Can You Make Money Writing Short Stories? Learn How To Write Stories and Get Paid

If you have ever wondered if it was possible to make money writing short stories, the answer is yes, yes you can. Short fiction stories have always been popular, All you have to do is to complete the three following tasks and you are well on your way to getting your work out there so that you can get paid for your efforts.

# 1 – Get Those Stories Written

This might seem like a silly thing to say but there are a lot of people who like the idea of ​​writing a book but they forget that they actually have to sit down and write something. If the ideas remain in your head and not down on paper, your short stories will not see the light of day.

It is now time to work out a schedule so that you can get busy crafting your ideas. You have the option of writing one short story that could consist of a minimum of around 10,000 – 20,000 words. Alternatively you can write a series of short stories, consisting of around 1,000 – 5,000 words each. Then you can create a nice collection.

The main thing is that you get busy writing so that you have your product finished and ready to offer to the public.

# 2 – Get Those Stories Published

Once you have finished writing your short story or stories, you will want to get them published. You can try and send your work to traditional publishers but that can be a very long and difficult process.

The great news is that now you can publish your stories yourself. One of the easiest ways to do this is to sign up to the Amazon KDP program. You register with the website, create an account and then upload your book. You have to make sure that this book is formatted correctly so that it looks like a proper book when people view it on their kindle readers, their iPads, their laptops or whatever electronic device they use for reading.

# 3 – Tell The World About Your Short Stories

Now that you have written your book and you have published it via the Amazon program, the next step is to let people know about the book's existence. There are so many books available so you have to do some work in order to stand out from the crowd.

There are several things you can do. You can tell your friends and family about your book by sending links using social media. Let them know by sharing the Amazon link to your book on Facebook, on Twitter and on Google +. If you have a Pinterest account or an Instagram account, you can upload images of your book cover and the links to those as well.

Do you have a website? If you do, you will want to write about your book there too. Share the whole process of what you wrote, how you wrote it and where people can go and buy it.

So now that you know that it is possible to make money writing short stories, you need to take action and get those stories written, published and promoted. Time to get busy. Good luck.

Reverse Mortgage – When Do You Get the Money?

In the technology driven society of today, it is often a very quick and easy process to take out a loan. Once you have applied and been approved for the loan that you want, it can sometimes be a matter of a few days before the money appears in your account. As with most things in life however, complications do arise, and it is a good idea to be prepared for a delay so that you do not get into financial trouble waiting for your loan money to come through.

The nice thing about a reverse mortgage, it is often easier for home owners to be approved for this type of loan versus loans they have applied for in the past. It is a good idea to meet with reverse mortgage lenders to first of all see if this reverse type of mortgage is the best option for you and also to see if you will qualify for the money that you want to borrow.

It completely depends on your situation to determine how long it will take to get the money that you borrow with a reverse mortgage. Again, the sooner that you meet with reverse mortgage lenders and start the process of borrowing the money, the sooner you should have the money that you need.

There are some things that could happen along the way that could slow down the process of getting your reverse mortgage, however, if you approach the subject by first doing a little research to inform yourself of what all is involved, you will be more likely to go through the process of getting the loan more smoothly.

The Quickest Way to Make Money on Earth

I am going to assume you don’t want to break the law or rob a bank, because as quickly as it could make you wealthy to rob your local casino, it is just not the right thing to do. I will also assume you don’t want to marry money or hope for a winning lottery ticket, what I am going to propose is a sound and hopefully rational explanation of the quickest way to make money on Earth.

First, I want to introduce you to the three types of money. Time money, Credit money and Solutions money. All three of these are ways to get money. Time money is connected to time and is typically offered in a job. You work 8 hours, you get 8 hours pay. The very next day you start from scratch, the work you did yesterday has been paid for and you will never earn for those 8 hours of work ever again. The next is credit money and this type of money trades tomorrows hours of work today. Typically, you can only get credit money, if you can prove you work in a job and have access to time money. So these two methods of getting money are both closely connected to the time component.

The third type of way to get money is solution money. Its where the fun begins. Most of the corporate world makes its money this way and pays their staff slow time money. While they make $100,000 in a single afternoon, they pay their staff an hourly wage. There is nothing unfair about this, but it is important to note that solution money has no time component. Solution money is made by creating solutions to peoples problems.

The quickest way on Earth to make money is to earn it offering solutions to peoples problems. The more specialized and effective your solution, the more in demand that solution is, the more ridiculously high your income will be. Company’s. are groups that have money, lot’s of money. If a company has a problem or to be honest, even the Government, for that matter, then, this is ideal for people wishing to make money quickly. But for the average person, how does this translate into income today? Well…it’s true, average people don’t have much money, but the point is getting paid to fix problems for people that need help. Even average people without much money would pay a handsome and quick payment to somebody that could assist them with a quick solution!

Private School Grants – Everything You Need to Know to Get Free Money From Private Foundations

Anyone who is in college or has looked into getting a college education knows that it won’t come cheap. Some schools charge tuition and fees that are way beyond the average person’s means, especially when you also have those other every day living expenses to consider.

This doesn’t mean you should not pursue your dreams of a higher education. Every single person should be entitled to a college education, if they want it, and in this day and age, that education is definitely the key to a brighter future.

For most of us, the question of how to pay for that education will arise. If you or your family can’t pay for it out of pocket, someone has to pay for it. Fortunately, we live in a country where higher education has become a right more than a privilege.

The government and your school can offer financial aid in the form of scholarships and grants. Did you know, however, that there are private foundations that also offer grants for a variety of things, especially education? It’s only a matter of finding these opportunities, applying for them and making your application shine so they will choose to help fund your educational efforts.

Private school grants are plentiful. There are billions of dollars out there. You simply have to qualify for the grant program(s). These private foundations want to give students this money. It’s for a good cause, and the government says they have to give away 5% of their assets every year or lose their non-profit status. So see, it’s really a win-win situation for other the students and the private foundations. Just how do you go about getting your hands on this money? Here’s everything you need to know to get free money from private foundations!

The first step to take is researching private foundation grants. You can do an internet search or get an updated book from the library that will list such education grant opportunities. Do your homework and look for foundations that offer grants you are likely to qualify for. some offer them based on need, demographic criteria, grades, and area of study. Choose the ones that appeal to you and find out what the specific criteria is for qualifying.

You will need to pay close attention to each foundations application process, as all might not be the same. Don’t wait, because there will be deadlines. you will need to fill out an application, so make it look good, and you might even have to write an essay about your plans for your future or why you feel you deserve to be awarded a grant. If there is an essay requirement, do your best. Get help if you need to.

You’ll want to stand out to better increase your chances of receiving a monetary award. You might also need to submit documentation of your education, course work, community service, grades, work experience, etc., depending on the foundation. be prepared for this, because if you submit an application to a foundation without all the requirements being met, it might be considered incomplete and completely disregarded, causing you to lose out on that cash you need for school.

When you look into application deadlines, also look to see when they make their decision. Sometimes, you might have to wait quite a while to hear anything. Take note of who to contact and if it is necessary for you to follow up during the waiting period. Aside from crossing all the Ts and dotting all the Is in a way that really talks up your skills, be sure to include the courtesy of thanks to the foundations you are applying to. They appreciate gratitude and probably do not receive as much of it as they should.

Keep close track of the grants you have applied for and all of the pertinent information for each one so that there is no confusion later on. Choose several foundation grants that suit you and get to work on the applications. it might seem like a lot of work, however, it will be well worth it. You’re not going to win them all, but you increase your chances of winning some kind of money to help pay for school when you apply to more places. The more grant money you can get for school, the better off you are. grants do not have to be repaid, reducing the amount of money you have to pay out of your own pocket.

One other thing to keep in mind is that most foundation grant programs have very specific requirements. Look for these when choosing where to apply to make sure you fit the scope and also, keep these requirements in mind for later. Most foundations require you to maintain a certain GPA and some even ask that you be involved in community activities, academic activities and take certain courses or major in a specific field.

Need to Borrow Money Quickly?

Getting a loan quickly can be a difficult task for anyone. But if you have poor credit or a low income, that effort can be even more challenging and understandably so. A poor credit rating means that you’re less likely to be able to pay back the loan and lenders aren’t in the business of losing their money. However, there are still some steps that you can take to maximize your chances of getting approved for a quick loan.

First, it helps if you have all of your financial documentation in order. Make sure you have organized all of your income statements, as well as documentation of any efforts you are making to pay off previous debts if you have them. If you don’t have any credit at all, it’s especially important to collect proof of all of your sources of income, including that from any side jobs you may have. Make your case seem worthy of a loan and explain everything in detail. Some people think if you cut corners and leave out details you are more likely to get the loan you need. This simply isn’t true! When applying in person, try to establish a personal connection and be as friendly and sympathetic as possible. You don’t need to confess your entire life story, but explaining an emergency situation or real need for something can’t hurt your chances of getting the loan.

Another way to increase your chances of being able to borrow money quickly is by applying for a smaller loan. For instance, your chances of getting approved quickly if you apply for a loan of under $3,000. If you try to borrow more, it can often take weeks for your loan to get approved and processed. In contrast, smaller loans can be approved and distributed the same day. If you have established a relationship with a loan office or bank, then you can further improve your chances of getting a loan quickly whenever you need it most. This isn’t to say that you should borrow often, but you should pay back loans on time to get in good standing with the company. The more often this happens the more they begin to trust in your ability to pay back any borrowed funds.

In short, if you need to borrow money quick, it helps to be organized with your documentation. It also helps if you go to a financial institution where you already have an established relationship. In addition, if you can get away with borrowing a smaller sum, you’re more likely to get approved fast. Taking all of these steps together can significantly increase your chances of getting the money you need quickly.

How to Get Money for Junk Cars?

It is easy to find a lot of people having one or more junk cars in their premises. They probably do not know how to get money for junk cars. If you are also one of those people, you can not only free some space by disposing of your junk car properly but if you do it wisely, you can also make some money out of it. There is nothing to worry even if the condition of your vehicle is bad. There are still some useful parts in it and they can definitely fetch you good amount money.

Of course, the beginning point is to make up your mind that you are doing away with your old vehicle and you are doing it fast because if you delay it, you are actually allowing the vehicle to deteriorate further. This will have an impact on the cash that you can earn out of it. Besides, a deteriorating vehicle also has really bad effects on the environment.

Once you have made up your mind, you must keep your ownership papers ready with you because when you sell your junk cars, the first thing that is asked is your ownership papers. This is done to avoid the possibility of any kind of fraud. If you have your papers in order, it will be easier for you to sell your vehicle and earn a handsome amount against it. Otherwise, it sometimes becomes problematic to sell your vehicle and you end up selling it in prices much lower than what you deserve.

After getting your papers in order, you will have to look for a disposal service that buys junk cars. You can find a lot of them online. You can look for ones that are close to your location. Go to the websites of these disposal services to get a quote for your car. You can get their contact details from the website and call them up to get somebody come to your home and discuss about the deal. You should negotiate with them and try to find the best prices for your car. Once you are happy with the prices, you must finalize the deal. After making the deal, the disposal services will themselves make arrangements to tow away your car to their salvage yard and pay you as per the contract.

As one of the other options, you can yourself arrange to remove your old cars. You can drain the oils and remove the useable parts, tires etc. to sell them off in the market. Then you can sell the remaining parts of the car to some junkyard. In fact if you want you can also call them and they will make arrangements to take it to their place.

One more way of disposing of your vehicle is through online advertisement. There are various online auction sites where you can advertise your junk car. These sites also help you get the best out of your junk cars while doing away with them.

How to Make Money With Google AdWords

When you learn how to make money with Google AdWords, you'll see it is a powerful tool that you can use to get a lot of targeted traffic to your website to sell your own products or affiliate products.

You just need to create an ad campaign in your AdWords account and create your ad. Then your ad will be shown to hundreds and even thousands of people who have actively searched for a keyword to your website topic.

But since every click you get is costing you money, you want to make sure you are getting the most of your investment.

Here are some tips to make more money from Google AdWords …

Tip # 1: Get a High CTR (Click-Through Rate)

You can do this by simply writing a powerful ad copy so you will attract more people to your ad and then website.

Then Google will reward you by lowering your cost per click, so not only you are getting more traffic, but also you are paying less for each click too.

So how can you write a killer ad copy?

One of the simplest and smartest ways is to take a look at what ad wordings other top advertisers are using and learn from them.

After all, if they can afford to stay on the top and still make a profit, then their ad must be effective.

Tip # 2: Capture Your Visitors' Email Addresses

So when you attract a lot of traffic to your site with your effective ad, now what?

The next step is to convert them into paying customers and make a sale. That's what your website is going to do.

If you want to sell your own product, you will need to have a high converting sales letter. But even so, still many of your visitors won't buy on their first exposure to your product.

So you want to use a technique to make them come back to your website again and again until they buy your product . Here's a powerful technique …

Capturing your prospects' names and email addresses.

Yes, this will help you get in touch with them later and promote your product to them.

This brings us to the third tip …

Tip # 3: Have an Effective Follow Up Strategy

So after you succeed to capture your AdWords visitors' email addresses, it's time to get in touch with them to give them more exposure to your product.

The key is having a powerful follow up strategy that will take them by the hand and lead them step by step toward making them excited about your product so they will happily order your product.

Creating such a powerful follow up strategy is a science. When you master this science, you will be able to make a LOT of money from your Google AdWords campaigns.

Because most people know they should have a high CTR.

Also many people know it's important to capture visitors' email addresses …

But what your competition is NOT aware of, is the power of having a killer email followup strategy.

THAT is what will give you an unfair advantage over your competition … which is exactly what you want.

Here's a helpful article to learn how to build your own quality list and follow up with them successfully to make much more money from your AdWords ads.

To your success,

Ladan Lashkari

Where Do Hospitals Get the Money in Order to Purchase Hospital Equipment?

There are several sources in which hospitals have in order to purchase the hospital equipment that they need in order to run their hospital and give their patients the most efficient and up-to-date care. Hospitals make their money and stay open due to federal and state government allocations, legislatures, insurance companies, individuals who make donations, and other employers. All of these entities contribute to the funding of the hospital and is taken care of by the hospital administrators who try to make the best and most efficient choices for the hospital itself.

Hospitals get their main source of income from the contributions and donations from companies and individual resources. They either get these monies in the form of checks or in hospital equipment or in other types of transactions. Most of these processes are very complicated in order to explain but there are several websites on the internet that explains the processes more in depth in order to get the understanding about how the whole process works. Their other main source of income is through the patients that they treat but this also can be very complicated due to the fact that there has to be a balance between the insured patients and the uninsured patients.

The more procedures that a hospital will incur will get them more money from the insurance companies while different procedures will be more lucrative than other procedures. It also even depends on the types of insurance plans that the patients have because some insurance companies pay more than others do. All of these factors have to watched and calculated in order for the hospital to have the money in their accounts in order to purchase needed hospital equipment and supplies for the hospital. Hospitals can go out of business if there are too many patients that come through their door without insurance or without a way to pay.

The general public needs to understand that the reason hospital costs are usually so high is due to the simple fact of the cost that it takes in order to run the hospital and the cost that it takes to get the patients the best and most up-to -date hospital equipment on the market today. They could be making a lot of money from their donations, insurance money and the government, but if the uninsured services and non-payment services rise about the money that they are getting, it could force the hospital into closing their doors.

Expedia Hotel Deals Guide: Tips for Finding Affordable Hotels and Saving Money With Expedia

It has never been easier (or more affordable) for the average person to travel. Now, it takes less than a day to get to the other side of the world. For thousands of years, it was impossible for anyone to get very far at all. Thanks to sites like Expedia, it's now a simple process to get from point A to point B, which can be literally anywhere in the world. However, getting to point B is only the first step. You'll still need a place to actually stay and sleep once you get there. That is where Expedia hotel deals come in.

It's one of the largest and most respected discount travel sites, and has been for several years. The search engine allows you to combine through hundreds of thousands of properties, nearly 500 airlines, and several car rental agencies to find affordable rates. You can also keep up with the latest deals on vacation packages and cruises.

Here are a few tips for saving as much money as possible:

• One way you can get Expedia hotel deals is to sign up for the mobile app. You can receive notifications through the app about deals that aren't advertised on the website. It's also very convenient and keeps your itineraries stored even when you don't have Wi-Fi.

• Consider booking a package deal. If you're going to need airfare anyway, you might as well combine the cost of the hotel and flight together in one package. For additional savings, book the car rental too. Expedia's search engine allow for all three to be searched at the same time. This strategy may lead to you accessing deep savings to help bring down the overall cost of your trip.

• Use coupons. If you're an internet coupon "clipper", then you'll be glad to know that there are Expedia coupons you can use for enticing savings. Just read the terms and conditions to make sure you can use a particular coupon for your hotel booking.

• Keep an eye on the "Deals" section. The company is constantly updating this part of the site. It has a variety of categories, including last-minute deals and cheapest hotel prices. There are deals popping up all the time for hotels in popular tourist hotspots, both domestic and international.

• If you're a regular traveler and plan on booking a lot of hotels in the future, it might be worth it to join Expedia +. This membership program offers exclusive discounts that regular users don't get access to as well as points and hotel VIP benefits.

Final Words

Whether you become a Plus member or not, you'll still find some Expedia hotel deals and affordable airfare.

It doesn't matter where you want to go and for how long you plan to stay, you'll need accommodation. Always begin your travel planning by looking into Expedia hotel deals . You'll find plenty of other discount travel offers as well. Get a percentage off of your next vacation booking by using Expedia coupons.

Borrow Money Quickly on Your Own

It is a breath of fresh air to be able to qualify for funds that way. Typically, such decisions don’t conduct a credit check. Therefore, if you don’t have any established credit yet or you have poor credit, you can still get the money you need. Many people like to be able to keep their financial needs private. You can do that with ease when you obtain fast loans with no guarantor.

Common Requirements

Without a credit check to worry about or take up precious time, the processing is very fast. You don’t need to provide too much information to be approved for fast loans with no guarantor. The common requirements include verification that you are at least 18 years of age and verification of ongoing income. Most providers also ask you for a photo ID to verify identity.

You will rarely be asked for more than basic details such as your name and address on the application. You won’t have to disclose what you need the money for either. In fact, it is refreshing to be able to spend it any way you need to. Of course, you should borrow fast loans with no guarantor responsibly. Only borrow what you need and pay it off as soon as you can.

The exact requirements will depend on the lender. For example, some require you to make a certain amount of money monthly. Identify lenders that fit your profile to increase the chances of being approved with ease for your loan.


The repayment plans offered will vary by lender. If possible, pay it off in full the next time you get paid. If you only need a small amount of money with the loan, this may be simple enough to do. However, for larger amounts, you may need to repay it in installments. This means you pay a small amount each time you get paid. Otherwise, you could get into a cycle of borrowing.

Make sure the repayment plan is one you can adhere to. Never agree to payments more than what you can afford. Never take out more than one of these fast loans with no guarantor at a time either. Pay the amount required but also try to pay a bit more if you can. This will reduce the overall cost and pay it off in less time.

Interest Rates

Since there is no credit check, the risk to lenders is higher for fast loans with no guarantor. As a result, the interest rate tends to be a bit higher than with a traditional loan. Yet the good news is it is fast and convenient. All of the red tape and roadblocks have been removed from your way. Getting the money is easy, but you should compare interest rates before you apply.

This information will be disclosed so there is no guessing. Make sure you verify there won’t be any additional fees added on for processing or even for early repayment of the loan. Take the time to verify the reputation of the lender too. While there are great opportunity for such loans, there are also scams to do your homework.

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