Adult Resort Reviews – Blackbeards and More

Blackbeards Adult Resort

This time we are reviewing Blackbeards Adult Resort, we haven't been there in a few years and believe me it is better. I know, we have it real rough here at Resort Holiday Weeks, going around visiting resorts all over the world and having resort owners and staff treat us like royalty so that we give them a good review.

Even though we may not have millions of followers here at Resort Holiday Weeks, resort owners know that if we recommend a resort our followers will go. So they turn up the charm for us, and since I am now working the adult resort beat LIFE IS GOOD!

OK now on to the good stuff. Blackbeards adult escort resort is located in the lovely little town of Costambar on the North Coast of Puerto Plata. The weather was great, the beach is less than 2 minutes away and yes, there are some very sexy ladies working at the resort, taking care of your every want and need.

As my new found resort buddy, Australian Paul says "There is no other resort where you get this much bang for your buck" And let me tell you Australian Paul made sure he got as much bang for his buck as possible.

Anyways what I am trying to say is the girls are very accommodating. So to all of you guys out there that have always dreamt of lying on a beach with a beautiful female companion that will provide you guaranteed adult entertainment, this is the place for you.

And for the couples out there looking for a nice romantic erotic vacation you will have a good time too. All in all, this 17 room resort is great for any kind of adult vacation you are looking for. If you are over the age of 18 and have an open mind, you will be in heaven.

Adventura Spa Palace

If you are looking for a little classier style of adult vacation, you have Adventura Spa Resort. Now this is still an adult only resort but I would not say it is an "escort resort" like Blackbeards. Well at least, they will not openly publicize it, but it still is Mexico right?

But to be serious this is the ultimate romantic vacation or honeymoon vacation. This all inclusive resort and spa has all the amenities and is very reasonably priced if you have our " Timeshare Resort Vacation System "

Below is a description right from there brochure: "This adults only resort (18+) is set within a 85-acres expanse, combining the exuberant virgin jungle, typical of the state of Quintana Roo, with wide and spacious lawns and gardens carefully designed to please the senses. Our botanical garden cares for and multiplies the native trees and flowers to offer you the widest array of brilliant colors. From the central patio with its colonial fountain, through the romantic archways, down to the natural tile floor to the carefully handcrafted furniture, it all combines to create a magical setting. "

I think they write a bit nicer than I do, but I bet you I have more fun! I have been to Adventura Spa Palace one time before, and I had a great time I think (I had quite a bit to drink) Well fortunately this is my next assignment, and I am looking forward to it. So stay tuned and look out for our next adult vacation article because I know it will be a good one. HELLO MEXICO!

For more great reviews on adult resorts and adult vacations please visit adult resorts

The Job Requirements of a Security Guard

Prior to starting your security guard training, its good to first understand the job description, essential tasks and skill standards important to become one.

The job description will certainly vary according to the type of security that you’re applying for, but typically it lines up with the examples below:

Guard, patrol, or monitor premises to stop theft, violence, or infractions of rules.

A Security Guard is expected to move among visitors, patrons and employees to maintain order and guard property. They may be required to use strength to apprehend or evict any violators from a premises if warnings are not taken seriously.

You must understand how to operate detecting devices to screen people and avoid passage of prohibited articles into restricted areas. In some cases, Security Guards are required to be able to operate motor vehicles to escort people to specified locations and provide personal safety.

Next, one must inspect and adjust security systems, equipment, and machinery to be sure operational use also to detect evidence of tampering. Some drive and guard armored vehicles to move money and valuables to prevent theft and ensure safe delivery.

A Security Guard preferably should be capable of writing reports concerning the daily activities and irregularities just like equipment or property damage, fraud, presence of unauthorized persons or uncommon occurrences. He or she must be trained in the English Language, able to read and write with good grammar and spelling.

Aside from that, several guards are required to have Computer skills – using word processing and spreadsheet programs for database entries.

Throughout duty, a Security Officer must phone the police or fire departments in cases of emergency. Usually, a guard cannot really make an official arrest, which explains why fast thinking and excellent communication skills are crucial when contacting the police or fire department.

In addition, you are expected to have knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and techniques to encourage effective local, state or national security operations for the protection of individuals, data, property, and institutions.

As mentioned earlier, a Security Guard should have decent communication skills since they are working with all unique types of people of numerous ethnic backgrounds, beliefs and understandings. He or she must show great principles and show adequate processes for supplying customer and personal services. Also, he or she must offer guidance for customer needs, make assessments of circumstances, and above all – have a quality of standards for services that he/she provides.

Lastly, he or she must have thorough expertise in laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process. These things are important to understand, because these regulations are the basis for all proper actions taken.

If you have any requests about security guard training or security guard training courses, I highly recommend you take a look at your State Bureau or Department of Criminal Justice to get more info.

Nine Things You Did Not Know About Night Life In Mauritius

Mauritius is a country controlled by regulations especially when it comes to night escapades. Designated night places especially clubs occasioned by tourist have a bit more relaxed regulations, therefore, one can still enjoy his outing. Here are nine things you may not have known about night life in Mauritius. These will help in your decision to spend a Mauritius Holiday with your family and friends.

  1. Casinos are very active at night. Even if one may not be a gambler, it offers something entertaining to everyone. An example of a popular casino is Trou Aux Biches casino and Caudans casino. People will gamble their hearts out at such places.
  2. Sega nights is a popular local dance place where one can enjoy dancing. Many clubs will treat the tourists to a taste of local dances. Sega is the Mauritian identity dances. The theme is mainly the traditions and the struggle for identity of Mauritians. It is normally mixed with other flavors like local jazz, pop, rock and rhythm artist and other concerts.
  3. Tipping your attendant is considered a virtue. As you go for your night outings you will find that the people who tip their service providers are accorded much attention.
  4. A tourist needs to be careful at night. One should avoid visiting isolated places or accepting lifts especially when they are alone. Although the level of criminal activity is fairly low, one is advised not to take chances. It is always wise for people to guard against instances that may lead them to the hands of a criminal at night.
  5. Tourists need to know about strict dressing code at night. To discourage prostitution tendencies, walking around in hotels in surfer shorts or bathing suits is normally discouraged. Pornography and casual sex is regarded as a taboo. Do not expect the locals to act openly towards the tourists. They face serious restrictions and tourists need to be aware of it.
  6. For those who smoke one has to carry enough cigarettes while clubbing at night. Most night clubs do not sell the stuff. You may get a rude awakening when you decide to have a puff only to be turned back. The clubs which stock them will sell to you at a very expensive price.
  7. Zanzibar night club is a place where many tourists seeking to enjoy music and shake off some stress. One needs to brace himself for a crowded dance floor. There is a balcony where clients can watch people having fun. There is another floor for people who choose to engage in dancing and there is an open space where people enjoy when taking a break.
  8. Weekends are full of night actions in clubs like Grand Baie. It is a time when the locals have time to visit and a mixture of folklore converge at the club anyone to enjoy. One can be entertained with a lot of drinking till the wee morning hours the following day. Many of these clubs will offer free entrance and those that charge just charge a few amounts.
  9. There are other clubs where one can enjoy sports. A club like Patch and Parrot will provide people with an opportunity to either play or watch sports action. There are still some mild dancing that takes place in such clubs to keep everyone entertained.

The discussed things may be obvious but many a tourist may not be getting all the details about them. They can guide one to having a fun time and remain safe when on a Mauritius holiday.

How Do You Safely Get From the Mall to Your Car at Night?

Please give me your undivided attention. This is the level of awareness you need to detect and react to a potential threat. As you get ready to leave the mall, make sure you have all of your treasures. If you can, put them in one hand. Now is not the time to get on your cell phone. Wait until you are locked in your car.

As you emerge from the mall, visually find your car. That’s it, right under the light. Look at the area. Is there any one loitering around the parking lot? Is there anyone around your car? If there is, go back into the mall and ask security for an escort. You just might do a little more shopping.

If the coast is clear, walk on the opposite side of the parking row as your car and watch and listen. Is there anyone or anything that just does not seem right? If there is, go back into the mall and get that escort. Walking on the opposite side of the parking row does not telegraph which car you are going toward. This approach also allows you to look under and around your vehicle as you approach it.

Take out your keys before you leave the mall. Have your car keys on a ring by themselves. This may seem inconvenient, but if you have to toss your keys, you have only lost the key to your car instead of the key to your home. Consider carrying a flashlight. Bad guys hate the light.

If all is well, cross to your car and put your packages in the trunk and get into the car quickly. Lock the doors and look around the area. Did you remember to look in the back seat before you got in? Do not roll down the windows until you are clear of the parking area. Your slow speed makes you vulnerable.

If you are approached as you head toward your car, go back into the mall. Do not respond to pan handlers. If you have pepper spray, now is the time to display it and warn the person. Be prepared to use it if they threaten you. You do know how to use the spray, don’t you? If you have a Taser, get ready to use it. You do know how to use it, don’t you?

These measures may seem extreme, but they quickly become second nature if practiced. You can make the choice not to become a victim.

Remember: Do not rely on anyone else to keep you from becoming a victim.

The Scorpio Emperor Turned Over to the Scorpio Goddess

All of the zodiac signs are shifting from their masculine expression to their most feminine Goddess countenance this astrological year. Aquarius, leading the way for the zodiac for the next 2100 years, is orchestrating this shift to the Zodiac Goddesses.

Aquarius, responding to the Goddess of Love’s descent from the inner realms into the physical plane, is helping ensure the attainment of a matriarch inspired era from the very beginning.

Moon Goddess’s New Moon Forecast

The Goddess of Love only began permeating the physical realm with her presence at the March Equinox, the beginning of the astrological 2011-2012 year. It was the Moon Goddess who was the cosmic messenger for the Goddess of Love’s descent into matter. The Moon Goddess forecast at her March New Moon was the Goddess of Love’s arrival two weeks later. Sure enough, the Moon Goddess’s prediction was accurate. The Goddess of Love arrived in all her splendor at the March Equinox when the Moon Goddess’s Full Moonbeams were shining most brightly.

Aquarius Shifts Zodiac into Alignment

Aquarius is ensuring that each of the Zodiac signs make the transition to their most beautiful Goddess expression, gracefully bringing them into alignment with the shift of power from the God of Will to the Goddess of Love. As this shift takes place, the Zodiac Goddesses then mentor those they sponsored into incarnations how to make this shift also. The Zodiac Goddesses speak from their own experience as they give guidance through their transmissions of energy to their cosmic offspring.

Goddess of Love Welcomes Emerging Zodiac Goddesses

At the Moon Goddess’s New Moon and Full Moon times, the Goddess of Love welcomes each emerging Zodiac Goddess, inviting her to fully connect with her swirling, pulsating loving energies. While Aquarius escorts the new Zodiac Goddess to her cosmic stage where the Goddess of Love awaits to welcome her, the Moon Goddess greatly amplifies the Zodiac Goddess’s energies helping her through any of her shyness as she takes her dominion.

Scorpion Emperor Acquiesces to Scorpio Goddess

On October 26, 2011, at the Moon Goddess’s New Moon, The Scorpion Emperor with much flourish, most dramatically acquiesced his zodiac crown to the Scorpio Goddess. The Moon Goddess, remembering when the Old Man in the Moon turned over his cosmic scepter to her, gave encouragement to both the Scorpio Emperor for his courage to step aside and the emerging Scorpio Goddess. Aquarius smiled knowingly, an old pro at this now having helped the Moon Goddess and seven of the Zodiac Goddesses to their place in the cosmos – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. The Scorpio Goddess is number eight.

Scorpio Goddess Gives Gratitude

Like all the Zodiac Goddesses so far, the Scorpio Goddess did not try to trash or emasculate her Emperor Scorpion; she gave him gratitude, thanks and love as he began to move into the background. She then said, “I’m glad I’m being ushered to my cosmic stage during the Moon Goddess’s dark period, as the dark is my dominion and where I feel most comfortable”.

Scorpio Speaks of Your Dark Side

After all, I’m the energy that propels your dark side into action, making me and Capricorn the most misunderstood of the zodiac. Capricorn deals with more of the dark side of power behind the throne, greed and money tests. I’m not going to start talking about my sister who’s in waiting to become a Goddess herself; wait until her time and let her tell you all about herself. Beneath all the rubble, the purpose of your dark side was to test you, to lead you down the same road over and over, appealing to your weaknesses, enticing you to give in, become addicted. Once you got it though, you passed your test and became stronger and developing qualities of will, power and strength was what it was all about.

Vibration of Love

I’ll be teaching you different methods, but for now I just want you to realize there was a “method in the madness.” In the past, really only one in a million made it to enlightenment, the tests were that tough. Now with love being in the lead, that’s all changed. Absolutely everyone that can respond to the frequency, the vibration of love, can make it and I’m here to help you along with all the other Zodiac Goddesses.

Scorpio Profound

Do know I’m profound, going into great depths, never settling for the obvious, the superficial. That’s why I’m the cosmic detective, and my Scorpio offspring are often detectives, the CIA or its equivalent in any country. During the patriarch civilization, the emphasis was on finding every negative, dirty deed that was hidden. Certainly you don’t want to throw that ability away, but as the Goddess, I’ll be shifting your emphasis to find the slightest thread of anything positive that’s occurring, hidden or ignored beneath the sensational headlines. There’s more good, positive, caring and loving actions occurring than you might realize. As you begin to draw the links, connect the isolated events, you’ll shift your own consciousness to a more positive vibration, moving you out of frequencies that attract mayhem to you.

Become Bored with Dark Side

It’s just like with relationships though, during the patriarch civilization, you were drawn to the stronger, more powerful person. The nice person was seen as too weak, boring. Same with newspapers and the media, good news was seen as bland, uninteresting.

Maybe even you; you were bored with your good side, and put all your attention on your dark side that was most of the time out of control testing you to the max. Now you’ll want to give your attention to the slightest positive thought, feeling or action and watch that part of you flourish and move toward the light. Become bored with your dark side instead, withdraw your energy.

Latin American Wedding Traditions

Every culture has its own wedding traditions and the Latin American marriage ceremony is no different. There are countless unique Latin American wedding traditions that are still followed to this day and are part of what makes the day special for every Latina bride.


In Latin American tradition, the night before the wedding, a procession takes place from the groom’s house to the bride’s family home. Hand lanterns are carried and the groom’s family take a gift-filled chest as a present for the bride’s parents.


As in many other cultures, the Latin bride and groom are forbidden to see each other before the wedding ceremony. The bride’s father’s responsibility is to keep the bride hidden away and then to give her away as part of the wedding service. It is the groom’s job to escort his mother down the aisle.

Flower Girls and Ring Bearers

As in many other cultures, Latin American wedding traditions dictate that there should be a flower girl and a ring bearer and that they should wear clothes that are copies of the bride and groom’s outfits.


13 gold coins representing Jesus and the apostles form an important part of the ceremony. They are presented by the groom to show that he can provide for his wife and are blessed by the presiding priest to be given to the bride as part of the service.

Bridal Dress

Every Latina bride knows how important her wedding dress is. In traditional Latin American weddings, she a mantilla veil and orange blossoms in her bouquet and hair are wore to symbolize happiness and fulfillment. Although Latin wedding dresses are now often white, traditionally the bridal dress color was black to show devotion for her husband until death.


Traditionally, both the bride and groom wear rings following their engagement on their right hands. After the ceremony, they swap the rings to their left hand.

Binding Together

In Latin American tradition, the lasso cord is used to bind the couple together during the ceremony. This is either a rosary or white rope tied around the couple’s’ shoulders symbolizing their union.


As in many cultures, giving guests wedding favors is an important part of the ceremony. Capias, or small gifts, are given to guests during the receiving line and took the form of ribbons with the names of the bride and groom and the date of the marriage on them.

The White Bell

During some Latin American weddings, there is a white bell hung outside the church filled with rice and flour to symbolize prosperity. As the couple enters the church, the bell is broken by the mother to wish the couple luck.


In traditional Latin American culture, it is the godparents (or sponsors) who bear the cost of the wedding and also play a big part in the ceremony. It was their responsibility to carry in the arras (gold coins) and the lasso cord into the ceremony.

First Dance

After the ceremony, the bride and groom dance their first dance while the guests take to the floor in a heart shape surrounding them.

For more on Latin American wedding traditions visit singlemantravel.

Secret Guide to Sex Toys – Your Friend in the Bedroom!

For women in particular, sex toys are a handy method to satisfy themselves when there is no male around. And why not? After all, many women live a fast life just like men. They work long hours and often have little time to socialize outside of working hours. Why would a woman want to masturbate? For the very same reason why you masturbate. It doesn’t take much thought to figure it out. Male or Female, we all have the same needs and desires.

For women, the clitoris is the key. It has so many stimulating nerve endings it makes the male mind boggle. The clitoris is much like the head of a penis but even more sensitive. It is the Holy-Grail of a women’s sexuality and most women know how to use it for their own maximum intimate experiences.

A few centuries ago, it was not uncommon for women to go to their physician to have him masturbate her! Seriously. It was thought that overly sexually active women would lead themselves into diabolic trouble and that they should not feel sexual urges. It wasn’t good for your health to have sex more than once per week.

As astonishing as it may seem, countless Doctors spent up to 50% of their working hours masturbating women. What a job! Can you imagine getting paid to masturbate women? I for one would work overtime at every chance!

Thank goodness technology has caught up with the clitoris and made it achievable for females to get their rocks off without the necessity to drop in on their local GP. Vibrators and other sex toys have liberated females. In fact, These days Doctors actively sanction the use of sex toys to promote orgasm.

Some females cant be bothered with the ritual of ‘Clubbing’ and the hassle of finding a mate. Accordingly they make use of sex toys in the same way that guys use escorts. They figure that it isn’t worth their time to locate a mate, so why bother? The sex toy such as a vibrator is simpler and faster and you don’t have to drive it home in the morning. A vibrator is permanently willing to go. No necessity to hang around for it to obtain an erection. It won’t leave the home dirty and want you to tidy up after it. It won’t cheat on you. It won’t expect after you are finished to make it something to eat. What a great device! Females can now make themselves have an orgasm in half the time a male can give them one.

In addition, there is no chance of disease. You can depend on a sex toy to be loyal. You know if it has strayed and with whom!

Males and Females are very much the same when it comes to sexual longing. Like men, some females have potent sexual urges. This does not mean that they are slutty, they’re just randy! Accepting that females have sexual desires is essential. Just like understanding you have sexual wants.

Here are a couple of things that males fear in relation to vibrators.

This one truly gets me! “Its OK for a bloke to masturbate but its not OK for a girl to masturbate. Some males actually believe it is wrong… they can jack-off but their lady shouldn’t?

Addiction. Will she become addicted to the vibrator and will that make my dick obsolete? There is no need to fear the vibrator. Adopt it as an assistant. Take pleasure in watching her orgasm like there is no tomorrow.

Nothing will take the place of the feel of another human being. Unless their vibrators can cuddle them after they are done, a vibrator won’t replace you.

The great thing about masturbation is that you can go anywhere in your mind without impacting on anyone else. It is your ‘private’ experience and your private indulgence. When all is said and done, masturbation is a great way to relive the stresses of the day.

Reverse Email Search to Identify a Craigs List Stalker

Have you heard about On Craig’s List you can find a roommate, a job ,an escort and even a cyber stalker . It’s an online classified ad community started by Craig Newmark in 1995 in San Francisco. Since then it has taken off like wildfire and now attracts over 25 million visitors each day from all around the world. When an online community is this popular it inevitably attracts cyber stalkers and scam artists as well. A reverse email search can identify and locate a Craig’s List stalker.

What is a Craig’s List stalker and how do they operate?

A Craig’s List stalker is a person that is taking advantage of the privacy the site affords. Craig knew that people online like to remain anonymous so he utilized a free email forwarding format for users to communicate.

Craig’s list is also for the most part a free service. There are small fees for help wanted ads and real estate ads but you can post person ads or rants and raves for free. A Craig’s list stalker will use both of these features to use Craig’s list as a platform to stalk and harass their victims.

1.They will post the victims name address and phone number to harass them.

2.They will adversities garage sales and post the victims address.

3.They could post an ad in the escort service section and post the victims name and address and phone number.

If you are a victim of an online stalker you can use a professional reverse email search to locate and identify that stalker. Even if they are using under a fictitious name and set up a free anonymous email account like or to stalk you.

Once you have identified this stalker and documented their online harassment you can file a lawsuit to recover damages and file a criminal complaint with the police. You can even get the court to issue a temporary restraining order that will prevent the stalker from even using a computer until the case is tried before a judge.

If you are a victim of this type of online harassment you can hire a professional investigator to do a reverse email search investigation into the online activity of your stalker. They can locate the stalker and return their full name address and phone number. But be sure to do your homework when hiring an investigator. Do a an online search of their name to see if they are recognized as an expert in email tracing and online stalking intervention.

Interpretation Service

Interpretation is an extension of translation. While translation is in writing, interpretation is oral or verbal in form. Interpretation and translation have become a fast growing industry. This has been due to rapid globalization process with cross-cultural mingling becoming a trend.

Interpretation service is available in languages such as German, Greek, French, Bangla, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Italian, Danish, Norwegian and many other. Interpretation requires skills and cannot be effective until conveyed under a set of protocols. For an interpretation service to have a prolonged effect, it needs to be done by an expert interpreter.

Interpretation Service: Various Types

Interpretation is available in and suited for different business purposes. Different interpretation services are needed in variety of environments. These include:

Business Interpretation

Interpretation imparts an impetus and flexible tone to various business meetings, conferences and symposiums. In such gatherings, it is expected that people from different countries and races meet with a common business goal. Therefore, to remove the language barriers, interpretation service provides an effective podium to analyze the means and subject of discussion involved in the business meeting.

On-site Interpretation Services

This calls for a personalized involvement on the part of an interpreter. On-site interpretation is required at places where one to one meeting between native user of language and non-native user of language meet for some common focused goals. Besides, on site interpretation service can be availed in case of outsourced material in any foreign language through the adept skills of an interpreter.

Escort Interpretation Service

Escort Interpretation service offers an adventurous platform to the interpreter, wherein he/she accompanies a business meeting, traveling to distant places with client in domains requiring research, and various other business and non business settings.

With umpteen opportunities knocking the door, the field of interpretation service has a long way to go capitalizing varied industry verticals

Gay and Lesbian Committment Ceremonies – Ideas to Plan & What to Expect

Perhaps you are planning a gay or lesbian commitment ceremony and you are not sure what the essential elements are to the ceremony. Or maybe you have been invited to a commitment ceremony and are just not sure what to expect. Gay and lesbian comment ceremonies are very much the same as traditional weddings, and the ceremony is nearly identical. The only difference is that a commitment ceremony is not legally binding in many areas yet. It is merely a public affirmation of the couple’s commitment in front of their friends and family.

A commitment ceremony can take place with gay, lesbian or transgendered couples. This ceremony could be formal or casual, and will depend on the couple’s wishes and the rules of the officiant or house of worship it is being held in. Generally speaking, this is a simple outline of how a gay or lesbian commitment ceremony will occur.

Processional – There may or may not be a processional, it depends on the couple. If the couple chooses to have friends stand up for them, they may start the processional, following by any other roles the couple has assigned (flower girl, ring bearer). The couple may choose to walk the processional alone or with an escort. One partner may be waiting at the front, or both may walk separately. Or, the couple may choose to forgo this tradition altogether. It is entirely up to what the couple feels comfortable with.

Greeting – The officiant will welcome the guests and say a few words about the couple, their relationship, why they are there, and about the ceremony in general.

Readings / Music – Depending on the couple’s preference, there may be passages, quotes, or readings which may incorporate the theme of love in them. Music or hymns may also be played, depending on the couple’s preference.

Vows – The couple will make a commitment to each other, just as in a traditional wedding.

Exchange of Rings – The couple will then exchange rings and express the meaning of the rings to each other.

Pronouncement of Marriage – The officiant will announce that the couple is now married/joined/united/wed. The wording is entirely up to the officiant and couple. Should the couple choose to kiss, the officiant will announce it.

Recessional – The couple will leave the ceremony location as unified partners. Similar to traditional weddings.

Reception – Most couples will follow the ceremony with a reception of some kind. The reception may be formal or casual. It may or may not include the traditional wedding elements such as first dance, cake cutting, or bouquet toss. Whatever the couple feels comfortable with is what should be included in the reception.

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