Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Reverse Diabetes?

Dietary restrictions (DR) have been used for thousands of years to clean the body internally and promote good health. They play a central role in many cultures and religions (such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism).

Fasting, the most extreme form of DR, entails abstinence from all food but not water. It kills damaged cells, puts healthy cells into a protected mode and generates new young cells. Fasting has long been associated with a wide array of health benefits, including improved control over blood glucose, weight loss, heart health, brain function and the prevention of cancer.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. In humans it has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood glucose, insulin, and blood pressure levels.

Prolonged fasting (PF) is fasting that lasts for two or more days. When the bouts of fasting are separated by at least a week of a normal diet (a 2:7 strategy), PF causes a decrease in levels of blood glucose and insulin. In addition, PF is accompanied by autophagy (the cellular self-cleansing process that breaks down and recycles damaged molecules).

A PF 2:7 diet strategy has a rising reputation among medical scientists and dieticians as a highly effective strategy to protect normal cells and organs from a variety of toxins and serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and liver problems, while increasing the death rate of many types of cancer cells.

The problem is that most people find prolonged water-only fasting for two days (48 hours straight) very difficult. In addition, its extreme nature could cause adverse health consequences, especially in the old and frail and in persons with pre-existing medical conditions. A less severe diet with similar effects to a full-bodied PF is needed.

A fasting mimicking diet (FMD) is a diet that mimics the effects of fasting. Experiments undertaken a few years ago found that cycles of an FMD lasting four days followed by a normal diet could deliver benefits similar to those of a PF 2:7 diet.

One such study was published in published in Cell Metabolism in July 2015. The research was divided into several parts.

Clinic trial on fasting

In the study on animals, mice were fed a restricted diet for four days twice a month and allowed to eat as much as they wanted in between.

After each FMD cycle, the mice had lower blood glucose and insulin levels, and had reductions in certain inflammation factors such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which is associated with aging and cancer, compared to mice on an unrestricted diet.

At 28 months, the mice on the FMD also had lost weight and had less belly fat (which is associated with diabetes) compared to the other mice. In addition, fasting mice had longer life spans.

In the human trial, 19 subjects went on a special FMD for five days each month for three months. Another 19 participants acted as controls who ate their usual diet.

The test subjects followed a very specific diet designed to reduce the risks of fasting yet provide essential nutrients and minimize the psychological difficulties that are encountered during fasting. The special diet included vegetable-based soups, energy bars, energy drinks, chamomile tea and a dietary supplement… designed to deliver 44% fat, 47% carbohydrates, and 9% protein.

On the first day of the five-day diet they were limited to 1,090 calories and then, on the last four days, to only 725 calories. Those who were on the FMD lowered their fasting blood glucose levels by an average of 11.3%… more than a type 2 diabetic would normally experience using a typical routine medicine for diabetes.

The study also found that IGF-1 was reduced by 24% (a plus for cancer prevention) and CRP levels, a marker for inflammation, was also lowered. In addition, those on the FMD lost 3% of their weight and reduced their belly fat, along with a range of other health benefits.

The overall results suggest that partial fasting can help control diabetes.

However, this is only one study using only 19 test subjects, and obviously further research is needed to confirm the results… but it gives cause to hope that intermittent fasting can reverse type 2 diabetes. It is something I intend to try…

Proven Ways to Get Harder and Stronger Erections

Erectile dysfunction is a not a disease. It’s a condition that’s treated as an early sign of a severe cardiac problem. This is because your erections are dependent upon your heart’s ability to pump blood.

ED not only stems from physical causes like poor blood flow to the penis and low testosterone levels but can also result from emotional issues like chronic stress, depression, anxiety, nervousness etc.

Though prescription drugs can help you get harder erections, it’s best to avoid them since they come with a lot of nasty side effects.

Here are some simple and effective ways to help you get harder and stronger erections naturally:

1. Try Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the best remedies for treating ED is Apple Cider Vinegar. It does not treat ED directly but helps treat the problems that cause erectile dysfunction. Some of these problem that it helps treat include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, prostatitis etc.

It helps in repairing damaged blood vessels and nerve fibers in your penis. Apart from this, it also helps boost testosterone production in your body. Thus, it’s an excellent aid for treating erectile problems in men.

2. Try Cayenne Pepper and Garlic in Combination

Cayenne pepper and garlic, when taken together can do wonders for your erections. Cayenne pepper is great for enhancing blood flow throughout your body including your genitals. Garlic, on the other hand, helps dilate blood vessels and increases blood flow.

Though each of these are effective individually, the real magic happens when you take them together. As a matter of fact, a lot of guys use this combination as a home remedy to enjoy great sex. It not only helps you get a rock solid erection but also increases your staying power immensely.

3. Increase Your Intake of Zinc

Zinc is important because it is linked to testosterone production in your body. Lack of this mineral can lead to low testosterone resulting in poor libido and erectile problems.

Thus, you must try to increase your intake of foods that are rich in zinc. Animal protein like beef, poultry and seafood like oysters etc, are rich in this mineral and you must include them in your diet.

4. Try Niacin

Niacin or Vitamin B3 is one of the most potent natural treatments for erectile dysfunction in men. According to a study, Vitamin B3 helped men maintain an erection after taking niacin supplement for just 12 weeks.

Chicken, fish and grains are rich in this vitamin and you must have plenty of these.

5. Try Peruvian Maca Root

This is one herb that it simply great for your sex life. It’s a very powerful aphrodisiac that can make you keep thinking about sex throughout the day. It’s a sex miracle that can help you get solid erections, boost your libido and enhance your energy levels too.

Yet another benefit of maca is that it can help elevate your mood too. As a matter of fact, it’s next to impossible to feel depressed when taking maca. It helps you feel calm and relaxed too.

6. Try Natural Male Enhancement Pills

Over and above, you can also try natural male enhancement pills that are loaded with highly powerful and effective ingredients. Such pills have been getting increasingly popular since they are safe and effective at the same time. They do not have any kind of negative side effects.

Some of the best pills are a combination of ingredients like l-arginine, maca, muira pauma, tribulus, long jack, saw palmetto, zinc etc.

Such pills are not just an aid to ensure rock solid erections but also help boost your staying power so that you can last longer during sex.

Top of the line pills are clinically proven to work and are recommended by doctors too.

So, if you want to get harder and stronger erections, check out the Best Penis Pills that have helped thousands of men like you improve their sex lives over the last decade.

Reasons Why Students Search For Online Statistics Homework Help

It is not uncommon to need help with a math or stats class. It is not uncommon at all. Which is in the end one element of surprise to me that schools provide not much of al well thought strategy to helps students out. In reality, instructors offer office hours, but reality no one attends (or only the same one or two students), and it defeats its purpose. It is true that students tend to feel intimidated about going to the instructor’s office hours and declare that they are lost. They have their pride, obviously. So, it turns out that students will likely feel more comfortable getting helped by their teaching assistant. But not all schools have systematic structures for T.A.’s helping students, beyond the T.A. sessions. And then, after having exhausted all the other options, they will naturally search for online statistics homework help, the same way as they will buy their stats textbook through Amazon.

Being hopeless in a class is never too comfortable. But being lost in a math class, or a class that involves numbers is even less comfortable. Don’t take me wrong, I’m not a math snob, but it turns out that if a student studies hard enough for other non-math subjects, they will eventually get a way of passing the tests by writing what the instructor wants to read. On other hand, in math courses (which includes subjects like Stats and Econ), there is fine line of needing to comprehend the concepts, as well as being able to make operational use of those concepts in order to succeed in a text. Math and Stats are different animals and require different treatment than other subjects when it comes about remediating a potential gap.

Why Is That Students Need Statistics Help?

This has been a question I ask myself all the time. Finding an answer to it would be really helpful to students who really struggle with subjects like Stats, and other Math subjects in general. I ponder about the quality of the methods we use to teach, about the quality of the assistance materials (I have never liked to much the style used by current stats textbooks), about the quality of the efficacy of the lab stats activities (or lack thereof).

Sometimes I think that the world doesn’t want to know anymore about work and struggle. People just want to go home and watch football games. Instructors and students alike. When did we lose all interest for things that are hard and take a large chunk of concerted effort to master, but at the same time can provide a full sense of satisfaction when mastered? I see many stats instructors who are totally disinterested about their classes. They act automatically, giving stats assignments, giving the stats solutions online to the questions, for students to check their work. All mechanized.

How Can we Spark the Curiosity of Our Students?

We live in a world where everything needs to be quick and painless. That is inevitable, and that is reality and we need to accept that reality. The way to attempt to spark curiosity in students, beyond the point of only being worried about finding the answers to the their statistics homework questions, is to speak their language. Can me make the learning of stats quick and painless. Well, I think that is the challenge. Because I think it is clear that the traditional alternatives have not done a great job.

7 Healthy Foods to Help You Burn Calories

You may be aware that certain foods can help boost your metabolism and cut down on your body fat. Yes, there are some fat burning foods that help create a thermogenic effect in your body which can play a pivotal role in helping you lose weight.

Weight management is very important as it impacts every aspect of your life… social, physical, and emotional. If you eat a healthy diet, you will considerably lower down your odds of suffering from various health issues including heart disease and diabetes. So, let’s discuss the top 7 healthy foods that help burn that extra flab off your body.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a pantry staple that helps you burn extra fat by cutting down you sugar cravings. When you consume apple cider vinegar before having your meal, it will make you feel fuller with less food. In addition, it is also a natural method of detoxing your body and balancing pH of your stomach. Since the vinegar is highly acidic, make sure you only add a tablespoon or two into a glass of water prior to drinking.

In addition to fat loss, there are additional benefits of apple cider –

  • Improves PCOS symptoms.
  • Kills harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Reduces insulin and blood sugar.
  • Decreases cholesterol levels.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Lower fasting blood sugar.
  • Improves insulin sensitivity.

2. Bone Broth

Using chicken or beef bones to make soup stock can have a lot of health benefits. These types of bone broth contain lots of amino acids so it plays an important role in cutting down the fat from your body.

Following are some of the key benefits of bone broth:

  • Protects joints – Bone broth is a natural source of collagen, a protein found in the vertebrae of animals – in their cartilage, bones, tendons, skin, and ligaments. When we get older, our joints tend to get weak so make sure you add bone broth to your diet.
  • Maintains healthy skin – With the help of collagen, elastin is formed along with various other compounds within the skin. All this really helps in maintaining texture, tone, and youthfulness of the skin. Collagen is also helpful in reducing puffiness and signs of aging.
  • Supports healthy functioning of the immune system – Bone broth offers gut-supportive benefits which supports the healthy functioning of your immune system.

3. Chia Seeds

Originally grown in Mexico, these seeds are known for its rich nutritional value and also as a fat burning food. Consuming chia seeds will boost your energy level and your endurance. Since chia seeds has high fiber content, it keeps you fuller for a longer, thereby prevents overeating.

4. Chicken Breast

If you are looking to burn calories, then chicken breast is the perfect fat-burning food. Just three ounces of chicken gives you 37% of your body’s daily recommended amount of protein. This will make your body feel energized throughout the day. The main reason chicken breast protein helps in weight loss is that it is rich in leucine. It is a well-known amino acid that keeps the muscles lean which, in turn, burns more calories.

Make sure you opt for locally grown and organic chicken that cuts out fillers and preservatives.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known to contain key fatty acids called Medium Chain Fatty Acids. These fatty acids help to keep you full so that you eat fewer calories. These fatty acids assist your body to effectively burn around 120 calories more every single day. The best thing about coconut oil is that it helps you lose belly fat and visceral fat. These are the most rigid type of fat that also surrounds your internal organs and are the most difficult to lose.

6. Grapefruit

Not many people are aware grapefruit is one of the best fat-burning foods. The enzymes present in grapefruits help your body to break down sugar and boost your metabolism. Make sure you add a slice of grapefruit to your breakfast or squeeze some fresh grapefruit juice into your smoothie.

7. Whey Protein

You can also add whey protein to your smoothie which usually comes in a powder. Whey protein helps to cut down body fat, boosts muscle tone, and alleviate high blood sugar.

Can Animals Get PTSD? Yes! Animal Communication and Energy Healing Can Help

Today, many rescued animals experience PTSD. They need help to heal before they can integrate into your family. Animal Communication and Energy Healing are two powerful tools to assist them.

Why do so many animals experience trauma today?

Many of the reasons are similar to those experiences that can cause PTSD in humans.

~~ Too early separation from the mother dog, cat, or horse, for whatever reason.

~~ Separation from their human family due to hurricanes, storms, flooding, fires, earthquakes, and other weather or earth-changing event in which people and their animals can become separated.

~~ Being shuffled from one rescue place to another in the genuinely loving effort to find the rescued animal a new home.

~~ Traumatic loss because the family is no longer able to keep the animal due to financial and/or health changes.

~~ When animals are dropped off at shelters or abandoned without explanation, they are confused, scared, hurt, angry, grieving, and afraid – just to name a few emotions that come up for them.

~~ When the shelter is one that kills animals after so many days, the animals know they might be killed, and the spirits of other animals killed there may be lingering, making the situation even more uncomfortable.

This is not a complete list, but this list illustrates that one or more of these experiences may make integrating into a new loving family a challenge for the animal you’ve so lovingly adopted.

The good news is that animals can recover from PTSD.

When you adopt an animal from a rescue facility, you may not realize immediately that the animal is having difficulty adjusting.

I’ve had clients ask for my assistance after struggling for a year or more to connect with a cat or dog or horse who has experienced a traumatic event.

These clients are good, kind, loving, nurturing people who have tried everything they can think of to help their new animal companion adjust. Often they have been pouring love to an animal who is not open to receiving it.

Of course, the sooner you ask for assistance, the sooner you and the animal will begin to build trust and open a loving connection between you.

When an animal is emotionally shut down, afraid of experiencing yet another loss, and/or distrustful that this will be their “forever” home, something else must be added to the equation to assist them.

Whatever history you have about the animal is also a very important piece of the puzzle.

Using my Animal Communication and energy healing skills, I can offer you and your new companion special assistance.

Over several sessions, I am able to establish a rapport with an animal who is very shut down.

It can actually help me connect with them because I’m not physically present.

Working from a distance, I can easily make a telepathic connection, which some animals experience as less intrusive than a human stranger being physically in the animal’s space.

Furthermore, telepathically and energetically…

~~ I can feel what the animal is feeling because I’m a strong emotional empath.

~~ I can feel if the animal has a huge wall around themselves, or just needs some additional reassurance.

~~ I can feel if the animal is distrustful and can suggest ways of building trust.

~~ I can often feel if the animal is hiding something or lying to me and/or to themselves.

~~ I can ask other animals in your family for any insights they want to share, assuming they have already met the new family member. These often prove to be of immense value in understanding what’s going on with an animal who is too closed down to share very much.

~~ I can scan the animal energetically, with the animal’s permission, to pick up energy patterns in their auric field, chakras, and physical body.

Once we have a better understanding of what’s going on for that animal, we together develop a plan of action.

~~ Sometimes Flower Essences are a good way to start. I am able to suggest appropriate essences to assist you and your animal companion(s).

~~ As a Certified Practitioner of The Emotion Code™, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, I know what a valuable tool this is for assisting an animal with PTSD. (This system has also been shown to be effective with humans.) Releasing emotional blocks and reducing or eliminating walls around their hearts will bring about huge healing shifts.

~~ As a Certified Multidimensional Healer, I work with healing teams from Source to remove the energy patterns of trauma, repair chakras and other damaged areas, assist the animal’s bodies to rebalance, and bring the animal into a space of harmony, peace, and openness to their new life circumstances.

~~ I may also refer you to other practitioners who offer many other alternative services that will assist the animal, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, Theta Healing, and basic training for dogs and horses.

Having a “plan of action” helps you and the animal know what next steps to take and have a sense that there truly is hope of healing the animal and the entire situation.

Have you recently brought home a new animal or are planning to adopt from a rescue place?

If so, keep in mind that while coming to your home is the best thing for this animal, in some cases you many need to take some extra steps to help the animal integrate and become part of your loving family.

Can Whole Body CryoTherapy Help Me Live A Healthy Lifestyle Even If I Have Arthritis?

Arthritis kills our quality of life, constant pain just doing normal easy tasks takes its toll on our psyche and keeps up from living, but it doesn't have to be that way. Did you know that CryoTherapy was originally used to help patients with rheumatoid arthritis? Doctor Yamaguchi in the late 70's began with freezing temperature in short-time durations on the surface of the skin (CryoTherapy) to help his patients deal with the pain of arthritis. Without the extreme pain patients were able to manage a milder pain and easily tolerate it, often for days between treatments.

Today, a modern Whole Body CyroTherapy sauna can deliver nearly 8-10 times colder temperatures to the whole body all at once. This alleviates the chronic inflammation in the joints, allowing the body to reset, while also increasing the collagen protein in the body. Many CryoTherapy believers tell how it's been 'life-changing' for them. No longer having to avoid their favorite activities or being stuck and immobilized by pain. Some folks have even been able to ditch their pain medications altogether along with their other arthritis drugs.

How Does CryoTherapy Do That?

It is known that CryoTherapy helps induce the collagen protein, which helps in strengthening bones, joints, tendons and cartilage. It's also known that CryoTherapy helps to reduce inflammation – chronic inflammation is responsible for much of the pain suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. We know that CryoTherapy helps produce anti-oxidants in the blood, something else those with rheumatoid arthritis lack in capacity.

It's hard to say exactly why it works so well or why those who have arthritis swear by Whole Body CryoTherapy. We do know that it lowers the histamine reactions in the body. Research is still on-going, but when a 75-year old who has arthritis can go out and play tennis again with friends, something is up. It's not a coincidence.

One clinical research study showed noticeable improvement with between 1-3 cryotherapy sessions and after 10-15 sessions patients told of retreating symptoms and a drastic reduction in pain. When coupled with physical therapy a few patients were able to ditch their wheel chairs, while all noted improved ease of movement. These results continued for 6-months after the therapy. Ask your doctor if you should try Whole Body CryoTherapy, maybe you can get off those meds too?

Now then, let's survey a couple of research papers on this topic, shall we? The first, I'd like to make notice of is: "Cryotherapy decreases histamine levels in the blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis," by E. Wojtecka-Lukasik • K. Ksiezopolska-Orlowska • E. Gaszewska • O. Krasowicz-Towalska • P. Rzodkiewicz • D. Maslinska • D. Szukiewicz • S. Maslinski and published in December 18, 2009 (Inflamm. Res. (2010) 59 (Suppl 2): ​​S253-S255 DOI 10.1007 / s00011-009-0144-1 ).

Another paper worthy of mention is: "The Influence of Temperature and Fibril Stability on Degradation of Cartilage Collagen by Rheumatoid Synovial Collagenase," by Edward D. Harris, Jr., MD, and Peter A. McCroskery, MS (N Engl J Med 1974 ; 290: 1-6 DOI: 10.1056 / NEJM197401032900101).

And, the last piece of research was a pilot study, which showed yielded benefits: "Serial whole-body cryotherapy in the criostream for inflammatory rheumatic diseases," (PMID: 18548207).

Principal Elements Of Self – HELP

How can we become, the best, we can, possibly, be, unless/ until, we focus on our personal strengths, as well as areas of weakness, and effectively, use any strength, while, addressing any weakness? Many people are comfortable, giving advice to others, and effectively advancing their business/ professional careers/ lives, but, often, pay far too little attention, to the best approaches, to self – HELP! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and, how, we can better, become, our own, best friend.

1. Healthy; happy; heroic; head/ heart: When we are healthy, we generally become far more capable, and willing, to be, truly happy, and self – satisfied. The better we look, introspectively, and objectively, within, and give ourselves, a check – up, from the neck – up, the easier this becomes. Don’t be afraid of this challenge, or feel, it is impossible, and/ or, unachievable, but, rather, focus on yourself, and give a personal, heroic effort, in your best interests! When one proceeds, consistently, with a head/ heart balance, and balances his emotional and logical components, in a personally, satisfying way, you begin to start, helping yourself, in a meaningful manner!

2. Examine; energizing; excellence; emphasis; endurance: Begin your quest, with thoroughly, examining, what you want, out of your life, including your personal goals, priorities, perceptions, and what makes you happiest! Seek your utmost degree of personal excellence in this endeavor. Doing so, will be energizing and enriching, when the emphasis, is on your own well – being, etc. Have the endurance, to work, your plan, and proceed, with the necessary persistence!

3. Listen; learn; leading: We generally think of a leader, as someone who directs others, but, a real leader, is someone, who also, is leading, himself, wisely, and in a well – considered, manner! Effectively listen, and learn, from every experience and conversation, so you might be, the best, you might become!

4. Priorities; pleasure; planning; perception; process: When was the last time, you truly, took the time, and made the effort, to consider, your priorities, and reasons! What gives you the most pleasure? Are your perceptions, positive, and healthy, or negative, and defeating? Will you commit, to the degree of planning, being a winner, requires? This is a process, and you must be ready, willing and able, to commit, absolutely, to it!

No one can help you, and you can’t serve others or humanity, until/ unless, you begin, with a focus, on self – HELP! Do you really want to help, yourself, become happier and healthier? It’s always, up, to you!

Helping Your Child's Transition to Primary School

A child's transition from kindergarten to primary is a big step towards their growth and one can clearly see that the child goes through a lot of mood swings, anxiety and fear of the new environment. As parents, it is important that you help the child step into primary school with as little anxiety as possible. Here are some ways by which you can reduce your child's anxiety.
1. Talk – children love to talk, but when it comes to expressing their fear of the unknown, it is difficult for them to talk. Try a short story about your own childhood and first day of primary school, the fears you faced and engage the child to talk about it. This will help the child understand what to expect and how to go about facing the new challenges that lie ahead.
2. Try to meet the new classmates – if the child is moving into primary in the same school, chances are that the child's friends are also moving in. Meet up with them before the start of the school year to help all the children bond better. This will also help reduce the anxiety of moving to primary school.
3. Test run – many schools allow children to come into the class a couple of days before the actual start of the academic sessions. Take your child to the school and show him / her around, the class, the washroom, the play area, spends some time there. This will help the child relax and be calm on the first day of school.
4. Practice what is already learnt – transition to primary school does not only involve the emotional journey that the child takes, but also the intellectual journey that is kick-started. Parents can buy / make worksheets to help the child prepare themselves to face the new academic year without much stress of studies. There are many workbooks available in the market to help children transition to primary school and flipClass Genius Kids workbooks are one such set of books that help the child practice math, science and English with ease.
5. Daily schedule – till the time, the child is in Kindergarten, she spends little time in the school. Moving to primary classes will mean that the child spends a significant amount of time in the school as well. Parents need to help the child cope with the new timings in the school by being with them when they return from school, talk to them and ease their stress.

A child's transition to primary school is not only important for the child, but also for parents. Parents need to be calm to pass on the same vibes to the child. This is why every parent must know how and what to help the child in this transition process.

3 Cutting-Edge Blog Directories With FREE Submission That Can Help Your Blog Travel in SEO Space

A good way to get your blog out there in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Space is to use blog directories. Blog directories are websites which will categorize your blogs under many different categories. Usually the best blog directories are human edited, meaning that each submitted blog is reviewed by a person, not a robot, who will decides whether our blog belongs in their directory or not.

Now not only will blog directories help get your blog to people who are interested in the topic you write about but they will also provide strong back links and can help your posts get ranked in search engines. Also, note that many people search blog directories to research blogs that are similar to their blogs.

Did I hear someone ask “Whats a backlink?

A backlink is a link that one blog site gets from another blog site or static website. Backlinks can make a big impact on a website’s ranking in search engine results. This is why they are considered so important for improving a blogs SEO ranking. Search engines will use their own methods to calculate rankings using multiple factors to display search results.

One of the many methods that can help your rankings is to submit your sites to blog and article directories. I am only going to focus on three directories I have recently submitted this blog to. In another post I will talk about article directories and perhaps other blog directories..

I am only listing those sites that I recently submitted to in June of this year and have a easy user-friendly portal. So, check them out for yourself. As I continue with my research I may post about others later after I submit my sites.


The site is easy to navigate. It does not make you feel like it is a “spammy site”I was quite surprised that the site I listed was indexed so quickly. So I am encouraged to submit more sites.


Blogflux lets you know on the first page that they currently feature 157,056 blogs. So you get excited about adding your blogs to the number. They stress the type of blogs they WILL NOT accept. It is an easy submission process.


Is also stupidly easy to navigate. It has been around for a long time so their is a high level of reliability. Their blog directory tab when clicked does not allow you the opportunity to search the categories. But I they make it easy to contact them. So I will let them know that this boomer is concerned. I am sure it will be corrected.

I used one of my handy forms from the Blog Management System to record the name of the directory, user name and password plus the specific blog I submitted.

If you have other favorite blog directories please share.

Why We WORRY, Even Though, It Doesn’t Help?

Human nature, being what it is, sometimes seems counter – productive! We often spend far too much time, and expend excessive energy, focusing on, and doing things, which rarely produce the most desirable results, and/ or, our own, personal, self – interests! One reaction, to some of life’s obstacles, often thrust in our path, is resorting to worrying. Why do we WORRY, even though, it, not only, doesn’t help, but, often, is harmful to handling an obstacle? We are nearly always, more productive, efficient, and effective, when we transform obstacles to challenges, instead of perceiving them as problems! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this approach, is rarely, beneficial, and/ or, helpful.

1. What; when; where; which: What should we do, when confronted with less than stellar news, and/ or, information? Should we move forward, and handle it, or let it control us? Will we proceed, in a well – considered, timely manner, and when does that mean, we will proceed, forward, hopefully, into a worry – free zone? Where do we want to be, in terms of our overall perceptions, beliefs, and priorities/ goals? Which option will we choose, and why?

2. Obstacles; options: There are only two ways, we respond/ react to obstacles. The less – productive way, is to worry, about what might happen, perceiving, what might go wrong, visualizing potential problems, instead of trying to overcome these things! The better approach is simply, perceive these, as obstacles, to overcome! Which of these options, will you select?

3. React/ reactions; reach out: When we are willing to proceed, with objective introspection, we react, based on a rational, productive, path, instead of letting our reactions, focus on problems! The wisest approach is, to reach out, to experts and closest people, we trust, and examine the positive, productive approach!

4. Rationale; response: Our rationale will determine our response! Therefore, doesn’t it make sense, to proceed, focusing on ways, to succeed, instead of why you should not?

5. You; your: Your perceptions, attitude, and cognition, work together, to direct your response, and reactions! It’s essential to remember, it’s your mindset, which, either enhances your health, and well – being, or harms it, in, both, the short – term, as well as longer – run!

It’s in your self – interest, to avoid, the tendency, to dwell on WORRY, and seek a better way! Will you become your own best friend, or be your personal enemy?

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