The Scorpio Emperor Turned Over to the Scorpio Goddess

All of the zodiac signs are shifting from their masculine expression to their most feminine Goddess countenance this astrological year. Aquarius, leading the way for the zodiac for the next 2100 years, is orchestrating this shift to the Zodiac Goddesses.

Aquarius, responding to the Goddess of Love’s descent from the inner realms into the physical plane, is helping ensure the attainment of a matriarch inspired era from the very beginning.

Moon Goddess’s New Moon Forecast

The Goddess of Love only began permeating the physical realm with her presence at the March Equinox, the beginning of the astrological 2011-2012 year. It was the Moon Goddess who was the cosmic messenger for the Goddess of Love’s descent into matter. The Moon Goddess forecast at her March New Moon was the Goddess of Love’s arrival two weeks later. Sure enough, the Moon Goddess’s prediction was accurate. The Goddess of Love arrived in all her splendor at the March Equinox when the Moon Goddess’s Full Moonbeams were shining most brightly.

Aquarius Shifts Zodiac into Alignment

Aquarius is ensuring that each of the Zodiac signs make the transition to their most beautiful Goddess expression, gracefully bringing them into alignment with the shift of power from the God of Will to the Goddess of Love. As this shift takes place, the Zodiac Goddesses then mentor those they sponsored into incarnations how to make this shift also. The Zodiac Goddesses speak from their own experience as they give guidance through their transmissions of energy to their cosmic offspring.

Goddess of Love Welcomes Emerging Zodiac Goddesses

At the Moon Goddess’s New Moon and Full Moon times, the Goddess of Love welcomes each emerging Zodiac Goddess, inviting her to fully connect with her swirling, pulsating loving energies. While Aquarius escorts the new Zodiac Goddess to her cosmic stage where the Goddess of Love awaits to welcome her, the Moon Goddess greatly amplifies the Zodiac Goddess’s energies helping her through any of her shyness as she takes her dominion.

Scorpion Emperor Acquiesces to Scorpio Goddess

On October 26, 2011, at the Moon Goddess’s New Moon, The Scorpion Emperor with much flourish, most dramatically acquiesced his zodiac crown to the Scorpio Goddess. The Moon Goddess, remembering when the Old Man in the Moon turned over his cosmic scepter to her, gave encouragement to both the Scorpio Emperor for his courage to step aside and the emerging Scorpio Goddess. Aquarius smiled knowingly, an old pro at this now having helped the Moon Goddess and seven of the Zodiac Goddesses to their place in the cosmos – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. The Scorpio Goddess is number eight.

Scorpio Goddess Gives Gratitude

Like all the Zodiac Goddesses so far, the Scorpio Goddess did not try to trash or emasculate her Emperor Scorpion; she gave him gratitude, thanks and love as he began to move into the background. She then said, “I’m glad I’m being ushered to my cosmic stage during the Moon Goddess’s dark period, as the dark is my dominion and where I feel most comfortable”.

Scorpio Speaks of Your Dark Side

After all, I’m the energy that propels your dark side into action, making me and Capricorn the most misunderstood of the zodiac. Capricorn deals with more of the dark side of power behind the throne, greed and money tests. I’m not going to start talking about my sister who’s in waiting to become a Goddess herself; wait until her time and let her tell you all about herself. Beneath all the rubble, the purpose of your dark side was to test you, to lead you down the same road over and over, appealing to your weaknesses, enticing you to give in, become addicted. Once you got it though, you passed your test and became stronger and developing qualities of will, power and strength was what it was all about.

Vibration of Love

I’ll be teaching you different methods, but for now I just want you to realize there was a “method in the madness.” In the past, really only one in a million made it to enlightenment, the tests were that tough. Now with love being in the lead, that’s all changed. Absolutely everyone that can respond to the frequency, the vibration of love, can make it and I’m here to help you along with all the other Zodiac Goddesses.

Scorpio Profound

Do know I’m profound, going into great depths, never settling for the obvious, the superficial. That’s why I’m the cosmic detective, and my Scorpio offspring are often detectives, the CIA or its equivalent in any country. During the patriarch civilization, the emphasis was on finding every negative, dirty deed that was hidden. Certainly you don’t want to throw that ability away, but as the Goddess, I’ll be shifting your emphasis to find the slightest thread of anything positive that’s occurring, hidden or ignored beneath the sensational headlines. There’s more good, positive, caring and loving actions occurring than you might realize. As you begin to draw the links, connect the isolated events, you’ll shift your own consciousness to a more positive vibration, moving you out of frequencies that attract mayhem to you.

Become Bored with Dark Side

It’s just like with relationships though, during the patriarch civilization, you were drawn to the stronger, more powerful person. The nice person was seen as too weak, boring. Same with newspapers and the media, good news was seen as bland, uninteresting.

Maybe even you; you were bored with your good side, and put all your attention on your dark side that was most of the time out of control testing you to the max. Now you’ll want to give your attention to the slightest positive thought, feeling or action and watch that part of you flourish and move toward the light. Become bored with your dark side instead, withdraw your energy.

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