Hypnosis for the New Hypnotist – What Lies Beneath One’s Mind During Hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating change in certain repetitive behaviors including smoking and weight loss, stress reduction, motivation and pain control

This hypnotic process is so subtle and pervasive, that we don’t necessarily even recognize it as such. When the anthropologist Clyde Kluchholn said “The fish would be the last creature to discover water”, it was a metaphor for the human relationship to our culture. But I think the metaphor applies even more deeply to the human relationship with hypnosis.

We’ve all been hypnotized to think of ourselves, our world, and our potentials in certain ways; some of them life-affirming and others less-so. The first step to taking control of what Stephen Wolinsky calls “The trances people live” is to become aware of this hypnotic reality:

1) Open to the possibility that you and everyone you know has been ‘hypnotized’ to perceive reality and themselves in a certain way.

There is no dark conspiracy

I’m not suggesting some dark conspiracy; hypnosis is a natural process, and our ability to enter into the trance of our families and our cultures has given us an evolutionary advantage; the ability to pass information, learning and knowledge from one generation to the next. However…

The cumulative effect of this ability to pass information from one generation to the next is progress. The world is speeding up. Many of the “truths” which one generation relies upon as “wisdom” are obsolete to the next one.

2) When you encounter a “rule” about the way the world is, it can be useful to question it. Ask “Who says?”

It’s time to wake up

The solution is to start choosing our hypnotic realities more and more purposefully. As progress continues to speed up, and the rate of change gets faster and faster, the most successful people will be those most able to change their beliefs and update their mental models. The ones who prosper will be those who can move easily from one hypnotic trance to another.

3) Ask yourself “What beliefs / frames of mind will be most useful to me in this situation?”

Many of us learned that rigid beliefs were a sign of reliability – that our beliefs need to be entirely consistent, inflexible and unchanging.

Get comfortable with paradoxes

However, many studies have shown that the most successful people are actually able to hold conflicting beliefs. They are comfortable with paradoxes.

Our beliefs about the world are just a map. The world is changing, so our maps need to keep changing. Learning to use the power of hypnosis is a great way to increase your own flexibility, and increase your success.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness where your concentration is focussed and you have a higher susceptibility to suggestions that are acceptable to you. The basic principles of hypnosis are relaxation, concentration, suggestion and repetition.

Hypnosis could be described as an induced tranceor altered state of consciousness, where suggestions are readily accepted.

During Hypnosis, the conscious mind is relaxed to such a degree that it’s desire and ability to judge and reason (known as “critical faculties”) becomes very much lessened. The subconscious, on the other hand, becomes very much more dominant, accepting and responsive to suggestions – especially positive, repetitious suggestions that are presented to it.

The benefits of Hypnosis:



Personal Development,


Health & Fitness,

Mental & Physical,


Give Up Smoking,

Lose Weight,

Import Performance,

Motivation, Improve


Eliminate Test Anxiety,

Release Anxiety,

Improve Public Speaking,

Free Negative Emotions,and much more!

Hypnotic regression is a journey back in time to recover memories and explore events from the past. It is profound transformative work. All your experiences from birth and even before birth are recorded in your body, mind and soul.

In a past life regression you move back in time using hypnotic regression techniques to bring new perspectives and healing in a way no other therapy can do.

Although we may not realize it, we all carry around within us the necessary resources for personal evolution and success. Self-hypnosis can be a very effective tool for utilizing those resources to make changes in our lives.

Earth Changes and The New World Order

In recent times, there has been talks of a grand plan by a clandestine group of people to impose a new world order on mankind, a world they will be totally in control of, and a world where letting oneself go is the foundation for survival and existence. So many thing are attributed to this faceless group, and some conspiracy theorists go as far as putting faces on the group. This group, referred to in some quarters as the Shadow Government, are even crawling out of the closet to claim control of the world Banking sector, Politics, Entertainment, Science and Technology-in short, all aspects of life is said to be brought under their influence. Even environment is not spared as they are said to manipulate natural disasters like Earthquakes, Hurricanes, “Chemtrails”, and other natural phenomenon. They are involved in education, crime and punishment, and they manipulate religion as an instrument of war and depopulation. There aim is to found a new world order where Luciferian Principles rule, as enunciated by the principles guiding the Church of Satan. Traditional religious beliefs are gradually overturned, and things hitherto regarded as Anathemas are being brought up as the modern norm.

A cursory look at society tends to confirm these conspiracy theories. Religious bodies are known to leave the substance of their faith to pursue the shadows. Their aim is said to be able to reduce the world population to manageable levels, and they even court nuclear Holocaust. Tales of deep secret protective bunkers scattered all over the world are told, where the protagonists, who have the governments of the world on a leash, intend to hide when the earth is being destroyed. Such fantastic tales cannot be verified, but their proponents swear to the authenticity of the tales.

But these are obviously plots against nature, which, though appearing to be malleable, will be forced to correct all imbalance perpetrated against it, be it in genetic engineering, environmental manipulations, manufacture of diseases for population control, manipulation of Big Pharma and control of “Banksters”, and much more.

The revolt of nature will be the physical manifestation of the war between the Light and darkness, a war that is already raging in the higher realms, and which will manifest in the physical as a war between the intuition and the intellect. All the forces of the elements join in the fray, such that in the not too distant future, weather extremes will result in a new but mild ice age to be witnessed at unlikely places of the earth, like the temperate zones. This is caused by the reversal of the poles and change in the position of the magnetic North and South poles.The current melting icecaps is but a prelude.

This will be accompanied by earthquakes, not manipulated ones. In fact, the manipulations will help make the natural ones more devastating. Before then, volcanoes will hollow the earth to create vacuum for the sinking of lands.And new lands will rise. Atlantis will rise again between the coasts of west Africa and the Americas, and lands sink in, for example, places like Japan.

The activities of the so-called New World Order people are rather helping in the final war of Armageddon. The earth will be raised, in a short period, to a new cosmic height. This was experienced in the last ice age, where certain animals were caught unawares, and some even died with leaves in their mouth. And those whose lives are not based on intuition will not cope here. And this will include the shadow governors.

The Invented Religions of the Roman Empire

Constantine is 666 and he invented Jesus Christ, as prophesied in Revelation 13:13-18. He did this as part of the conspiracy to use religion as a weapon for control and increased power. When he came to Rome he had already seen the demise of Maxentius, the Son of Emperor Maximian, and he was determined to achieve sole rule. He finally achieved that goal with the death of his eldest son, Crispus, who was executed on his orders for treason. That was one year prior to his establishment of the Catholic organisation at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.

The Empire was huge and comprised people from all backgrounds, languages and cultures. They were difficult to rule by one emperor whose seat of power was Rome. By his inauguration of the Vatican, which he built over the temple of Jupiter, he had a parliament of priests that people were more willing to obey and who came from the regions under their control.

To give it credibility he put the figure of Jesus Christ in it as its prophet and in the latter part of the century Jerome was charged with producing the New Testament. This he did using writings and myths floating around the empire, as he noted in his diary and letters to the Bishop of Rome, Damasus.

His cohort in the production of this work was Augustine Dea, Bishop of Hippo, who was later charged with the job of establishing another religion and prophet. According to recent disclosures by a priest who read a Vatican document he did this through a man named Mohammed. He was a friend of a faithful parishioner in his parish. Under instruction and tutored into the role the Muslim religion was also invented.

Now these two branches of Islam, the religion of Constantine and that brought to Rome by the Amors from Babylon, are at odds with each other and will probably bring about the final conflict at the end of days.

Hunting Hitler – A Book Review

The author of "Hunting Hitler", Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, received his PhD from Harvard University in political science. He is currently under contract with World Net Daily as a staff writer working as an investigative reporter. He has written New York Times best sellers "Unfit for Command", "Obama Nation", and "The Great Oil Conspiracy."

Truth Is

Astounding evidence came out in 2009 from three American professors that had access to Hitler's alleged remains surprised the globe with scientific DNA proof that the skull and bones Russia claimed were Adolf's were in fact the skull of a forty year old woman. This reinforced Joseph Stalin's belief that in fact Hitler did get away after the war a claim he maintained to the end of his life. Truth is no one saw Eva Braun & Hitler die in the bunker; no photos were taken to document that fact; fact is no bodies were ever found in the bunker; no physical evidence exists tying them to the scene.

Hitler Escaped

Corsi and his researchers maintain the possibility that Hitler escaped from Nazi Germany at the end of the war and even Dwight D. Eisenhower, the allied commander, said he thought Hitler was still alive. FBI & CIA records kept at the National Archives maintain the US government took serious the reports that Hitler & Eva Braun escaped to Argentina in a Nazi U-boat. Even the trial judge at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals said he believed, "No one is for sure Adolph Hitler is dead."

The Fourth Reich

Corsi compiles massive amounts of proof plus painstaking research and evidence that points to Hitler's escape to Argentina even down to the exact landing area on the beach. The question remains did Hitler escape to plan revenge and the rise of the Fourth Reich? There was a large German community in Argentina that backed Adolph; in fact they worshipped him as a cult hero. Could it be after he lived out his life there they had access to his DNA knowing that sometime in the future perhaps technology would exist to be able to clone him back to life?


In this intriguing look into the history of the Nazi party, its godlike leader, and Hitler's escape we learn the thinking of criminal minds, the propagandizing of the truth, the thievery that set up his escape, and how the Nazi's had help here in America to fund their monster killing machine. These traitors exist in our political system unto this day plotting the overthrow of our republic. Corsi merely turns the light on these cockroaches and you can see them all run for cover. I give it five stars out of five even though it is a short read no words are wasted.

Aliens and Masons and Nazis, Oh My!

Conspiracy writer Jim Marrs has a new book out, Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America. The bad guys trying to rule the world this time are (insert dramatic pause) Nazis. But hold on folks, not your garden variety World War 2 Nazis but those who started building businesses in Europe as Germany was being rebuilt and those brought over by Project Paperclip and ended up as corporate magnates who espouse Nazi ideology by being… well… erm… corporate magnates. The fact that the scientists brought over to America after the end of World War 2 to share their classified knowledge of top secret Nazi projects were far from loyal SS troopers and were most likely slated for execution so the Allies would never find out how to build V2 rockets, doesn’t enter the picture. Neither does the opposition they faced from war veterans who found it repugnant to “work with the enemy.” It’s also downright insulting to Wernher von Braun who created the Saturn V rocket and was one of the people who lobbied the US government to see space as more than a place from which to hurl nukes at Russians.

Fourth Reich essentially creates a definition of Nazism vague enough to become anything Marrs wants it to be and then uses it to attack people he doesn’t like by tying them to wars, authoritarian bills or laws and incendiary speeches. He might have had a stronger argument if he focused on all the love Hitler received from powerful people around the world before he invaded Poland and the companies that used slave labor he provided to make Nazi war machines. But by focusing on scientists with very dubious loyalties to the Nazi Party working in the Swiss Alps on last minute attempts to miraculously win the war at the 11th hour and people who were members of the Nazi party to survive Hitler’s oppression trying to make a few marks to support their families, he undermines he basic premise. In short, the book is one long Ad Nazium.

And there’s one more thing with which Marrs confused me. With evil neo-conservatives, Trilateralists, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Rothchilds the Builderberg Group, aliens, energy companies hiding extraterrestrial goodies and now, Nazi bogeymen heading top global corporations all fighting for the control of the human race, how can any one of these conspiracies function without being undermined by at least three or four others? By this point, all of the evil forces trying to control us should be tripping over each other and unleashing an interstellar war for control of a tiny blue planet floating around an ordinary, run of the mill star in Nowhere, Milky Way.

Unless of course there’s an uber-conspiracy on top of all this playing the other secret rulers and orders for chumps in their ultimate quest to do… something. I guess we’ll find out in the next book, won’t we? After all, this is why it’s so good to be a conspiracy writer. You always need to create a new layer of evil on top of the layers you already laid down to explain the holes in your theories. That means more books, more sales and another book in the making as soon as the ink dries on the first edition of your latest potboiler. If people objects, accuse them of being sheep brainwashed by the government controlled mass media or a government stooge out to discredit you, the truth-seeker, in the same way a politician running for office would counter his foes. Yes, it’s a good business being a conspiracy theorist…

Control Your Mind Lest It Control You (Part-1)

Are you mentally stressed, tensed, exhausted, frustrated? People call you psycho? Are you thinking about suicide?

Wait for a moment, I’m trying to ascertain the facts about this problem that I’ve, you’ve and many others have. Because you’re not the only one who has these such issues, but many people are having similar issues and most of them afraid to discuss this with others.

Try to answer these following questions in “Yes” or “No”:

  1. Do you want to leave alone?
  2. Don’t you trust other people?
  3. Do you love someone and worry about him/her a lot?
  4. Do you think too much?
  5. Are you anxious or afraid?
  6. Do you have enemies?
  7. Do you have a new issue in each new day, that make you upset?
  8. When some people are talking with each other outside of your place, do you feel like they are talking about you?
  9. Are you retiring boy or girl?
  10. Do you think, there’s any conspiracy against you?
  11. Do you think is there any black magic, evil, or any negative power that prevents you to moving on with your life?
  12. Do you have bad nightmares?
  13. Is there something in your mind for which you’re not sure whether is this reality or not?

Alright, continue to read, if you got an answer with “Yes” against of the following question I asked above. Let me tell you first, I am not a psychiatrist and I’m not going to suggest you the same solutions that you usually hear from a psychiatrist like:

  • You need to travel or outing
  • You need a good gathering
  • Keep busy yourself with work
  • Think positively or blah blah…

Why not? It’s because I believe you can’t eliminate these issues until you’re prepared for this mentally. Also understand these such issues were not born in yourself in one or two days. It’s been a long time, when these issues were taking place inside you that’s why it is also not going to leave you in one or two days, it will take some time depends on your strength. I am going to write a series of articles on this topic, this article is the first one of that series and each article will help to get back you in normal life.

Go back a little into your past and think what was running through your mind a day or a week ago that upset you and now what is running today in your mind that’s stressing you. What I am trying to say here every day you get a new issue that upset you and each new issue replace the last one. Like yesterday, I was worried to think about “my exam result” but today I am worried to think about “my financial issues”. I’ve ignored or aside the yesterday’s issue and now I’m giving my all attention to the current issue for today.

If these such issues are the reason to call you a psycho patient, then I believe the entire world is psycho because somehow every person has at least one similar kind of issue that we discussed above. Although I described only a few factors, while according to the professional psychiatrists, there’re many little factors those supposed to be lying in mental issues. Like: “if you’re using mobile phone a lot then it is an issue of mental state”.

Let’s now pass on to the positive things:

Not every comment people pass to you, should be considered in a negative context, Find some good and positive aspect like:

  • Do you think a lot? If yes, then it shows you have a creative mindset.
  • Do you talk to yourself? If yes, then you’re an interesting kind of person.
  • Are you worried about someone? If yes, then you do true love with him/her.

The only thing goes wrong with you is sometimes you lost control over your mind. It looks like your mind controlling you and you’re accepting every bullshit, it says to you. So, start out to get back your peace of mind with the commitment that you’ve enough strength to control your mind. This topic is so wide and I’ll write more about this. Hope it will help you and once a day you’ll able to fix all the issues yourself.

Top 5 FPS Games For Android Of 2016

Modern Combat 5: Blackout

Modern Combat 5: Blackout comes at the top of the list of top FPS games of 2016. Though it was released in 2014, it has maintained its position ever since. In the first mission of the game the beautiful city, Venice, is shown under terrorist attack and, as always, an American Marine, Caydon Phoenix, has come forward to save the world.

The game actually deserves its position in the list for its awesome storyline, the hero has unveiled a conspiracy, in which, Gilman, the world's biggest private security contactor is involved, and outstanding graphics with all the minor details underwater and camera movement when the hero performs some stunt. The game has variety of missions. Sometimes you find yourself saving someone and sometimes you are destroying terrorists' destructive plans. The gameplay is pretty addictive and you do not stop until you kill every last terrorist on earth.

Dead Trigger 2

Another game in the list of top FPS games is Dead Trigger 2 which gives plenty of fun to the crazy people for whom killing zombies is the best time pass activity. Super fun gameplay and unparalleled graphics make you fall in love with this game. The storyline is that: more than half of the population of the world is infected by an incurable disease and has made the world a living hell for those who have managed to survive, but the battle of survival is on until all the undead are really dead .

The game gives you plenty of choice in picking the killing tool, from simple wrench to the heavy guns that you can buy at the end of the mission with the money that is collected during the mission or these guns can also be bought with the real money if you cannot wait to tear apart zombies with the big weapons.

Deer Hunter 2016

Another amazing First Person Shooting game whose amazing, realistic graphics make you feel like a real predator is leaping on you. Contrary to the name of the game, you not only get to hunt deer but also world's most vicious animals in the places, which, seem like have never been visited by any human being before. You are supplied by a double barrel shotgun that makes killing animals more enjoyable.

Fields Of Battle

Fields Of Battle is one the best strategy games I have ever come around. It is actually a paintball shooting game with dozens of guns and locations.

You have to be real sneaky to survive on the battle field. You get eliminated by a single shot which makes you take every step with great care. This game has lean left / right feature around the corners. Field skills can be improved by playing in practice mode. The game becomes more fun when played in multiplayer where you can build your own team with your friends. It plays like a console game.

Zombie Gunship

Another game for those who feel enmity with the zombies and get relived by killing the undead. This game comes up with the crystal clear graphics with detailed reflections, shadows and explosions. Unlike other zombie games you do not run the risk of being bitten by a zombie because you are air borne in the AC-130 which is load out with 25mm Gatling gun, 40mm Bofors auto-cannon, and 105mm Howitzer cannon. All you have to do is aiming and killing the unearthly creatures.

Devils Triangle and Tropical Storm Vince

Blowing just outside the Devils Triangle is Tropical Storm Vince, the twentieth named storm of the 2005 Hurricane Season. What an unlikely place for the formation of a tropical storm indeed? It is puzzling that Vince formed here. Just recently a tropical depression was forming between Cuba and the Yucatan Pennisula, but did not reach tropical storm status as expected. Instead the next Tropical Storm decides to form 350 miles South East of Bermuda, so it will become Tropical Storm Vince, as it is now 515 miles East and South if Azores and cruising Northeast at about 5 mph. Vince has patients doesn’t he?

Winds of Hurricane force could be in Tropical Storm Vince’s future. Some conspiracy theorists are already calling Hurricane Vince a product of mankind’s making. They say that the United States Military used airborne lasers to start the Tropical Depression turning by heating up the water with the airborne laser and chafe, little metallic foil to heat up the surrounding air. Of course these same conspiracy theorists say that the United States caused the Earthquake in Pakistan using sonic and electromagnetic energy?

Whatever is the case, Mother Nature will take Tropical Vince from here and do her will with him. Tropical Storm Vince is headed for cooler waters, but could grow strong enough to plot a course towards the US East Coast Shoreline. And when we say cooler waters, we mean surface temperatures still well into the 80’s so they are not that cool. While the forecasters argue over Hurricane Vince’s path or even if he will make Hurricane Status, we all wait and wonder, thinking we just do not need anymore Hurricanes this season, especially one which will hit the East Coast of the United States. Is Hurricane Vince, vindictive and vengeful looking for victims to victimize? We shall wait and see.

John Grisham's "The King Of Torts" And The Process Server

The King of Torts

This novel focuses on the struggle of Jarrett Clay Carter II as a lowly and poorly paid lawyer at the Office of the Public Defender (OPD). He dreams of making it big someday but the break, so to speak, are so not forthcoming. He represents clients who are accused of a criminal offense but are not capable of paying for legal services.

He reluctantly takes on the case of Tequila Watson, a man accused of a random street killing. Unknown to Clay Carter at that time, the case would catapult him to the biggest break he could ever imagine. A pharmaceutical conspiracy was underway and Tequila Watson is just one of the human guinea pigs for the drug "Tarvan." The drug supposedly aids drug addicts towards recovery but it has a major flaw, in 10% of its patients, the drug leads to violent random killings. To keep everything under wraps, the manufacturer of the drug, employs Clay Carter, through the help of Max Pace. Clay Carter, resigned as counsel for Tequila Watson, walked out of his job at Public Defender's Office, took some of his trusted colleagues at OPD and set up his own law firm. Clay Carter now became the counsel for the mysterious pharmaceutical company. They identified the victims of the Tarvan-induced "random killings" and paid the heirs of the victim off with large settlements.

Clay Carter soon took on the case of another drug, "Dyloft", a potent anti-inflammatory drug used by people with acute arthritis. However, as effective it is in curbing the pain, it causes bladder tumors. This case boosted him to launch a new career in Mass Tort Law. He started to rake in millions of dollars in fees. His meteoric rise to fame and fortune earned him the title of the newest King of Tort.

The Rise To and Fall From Fame And The Process Server

Surprise is an element Clay Carter relied on heavily on his filing of the Dyloft case. Simultaneous with his filing in the courts, a process server had tendered a copy of the complaint to the defendant company, Ackerman Labs. In this kind of cases wherein the time element is part of the strategy, a competent, effective and trustworthy process server is the best person to have in the team.

As every comet with its meteoric rise to stardom and its spectacular atmospheric display, it is fleeting. And at some point it will eventually drop somewhere. Clay Carter in the short span of a few months had acquired a luxurious house in prominent part of the town, a villa somewhere in the French Isles, a sporty black Porsche Carrera, a private Gulfstream jet, a yacht, hundred of millions in fees.

In a series of wrong decisions, Clay Carter had subjected himself to a massive malpractice lawsuit. He settled the thousands of mass tort cases of Dyloft he had with Ackerman Labs in swiftly at a small amount per client. Although he received millions of dollars on fees, the individual clients received a paltry sum. Since all these were done in record time, he was not able to evaluate thoroughly the effects of the drug to each and every client.

With all of Clay Carter's resources, there is a layer of protective bubble around him. With a jet and a yacht on hand, he is considered a flight risk. Taking these in mind, the process server who served Clay Carter with his career-ending malpractice lawsuit was able to penetrate the security and was able to time his visit to give it to him personally.

It is kind of ironic if not fitting that in this novel, the unrecognized constant is a process server who had done his job well.

Book Review for Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, I was a teenager. At that time, I did not pay too much attention to details. Like everyone else I was devastated when I heard the news that our President was dead. November 22, 1963 is a date that most people remember what they were doing the moment the assassination took place.

When I saw the title of this book, it was one I had to read. Yes, I lived through this time in history but wanted to know much more about what happened before, during and after November 22, 1963. Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard really opened my eyes because there were so many things happening in our country during this period of time. It was interesting to find yourself behind the scenes to see how the President handled tense situations like the Cuban Missile Crises and the Civil Rights Movement.

Just to mention a few of the small facts that really surprised me were: Lee Harvey Oswald was only 24 year’s old when he assassinated the President, Jackie Kennedy was a chain smoker, Lyndon Johnson was “out of the loop” and Bobby Kennedy was “in the loop”, John Kennedy had many affairs and Jackie knew about them but figured that was the way the Kennedy men did things, Martin Luther King also had affairs, John Kennedy had Addison’s Disease, Lee Harvey Oswald was almost caught immediately right after the fatal shot but was not detained, some people spotted Oswald in the window of the depository building but believed he was an FBI agent, and the top on Kennedy’s car was supposed to be closed because it was raining that day but eventually the sun began to shine and the President wanted the top open so the people could see him.

The chapters alternate back and forth between Kennedy and Oswald and what was happening in their lives. The tension builds until it takes the reader to that tragic day of November 22, 1963.

Killing Kennedy is very interesting and brings this period of time in history back to life. The book is not about conspiracy theories like many others. The authors tell us about this period of time and help us to understand in a much clearer way what really happened. It is very obvious that the authors did a great deal of research to write this book. I listened to the audiobook version and what really made it so good was the fact that one of the authors, Bill O’Reilly, narrated the entire story. Even if you are a believer of some of the conspiracy theories and you do not agree with Mr. O’Reilly, you will still find Killing Kennedy and interesting and fascinating read. I can’t wait to read Killing Lincoln!

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