Unique Alternatives to Traditional Wedding Rings

Weddings are an integral part of one’s life. It symbolizes the new beginning of a beautiful relationship with a hope of love and trust, that will last for many years to come. Usually, the couple prefers to choose everything unique and glorious for their wedding. Be it a stunning long bridal gown to satin-tie with matching cufflinks the bride and bridegroom don’t leave any chance to make their wedding day outstanding.

Weddings are the time to embrace either by getting an escort in beautiful horse-carriage or by selecting the non-traditional wedding ring. You are the modern couple, and you have the right to add your quirky sense of style, so replacing the traditional wedding ring with lovely tattoos or bracelet is definitely what you need.

Let’s have a look at all the unique alternatives which you can present at the place of a traditional wedding ring.

A beautiful Necklace: Presenting your future soul with charming necklace would be an ideal alternative. For the necklace pendant, you can prefer engraved stones or add a personalised touch to it by putting your spouse name on it.

The wedding bands or customised chain also do a great job. Moreover, you can put a special quote or personalized message on the stone and present it to your better half with a beautiful necklace.

Tattoos: The trend of finger tattoos have become quite popular these days. Many couples are opting to get their partner name engraved on their ring finger. Both wife and husband can choose any design of tattoo from simple to extravagant. You can also have the design according to your taste. From the thin line tattoo to compact custom design or a symbol that has meaning for you two, finger tattoo rings are permanent, and the best alternative to traditional wedding rings. Finger tattoos are suitable for daring couples who feel uncomfortable in wearing the rings.

Wedding bands with engraved fingerprints: Wedding bands are the perfect alternative to traditional wedding rings, and when the wedding band gets engraved with the fingerprints they become more special and unique. You may ask any jewellery designer to put your fingerprints inside or outside the band. Wedding bands with engraved fingerprints are genuinely personal and wondrous way to express love to your partner.

Silicon Bands: If your partner has an active lifestyle and feel uneasy in wearing the metal at work or home then nothing would be better than colourful silicone bands as an engagement ring. Silicone bands are ideal for people who have a fear of losing their expensive rings. Also, the silicone rings are inexpensive, durable and can comfortably fit on the ring finger. Silicone wedding rings are the quite popular and the best stylish alternative to the traditional rings.

Diamond Earrings: Diamonds are every girl best friend. So, if you are looking for something classy to present your better half than surprise her with a charming pair of diamonds. You can choose the earrings of any size, cut and design. Your partner would surely be happy to receive the beautiful set of earning.

Bespoke Design: If you are fond of traditional wedding rings but wish to have them in bespoke design that matches with your personality then consider it to design yourself. Share the thoughts with the designer or sketch the design which you want. You would be amazed to see the final handcrafted masterpiece.

In the end: We all the know the importance of stunning rings but putting all your earned money on them is not right. It is always better to fix the budget and then spend accordingly on wedding stuff. Right after the wedding ring, the second most crucial thing which worries most couples is a wedding car hire. These two things are often overlooked in the wedding by guests and family members. So along with choosing the decadent wedding ring make sure you are also hiring lavish wedding transportation.

Ruby Bridges, Barbara Anderson, Mrs Ackerman and Me

We recognize Ruby Bridges for her life’s work as a civil rights leader and activist; we find an unsightly caricature of Ruby’s historic walk through a snarling angry crowd with new education secretary Betsy DeVos depicted as Ruby. This depiction exemplifies how little understanding of race discrimination in America has been attained..

But for racial subjugation Ruby Bridges would not have needed federal marshals to escort her to attend a heretofore segregated public school in New Orleans. But for racial animus she would not have been taught in an isolated setting by Barbara Henry; whose integrity led her to offer this brave child the best education she could provide her. That teacher Barbara Henry, and her student, Ruby represents the best of the American legacy. This Bridges experience is captured too in a retrospective entitled “Lasting Impact”, which summarizes the historic effect of this heroic act.

Today, Segregation is illegal in America and no longer happens. A large amount of racism has left our society, however, not all of it has been eliminated. Hopefully one day, racism will be a subject only spoken about in history textbooks.

DeVos’ caricature of Bridges is classic to American culture. This cultural practice is summarized in the following quote from Bridget Cooke’s ” Fixing Racial Representations of African- Americans at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893″. This excerpt explains causations for the use of stereotypes to minimize the positive reality of African descent Americans. Whites created the culture of segregation in large part to counter black success, to make a myth of absolute racial difference, to stop the rising. Racial essentialism, the conception of sets of personal characteristics as biologically determined racial identities, grew in popularity among whites in tandem with the rise of the new black middle class and its increasing visibility, especially in cities.

This American legacy extends to me as well, in Los Angeles, California where I was born. I am more than a decade older than Ruby but attended integrated schools. I too had boosts from my nurturing family as well as key teachers along my way.

In John Muir Junior High School where I attended school, someone would always manage to relieve me of my bus ticket book leaving me with a miles long trudge to school. Enter my Barbara Henry, Mrs. Ackerman. Mrs Ackerman was my science teacher who was a German immigrant. She would look for me on my march to school and offered me that much appreciated ride to school.

Then she would allow me early access to her classroom. During these early morning sessions she taught me a means of recognizing my own exceptional intelligence through a mini astronomy lesson where she gave me the eagle’s view of my ability to extrapolate. I would leave John Muir and go on to graduate cum laude from high in a class of 1200. This led to a scholarship to college.

In the fifty-eight years since these mornings with Mrs. Ackerman I have shown my passion for this American legacy serving students and staff in a way that led to:

First woman of my hue to become a high school principal in the state of Colorado

Winner of the following distinctions

Milken National Educational Leader

Outstanding Individual in Schools for the state of Colorado

Educator of the Year

Election to the School Board the first of my hue and female in over 140 years

Post Retirement:

Fellowships to Harvard

More to tell. For now thank you colleagues Ruby, Barbara, Mrs Ackerman

Fecal Incontinence: How to Avoid a Shitty Trip

There is nothing like the fear of not getting to the toilet on an airplane to make the would-be traveler stay at home. Calm down. The situation is controllable.

Before the flight:

Book an aisle seat as close to the toilet as possible. This is not rocket science as you don’t want to have to get by two people to escape from your seat. The closer you are the better the chances of making it on time.

Pre-order a vegetarian meal. Why vegetarian? Airplane food can sometimes be enough to spark a bowel movement. Other meals include vegan, Japanese, and Kocher. It also means that you will get your food before the other passengers. The timing means that you can head for the loo before the masses do after their meals.

Pack extra adult “briefs,” wipes, and a change of underwear in your carry-on. “Diapers” is apparently no longer a politically correct term. These items are no good to you in your checked luggage so keep them within reach.

Read the Mayo Clinic literature. These proactive measures can help you control your bowels. The advice includes watching your diet, exercises, and documenting your food intake.

Decide if you want to take an anti-anxiety pill. Popping a diazepam/Valium may give you “false” security, but if it helps you have less of a fear of having an accident it may be worth the risk. Discuss the issue with a physician.

Select over-the-counter medicines as a just-in-case option. Included on this list are Pepto-Bismol, loperamide, or bismuth. Those who want to be even more confident can opt for prescription medicines.

On the Plane:

Talk to the flight attendant. Don’t be shy, just explain that you have a problem. Hey, do you think they haven’t heard it all before? That way if all the toilets are in use and there is a line-up, they will escort you to the facility in business or first-class even if you are flying economy.

Keep hydrated. Drink enough water as planes are notorious for zero humidity and you don’t want to get dehydrated. Avoid alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, and other irritating beverages. That said, you don’t want to guzzle enough water to make you go every 15 minutes.

Go to the toilet even if you don’t think you have to. That may sound strange, but sometimes just being there is enough to provoke a reaction.

Realize that an accident is not the end of the world. Yes, it is embarrassing, but it isn’t fatal. If people stare, just quietly smile. There are likely more passengers who will be sympathetic than not. And remember that once you are through customs you will likely never see them again.

Transitioning From Elementary School to Middle School – Study Strategies

Transitioning from an elementary school to a middle school or junior high school can be a frightening experience for many students. After all, for many children, this is the first time they will be moving from class to class without a teacher or school escort. Students will be learning from a variety of teachers with different specialties and teaching techniques. Also, they will be intermingling with many students rather than their small classroom cohort.

Yet, one of the hardest transitions for many students making the leap to the middle school level is test preparation. Parents often ask, “How should my child study for a test?”, hoping that there is a secret strategy that will guarantee their child’s success on exams. Unfortunately, there is not a one-size-fits-all technique when it comes to test preparation. That being said, here are a few helpful ideas that may ease your child’s stress level (and yours as well) and hopefully increase his overall performance.

Have a plan and get organized

Odds are your child will have homework in nearly every subject throughout the course of a given week. Help your child create a calendar where he can write down due dates for assignments as well as all of his extracurricular activities. This will give the student an opportunity to visually see how many days he has to prepare for an upcoming test. It will also be valuable as the child will see the other assignments and activities he needs to accomplish in addition to having to prepare for exams. Furthermore, this will help you and your child see if he will have multiple tests on a given day.

Even if your child has difficulty remembering his homework or has a habit of leaving his assignment notebook at school, most schools have homework and assignments listed online and available for parents and guardians. Familiarize yourself with the homework page for your child’s school so that you can help him populate his calendar with all important information.

Keep in mind middle schoolers are notorious procrastinators. If they see on Monday that a teacher has a test scheduled for Friday, then they think they don’t have to prepare for that test until Thursday night. Cramming does not work! With the jump to the middle school level, the amount of information received by the student increases exponentially and there is too much information to cram in the night before an examination. Try to help your child divide the task into manageable time chunks when it comes to studying. It is much easier and less nerve-racking to study for an hour a day for three days than to try to study for three hours the night before a test. Thus, have your child make a note on his calendar on the days leading up to the test date to start preparing for the test at least two or three days before the exam.

Encourage them to “find” time on their own

One of the biggest alibis middle schoolers have for poor test performance is that they didn’t have time to study for the test. It is true that most children are involved with multiple activities both inside and outside of school, which all require a substantial time commitment. However, there are times throughout the day that students can find to review material. This can occur in a study hall, a few minutes after they finish lunch or in the car on the way to soccer practice. The goal is to encourage your child to review the material as often as possible. While I understand this is easier said than done, ten minutes here and there can make all the difference. Repetition of the main concepts is key.

Repetition develops talent

It doesn’t matter if your child is attempting to learn a new musical number for the piano, trying to memorize lines for the upcoming school play, working on his penalty kick, or trying to throw the perfect curveball, repetition is always the key. Too many times students think because they re-read the chapter the night before the test that they have “studied” and are prepared. They need to familiarize themselves with the material on a continual basis. It doesn’t matter the subject, the more students study the material, the greater their chances for success. After all, we don’t expect them to master a musical piece after only playing it once, so why would we expect the same when it comes to school content?

Find the method that works best for your child

There are many different ways that a student can study for a test, such as:

· Flashcards

· Re-reading the text

· Taking the textbook practice tests

· Creating his own study guide

· Re-writing her classroom notes

· Having another person quiz him

· Finding online practice quizzes

All of these are viable strategies to prepare for tests, but the key point here is to have the child find the strategy that works best for him. This will take some time to flush out. Each child learns differently and each must find the way (or ways) that gives him the best shot at success. A child’s preferred method might be one of the aforementioned strategies, or it might be a combination of the strategies, or it might be a strategy that does not even appear on the list. It does not matter what strategy the student chooses as long as it works consistently and is sustainable. Encourage your child to play with different strategies in order to find the methods that best fit his style of learning. And if your child isn’t getting the results he wants, then don’t be afraid to encourage him to experiment with different methods. Continue to experiment until he does find the one method that produces the desired results. After all, he will need to carry with him proper study skills well past the middle school level. The goal here is to help your child feel confident in his ability to prepare for a test on his own by the time he enters high school.

And of course, the stakes only go up from there.

Creative Marketing Ideas For Menswear Stores

Menswear is an interesting industry because you're marketing to two distinctly different markets: men, and women. You have to attract the men who want to shop for their own clothing, but you also have to reach the women who shop for their husband, father, son etc. Since your market is so varied, it's important to use a variety of promotional methods to reach all of them. Here are some great options:

  1. Wedding Specials -Whether you have actual tuxedo rental or you just sell them (along with suits), you should have some sort of deal for wedding parties. Many grooms and groomsmen nowadays are choosing to purchase a suit or tuxedo anyway, as they can use it for friends' weddings and other formal events. Many stores offer a special that the groom's tux is free when the rest of the party rents or buys, and this is a great promotion, but other valuable promotions would be a percentage off for the total party, free accessories with suit or tux rental, or even a VISA gift card to use for the bachelor party. Promote your wedding special using posters near your tuxedo area.
  2. Father's Day Sale -Father's Day (or at least the days leading up to it) is Black Friday for menswear stores. Customers everywhere are looking for the perfect gift for Dad, so make sure you're showing them what you have to offer! Create a promotion, be it just a great sale or even something more-unique like free gift wrapping or a gift with purchase. Hang a banner in-front of your store letting customers know that you're the place to shop for Father's Day.
  3. Business Discount Program -This is a unique idea that reaches out to the business professional market, of which many are your clients. Contact HR departments at businesses in your area, and set up an agreement with them to offer a set discount in exchange for business referrals. When employees come to your stores, they can use their business card or employee ID to receive the special discount.
  4. Free Tailoring / Dry Cleaning Service -If you have the capability, offer free tailoring on new purchases or even a one-time free dry cleaning. This makes your store more of a one-stop shop for customers, and they're more-likely to continue shopping with you. The more customers are in your store, the more they'll buy! If you can't afford to offer these services free, at least offer them at all so that you keep the business in-house. Hire a part-time tailor, or at least a courier who can drop off and pick up merchandise from the tailor and dry cleaner.
  5. Loaning to Public Figures -Customers need to see your merchandise out-and-about, so sometimes you have to hand-deliver it to them! Look for opportunities to loan your clothing and other merchandise to visible public figures. This can be for news anchors, political candidates, beauty pageant escorts, etc. Even smaller venues like school homecoming courts and prom royalty candidates will gain exposure for your business.

Your Essential Wedding Stationery Checklist

When it comes to wedding stationery, there are certain items which are essential (such as the actual wedding invitation itself, the RSVP card, wishing well card, etc.) and there are some items which are optional and the choice to have them will depend on the type of wedding you’re planning, the budget, formality, theme and more. It is really up to you whether you decide to include all of them or just select a few. All the same, it’s best to do everything in keeping with the same style throughout. Here is your essential wedding stationery guide to help you get in the know about what stationery you may need to order.

Engagement Announcements

Part of the groundwork you have to lay for your wedding is the announcement of your engagement. This is when you let everyone know about the big news and perhaps give your guests a glimpse of what’s to come. Some couples skip engagement announcements in their wedding stationery. But in case you want to include them, make sure that they reflect your personality as a couple. Be as traditional or as modern as you like. Since knowing the exact theme of your wedding may be too far away at this point, you can just have the invitations designed according to what you feel is right for the moment. Engagement invitations don’t necessarily need to match the theme of your wedding or your wedding invitations, thus you have room to do something a little different if desired.

Save the Date Cards

Save the Date Cards serve as a prelude to the formal wedding invitations which you will give your guests once the details of the wedding have been taken care of. Save the Date cards contain basic information about the wedding such as the location and date of the wedding. Specific venue details can be saved for the actual wedding invitation to come. Save the Date cards are ideally sent at least six months in advance to allow guests the ability to manage their schedules ahead of time. These are particularly helpful when you are having a destination wedding and guests need to fly in from other locations. Save the Date cards can reflect the same colors or theme for your wedding, if you already have chosen the theme by the time the Save the Date cards are sent out.

Wedding Invitations

The wedding invitation is the formal invitation you are going to send to your guests at least six weeks prior to the wedding. The wording on the invites should include the names of the bride and groom (of course), who’s hosting the party (either the bride and the groom or the parents of either bride or groom), location of the wedding ceremony and reception, and more. You can also include a dress code on the invitation if you have one, and a RSVP date can also be included at the bottom of the invitation.

RSVP/ Acceptance Cards

Including RSVP Cards with your invitations is a great idea, as they allow guests to easily communicate their acceptances. RSVP cards usually contain lines where guests can write their names and the number attending, and you can also include a space for guests to write down their special dietary requirements if they have any.

Popular RSVP card styles include having a small insert card placed inside a self-addressed envelope or alternatively, a postcard style RSVP card is also another great idea.

Wishing Well Card

A Wedding Wishing Well can be set up at the wedding reception for guests to provide their gifts of cash in an envelope. A Wishing Well Card is often inserted with the invitations and sent to guests. Many view these cards as an accepted way of offering guests a cash wedding gift option. This is a practical alternative to having a bridal registry as it essentially provides a couple with flexibility to use your gift and in most cases, will greatly contribute to paying off the cost of the wedding. Usually people choose to print a nice little poem on their wishing well cards, asking guests to contribute to the wedding by the gift of cash.

Escort Cards

Escort cards are placed near the main entrance of the reception venue and are used to escort guests to their designated table. Upon their arrival, guests look for names, get their cards and proceed to their tables. Escort cards may reflect your wedding theme and may be put together with wedding favors.

Place Cards

Save yourself and your guests the trouble of finding their seats in the reception by using place cards. These cards are placed on the tables in front of the seat of each guest to let them know their designated seating. Place cards also come in handy for the catering staff by way of identifying guests and their choice of menu.

Table Cards

Table cards are used for helping your guests identify their tables. These cards traditionally carry numbers that match those on the escort cards, but you can put your creativity at work, by putting something unique like symbols or names or by using different colors (complementary with your wedding theme) on the table cards.

Thank You Cards

Show your gratitude to all the guests present on your wedding day. Send them thank you cards after the wedding is over, to let them know how much their presence meant to you. Thank you cards should be sent two to three weeks after the wedding or if you can, immediately after you have received a gift. Give them to everyone who came to your wedding, including members of your wedding party, suppliers and vendors.

Why The Adventure And Journey?

Okay so, I am an endurance athlete and like to do things big, I like to do them on my own testing my perseverance, strength and will. Doing it with a group doesn’t do that for me, I don’t want the help of a team in such endeavors, I see it as “Me against the world” and I plan on sticking it out and making it work, no quitting, no surrender, and if I have to singing my favorite 90s fight songs the whole way.

When I explained to a friend I wanted to cycle across the United States alone, without escort, or a group of riders and wanted to do it in 3-weeks, she told me I was nuts, crazy, basically called me a lunatic with a death wish – not so. I am not crazy and this challenge to myself is not crazy, it is an adventure, and the cheesy tourist cycling group rides are pathetically easy (aka anyone can do it), I plan on doing 250 miles a day, it’s like running a marathon a day for 3 weeks. These “Ride Across America” type group rides only do 50-100 max, it would take too long, I’d be bored. Always, Trust Self. It’s practically an American Tradition, victory goes to the bold, not the meek. Ha ha ha. I am all male (a little Alpha Male Syndrome there). I told her; “I see your woman’s POV of course, but if you do everything the approved way, you can never break-out or break away, you’ll always be a fish in a school, a sheep in a herd or a human in the Borg.” Dear Reader – Please take a break and listen to “It’s My Life” Bon Jovi.

Turns out my friend wanted to debate this point of male’ness with me stating; “Most cyclists are men, and most ride in packs! For safety! I’m all for your Trust Self thing, but NOT because it’s a man/male thing. Remember Amelia Earhart? Totally a Trust Self thing and female… and where the heck is she? BUT, go for it! It is definitely bold. And whether you come back safely or disappear, it’s definitely an awesome pursuit.”

I explained to my friend; yes, as a pilot I am up on the Amelia Earhart story, there were other factors too. It’s not an adventure if you do everything by the approved method. It’s not even notable, 100s of people do it each year in groups. Why would I want to be like everyone else? I don’t consider myself a cyclist (aka Bike Weeny) and do not belong to any cycling groups, I love to pass them however on their 6,000 dollar bikes with all the gear – ha ha ha.

No worries, we come from different mindsets. I like to win. Take the road less taken. Test my will, strength of character, not belong to a group and follow a so-called authority telling me how to do everything by the book. I say the book was written by lesser men, and that those who can’t teach. Humans are often like sheep in herds, but not all, some are like Eagles with the command of their domain, they don’t need the group to survive, they believe in themselves. I hate groups, you have to give up a part of self to belong, supposedly for something great, but in the end all you get is a higher-level of mediocrity. That doesn’t interest me.

Yell all you want, you wouldn’t be the first, but if you understand the psyche of what I am saying you also realize that telling someone like me “you can’t” is indeed a motivator to “Just Do It” and that is what makes like worth living, Live life, we were not born to follow.

Power to the individual – who needs socialism – who needs a village? The individual is ALL that matters. Groups are for those who don’t understand themselves or what they are capable of – What say you? Philosophically speaking that is?

Enduro Racing Tips – 3 Things To Look At When Choosing Your Racer

The first thing you need to know are the rules of the particular enduro event you are going to enter. Here in the Central Vermont area you will find two types of enduros.

8 Cylinder enduro races are as rare as the “old boats” you would want to run in one. My old 1979 Ford Thunderbird was one of the best cars I have ever driven in a race.

The 4 and 6 Cylinder enduros are more common. Little cars can be found all over. I drove a 1997 Ford Escort Wagon last year.

The 3 things you must look at when choosing your enduro car.

1) Price. You don’t want to spend a lot. The car more than likely will be heavily damaged over the 200 laps of a typical enduro. I paid $50 for that little Escort wagon.

2) Solid Car. Not only do you not want to spend a lot on a car you know is going to get wrecked, you want to find the most solid car for your money. Driving a rusted junk in an enduro race is begging for disaster. I will use an example from one of my earlier races…

It’s 1994 and I’m driving a 1979 Buick LeSabre in the annual Enduro 200 at Thunder Road. It’s only about 100 laps into it and I get caught in a big pile-up. Some yahoo that was looking somewhere else plowed into my car and my trunk lid popped open.

Once the wreck got sorted out and the survivors got rolling again, I noticed that I was being black flagged.

“Why the heck are they black flagging me for? A popped up trunk lid should not be a problem in an enduro, right?”

I chose to ignore the black flag for a couple of laps. The flagmen got pretty frantic and were leaning out over the cars trying to get my attention.

” They really want me to pit. I better go get that trunk lid strapped down”.

When I pulled into the pits, my crew guys told me to shut the car down.

“What? Strap that lid down and let me get back out there’.

“There’s nothing to strap it to!”

My car had completely disintegrated from the rear wheel wells back. One frame rail was bent 90 degrees and sticking out straight.

The gas tank had been dragging on the track. That’s why those flagmen had been so frantic.

The moral of the story. Please choose a solid car for your enduro racer.

3) How much will you have to invest to get your racer race ready? If you’re starting from scratch, it’s going to cost you about $500 to turn a street car into an enduro racer. That’s materials. If you’re paying someone to work on your racer, plan on a lot more.

How well does the car run? Choose a car that runs well and will take very little mechanical work to get race ready.

Enduro racing can be a lot of fun if you build a strong car that can survive the chaos of this type of racing. To build a strong car, you have to start with one and that’s what this article was all about.

Whistler Pro-3600 – High Performance, Budget Remote Radar Detector

The Whistler Pro-3600 is the newest remote installed radar and laser detector from the Whistler Group – a company known for making well performing radar detectors at low prices, and this unit holds true to those qualities. This device packs quite a lot of functionality and performance into a low cost, high performance unit.

We liked the previous Pro-3400 model, but that unit has begun to show its age over the past few years and has been in desperate need of an overhaul. Whistler has just released the information on the Pro-3600 model and it has quite a list of features. The biggest feature for us is the modular design. The unit comes with everything you need to detect police radar and laser, but also offers upgraded features in the form of modules that are sold separately. We like this approach as we don’t need to pay for features that we aren’t going to use. Products like the Escort Passport 9500ci come with all the modules included, even though most people won’t have a use for some of them.

In its basic configuration, the Whistler Pro-3600 comes with a display, a control unit, a speaker, and an LED warning light. You have the option to add on a GPS module, a rear radar and laser antenna, and multiple laser detection modules.

The base model has a ton of features and is enough for most drivers. This model is currently Whistler’s highest performing model on all radar bands and it comes with Ka max mode which provides increased sensitivity on Ka-band. The Pro-3600 provides verbal and audio alerts for all radar and laser alarms, and can display the type of radar gun used by the police officer for all known Ka gun frequencies. This device has four filter modes to reduce false alarms from other radar detectors, two signal strength options, and three city modes to reduce the occurrence of false alerts. The Pro-3600 also comes with an outdoor temperature reading, battery voltage reading, and a vehicle battery saver that automatically shuts off the unit.

The GPS module adds location based functionality to the Whistler Pro-3600. It comes with a database of red light and speed camera locations and free updates for one year. You can also manually enter up to 1000 more locations to the unit. The GPS module also adds a digital compass, speed display, a speeding warning and two automatic quite modes based on speed. It doesn’t look like the GPS module for the Pro-3600 contains any ability to lock out false alarms like the Beltronics STi-R Plus or the Escort Passport 9500ci.

The rear radar and laser antenna module adds radar and laser protection for threats behind your car. While the front antenna will still detect radar threats from behind your car due to reflections off of objects in front of you, a rear antenna will provide much more range.

The laser module provides additional LIDAR detection capabilities to the Pro-3600. As we’ve stated in our other reviews, laser detection is not really important on a radar detector as once you are warned, the police officer will most likely already have your speed.

The Pro-3600 looks to be an all around excellent choice for those looking for a remote installed radar detector that won’t break the bank. With its modular design, you can buy exactly what you need, and none of what you don’t.

All About Laser Prostate Treatment

Prostate disorders have become very common and are of much concern among the men population world over. Especially the men crossing the age of 40 are susceptible for the prostate disorders and the chances of prostate disorders are more among those crossed 50 years of age. Identification of prostate problems at an early stage is an important requirement to avoid severe effects of this malignancy. Men approaching 40s and 50s are advised to go for routine annual checkups for any of the occurrence of prostate disorders. DRE scanning and PSA testing are the usual tools for diagnosis.

Treatment is always risky. Laser treatment is a modern technique with the state of art technology and most modern sophisticated medical equipments are used in laser prostate treatment to treat the prostate related problems. This brand new facility is available in Jacksonville Mayo Clinic. Laser prostate treatment is a better option for the treatment of prostate disorders and better cure is assured with this new brand Laser prostate treatment, if patient is diagnosed with the problem sufficiently early.

“Men generally do not come to a doctor unless they carry symptoms… and lose years of valuable, potential treatment -because they wait until they’re really sick to come in” witnesses Dr. Gregory Broderick.

It is amply proved that, Dr. Gregory Broderick again and again confirmed it, the existing pharmaceutical treatments for prostate affect badly the functions of the sexual organs and most of the men having the prostate problems are eagerly looking for other options for cure. Laser prostate treatment comes as a God’s gift for those looking for better options.

Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy, the laser prostate treatment for the prostate patients in Jacksonville Mayo Clinic is performed by well known urologists in Mayo clinic Dr. Gregory Broderick and Dr. Todd Igel. The laser prostate treatment is conducted under anesthesia as an in-office procedure. Mayo clinic urologists use technically advanced laser equipment for the laser prostate treatment by inserting the equipment through the urethra. This can accurately locate the problem area and burn the excess prostate tissues.

Laser prostate treatment of Mayo Clinic also has the risks associated with it. The bleeding, which can be there for days to weeks, incontinence or impotence can also be experienced as the after effect of laser prostate treatment. But the probability of happening these contingencies are very less comparing with the usual surgical procedures. If the patient has been facing the severe symptoms of excessive bleeding and urinary retention, surgical procedures have to be adopted under anesthesia.

If you are looking for the medical services of the Mayo clinic, you can reach out to their central appointment office. The contact numbers are:

Jacksonville, Fla.: 904-953-2272.
Rochester, Minn.: 507-538-3270
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.: 800-446-2279

For more relevant information and for further details you can browse through the website mayoclinic.org.

Green Light Laser System provides a similar type of service and you can reach them through laserscope.com. Their procedure is known as Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP). PVP functions in a similar way as Mayo Clinic’s laser prostate treatment, Interstitial Laser Thermo therapy.

Among the people affected by Prostate problems, most of them are suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and it is the most common problem, apart from prostate cancer. Laser prostate treatments are very effective for BPH, if it is diagnosed at an earlier stage. As far as prostate problems are considered an early detection and proper treatment holds the key for healthy life.

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