Who’s to Be Blamed for the Change?

From the spread of Zika virus and Ebola, to the distress between Israel and Palestine. From the worldwide threat of ISIS or Hezbollah, to the severe condition of the Syrian Refugees, climate change falls potentially more devastating and destructive.

This change is not caused by any single person, it’s the cause of all the 7.5 billion living in this world. Approximately 23 million tonnes of carbon dioxide are emitted each year, which estimates up to 700 tonnes per second. This high rate of emission is due to reckless use of nature by the human race. Humans for their greed, have been cutting trees and burning Fossil Fuels. Carbon emission from vehicles, fossil fuels etc. is the driving force behind global warming. Melting of the polar caps, intense heat waves and the change in the ecosystem are all signs of global warming.

The biggest emitters of these greenhouse gases, the United States and China formally announced to ratify the “Paris Climate Change Agreement” in the G-20 (Group of 20) summit in Hangzhou, China. The United States and China together are the largest emitters of carbon dioxide, which comprises up to 40% of the total emission in the world. Two leaders, but the same aim, of reducing greenhouse gases up to 26%-28% by 2025.

Contrary to the joint endeavor by the Chinese and ex-American president in 2016, newly minted as president “elect” of United States Of America in his campaign stated Global Warming as a “Chinese hoax.” Within a few days in office Donald Trump has been able to take massive steps to abandon the fact that global warming exists. Donald Trump has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to erase all the records of climate change from its website, leading to a waste of all the initiatives taken by ex-president Barack Obama. The appointment of Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Scott Pruitt, the biggest foe of the EPA, to disband all the records of climate change shows his grievance against the ex-government. Trump’s grievance was clearly shown when he pledged to abandon the “Paris Climate-Change Pact of 2016.” Such massive steps, within a few days of “presidency” makes a clear picture of how climate change is going to be dealt in one of the worlds largest economy.

Therefore, it’s time for each and every citizen of this world to voice out to curb the mishap that is close in the near future. Let not any agreement or pact by a group of people make the 7.5 billion people realize what steps we should take for our betterment. It’s time we stop the reckless use of the Earth’s resources for our greed and make Earth a better place to live…

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