 up to level 450. If you can’t find a trainer, you can ask a guard at any city or you can check your WoW blacksmithing guide.

When you’ve managed to increase your skill level to 200, you can elect to choose a specialty. You have the option of becoming a Weaponsmith or an Armorsmith. Choose your specialty carefully, as weaponsmiths are able to make high-level swords, maces, and axes while armorsmiths will be able to make high-level mail and plate armor. Always consult your WoW blacksmithing guide to see the benefits of each specialization before you decide which way you want to go. It will cost you gold to retrain to a different specialty later.

For any blacksmiths who have chosen the weaponsmith specialty, once you’ve increased your skill level up to 300, you can choose to specialize in your profession even further. Your options are to choose between becoming a Master Hammersmith, a Master Axesmith, or a Master Swordsmith. While you can make some excellent high-level weapons with these specializations, a good WoW blacksmithing guide will tell you that you can’t trade these weapons with other players and you can’t sell them on the Auction House.

Remember, working your way up to level 450 in blacksmithing can get very expensive, so you will need to be sure you’ve figured out a way to earn plenty of gold before learning this profession or be willing to spend a lot of time mining the materials you will need. You could benefit from using a Warcraft gold guide in conjunction with your WoW blacksmithing guide so you’ll be sure to have plenty of gold when you need it most during your leveling.

The Ultimate Guide to Play "WOW POWERLEVELING"

The World of Warcraft is played and enjoyed by most of the computer gamers. Wow Powerleveling is the world’s most popular MMORPG’s game. Wow powerleveling is approximately played by more than 9 million active subscribers. Wow shows the true potential in the world of online gaming from the time online games has really come in the online market. In power leveling, there are two types of players from all over the world. One who plays with PVP that is play versus player servers and another one is engaged to fight against the Quests in step by step levels of the game, to improve by the experience.

Wow Strategies

Wow power levelers will level your character from any level to any level according to your order, and they will level your professions as much as possible on the way. However, there won’t be any guarantee what level the profession would be when your order is done. Through questing, user can level up fastest. In the quests, you have to handle some specific missions for various characters in order to kill enemies, creatures, deliver messages, escort comrades, and much more. Playing the Game Power leveling with the help of online guides is the best way to win the game. Warcraft Leveling is very exciting game when you play this properly with proper guidance otherwise you will be defeated by the enemy very quickly. So, keep the points in mind when you are playing this game.

The Smarter Way

Wow catches unbelievable popularity in the world of gaming industry today. In powerleveling actually you are passing your username and password to someone else to level up their character for them. If you are joining this game then you must enjoy it, by proper guidance. On-stop power levelers will level your character from any level to any level according to your demand, and they will also level your professions as much as possible on the way. But there won’t be any guarantee what level the profession would be when your order is done. All of the items and gold we get when your character is being leveled would be remained on your character. If we use any gold or items, it is just in order to level your character as fast as possible!

Gymnastics Level 6 Uneven Bars Requirements – How to Score a 10.0 on Your Uneven Bar Routine!

USAG sets forth a specific gymnastics routine for each gymnastics level. Each level incorporates gymnastics skills that have been built upon from the previous level. Here is a list of all the gymnastics skills, faults and deductions set forth by USAG for the gymnastics level 6 uneven bars.

The level 6 uneven bars routine requires the gymnast to use both, the high bar and low bar.

You are not required to use gymnastics had grips on the uneven bars but it is recommended.

  • STRADDLE OR PIKE GLIDE KIP- Must take off from both feet at the same time ( -0.10).

Do not do a run out glide ( – 0.30).

Make sure your feet lead in the glide swing (up to 0.10 deduction).

Must extend body fully at the end of glide (up to 0.20 deduction).

Legs must fully close at the end of the straddle glide ( – 0.10).

  • CAST-cast must be a minimum of 30 degrees above horizontal (up to 0.40 deduction).

Show a straight line from shoulders to feet with a hollow chest (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • CLEAR HIP CIRCLE– Huge pike or arch on upswing or down swing (up to 0.20 deduction for each).

Not reaching 30 degrees above horizontal on the upswing (up to 0.40 deduction).

Hips cannot touch the uneven bars as the upswing finishes ( – 0.80).

Lack of control in to the glide swing (up to 0.10 deduction).

  • 2nd STRADDLE OR PIKE GLIDE KIP– Make sure your feet lead in the glide swing (up to 0.10 deduction).

Must extend body fully at the end of glide (up to 0.20 deduction).

Legs must fully close at the end of the straddle glide ( – 0.10).

  • CAST SQUAT ON, PIKE ON, OR SOLE CIRCLE– insufficient backwards swing into cast ( – 0.05).

Feet must be placed on the uneven bars side by side at the same time ( – 0.20).

  • LONG HANG KIP- Make sure to swing near horizontal before doing the kip (up to 0.20 deduction).
  • CAST– cast must be a minimum of 30 degrees above horizontal (up to 0.40 deduction).

Show a straight line from shoulders to feet with a hollow chest (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • LONG HANG PULL OVER– Show a small arched position at the bottom of down swing ( – 0.10).

Do not over pike your body (up to 0.20 deduction).

Maintain over grip-hands shouldn’t completely release the uneven bars ( – 0.30).

Make sure you do not perform a backwards giant- you must pull hips back to bar ( – 1.0).

  • UNDERSWING– must contact the gymnastics bar with the mid to lower thighs after completing the long hang pull over and before initiating the underswing (- 0.20).

Maintain a straight hollow body (up to 0.20 deduction).

Thighs may contact the bar but hips MAY NOT! ( – 0.20).

  • 1st COUNTER SWING-hips must reach a minimum of 15 degrees below the level of the high gymnastics bar (up to 0.30 deduction).

Make sure to show a straight line from hips to hands while in a hollow position (up to 0.20 deduction).

DO NOT open hips or body where they are extended over the low gymnastics bar ( – 0.30).

  • TAP SWING-show a slight arched position at the bottom of the swing ( – 0.10).

Maintain a straight hollow body on the upswing (up to 0.20 deduction).

Feet must reach the high bar height (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • SECOND COUNTERSWING– Hips must reach the height of the high bar (up to 0.30 deduction).

Makes sure to show a straight line from hips to hands while in a hollow position (up to 0.20 deduction).

Feet should not extend in an arched position over the low gymnastics bar ( – 0.30).

  • TAP SWING– show a slight arched position at the bottom of the swing.( – 0.10)

Maintain a straight hollow body on the upswing (up to 0.20 deduction).

Feet must reach the high bar height (up to 0.20 deduction).


  • TUCK FLYAWAY-must bend hips and legs a minimum of 135 degrees (up to 0.20 deduction for each angle) must stretch before landing (up to 0.20 deduction).
  • PIKE FLYAWAY-hips must be a minimum of a 135 degree pike (up to 0.20 deduction).

Must stretch before landing (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • STRETCHED FLYAWAY- Maintain a straight hollow body position the entire time (up to 0.20 deduction).

SWTOR Slicing Leveling Guide – How To Get Slicing To Level 400!

In this article we are going to cover the next gathering skill which is called Slicing. Now slicing is fairly unique in relation to all of the gathering and crafting skills because it is pretty much straight forward credits. For instance if you look at Archaeology or Bioanalysis you can use these gathering skills with crafting skills or you can just make the “base” items and sell them on the Galactic Trade Network.

However with slicing you are pretty much making credits by sending out your companion and getting lockboxes in return and you open these up and you will get credits inside. Now the awesome thing about Slicing is that normally you get more credits than it cost you to send your companion out on a mission.

However bear in mind that as of SWTOR patch 1.1 this skill has been adjusted and you will not always make a profit. You will also be able to receive Augments. These augments slot into “critical” gear in the game.

Some Augments include:

Surge Augments

Skill Augments

Shield Augments

Resolve Augments

Reflex Augments

Redoubt Augments

Overkill Augments

Might Augments

Fortitude Augments

Expertise Augments

Command Augments

Alacrity Augments

Absorb Augments

These start off at level 1 and can go right up to Advanced level 25.

These Augments you can either use yourself or make a profit by selling them on the Galactic Trade Network.

Slicing Leveling Guide Levels 1-400:

Now we will move onto how to level Slicing and unlike the other gathering skills like Archaeology and Bioanalysis where you go around the planets and level then up Slicing works a little differently.

The fastest way to level Slicing is just to send your companion out for missions and collect the credits they bring back. If you get Augments you can list these on the Galactic Trade Network. Of course while you are leveling you will find safe boxes, computer systems and more that you can slice to increase the level of the skill as well and normally you will get credits back as well.

To level Slicing to 100 you just send your companion out on all the missions that are available. You will find this takes about 1 hour and the cost of this will be 15,000 credits. Again you will get some credits back and can sell the Augments as well to make a profit.

Slicing Levels 100-200 is more of the same with the rank 2 missions and the only difference is that you will get better quality Augments and also more credits back from the safe boxes as well.

To level Slicing from 100-200 will cost about 25,000 credits.

Slicing leveling from 200-300 is again the same as above but this time with rank 4 missions and you will be spending about 50,000 credits in total to get to 300. Another thing to be mindful of is that the missions will take a lot longer at this stage but you should have more companions that you can send out while you level up and do your missions.

From levels 200-300 it will cost you 50,000 credits!

Slicing up to the level cap from 300 to 400 is the same thing once more. You will get much better Augments and credit rewards but this last piece of leveling can cost 75,000 credits and the times that the missions will take to complete are a lot longer.

Once you have completed this though you will be at level 400 in slicing.

Out of all of the gathering skills this is one of the easier ones to level up because you just need to keep sending your companion out on missions and then reap the rewards!

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