Play FishVille and Become a Giant Whale in This Charming Facebook Game

FishVille is an immensely popular Facebook game which allows players to create multiple virtual aquariums filled with colorful, occasionally stunning, fish. If you've ever wanted to succeed at having the greatest tank around you will follow these few simple tips when playing starting your virtual fish tanks.

Check that newbie enthusiasm at the door: when you first become the proud new owner of your first tank don't make the rookie mistake of getting carried away with enthusiasm and so buying everything in sight. You need to build up your cash and try to make it stretch as far as you can. Leveling up isn't easy and it takes time. Unlike some other games, FishVille doesn't offer quick rewards. The game makes you earn everything you get. There are many different things going on during the game. There are different challenges that require your friends to gift you the items.

Yes, you definitely need Friends: find out how many of your friends play FishVille and immediately ask them to be your neighbors. You are going to need as many neighbors as you can get. Having a lot of neighbors does a few things

* It allows you to ask many people for gifts …

* It gives you more tanks to visit and clean so you can build up you experience …

Every time you level up you will gain one Fish Buck. That is FishVille's top cash, not its regular coins. There are a lot of very cool things for sale in the store that you can only buy with Fish Bucks so save them up and use them wisely.

FishVille entertainments & challenges: there are always new entertainments and challenges:

1. The "ARENA" where you can train and fight certain fish.

2. There are Pearls and Challenge where you see how many different color pearls you can acquire so that you can buy special items which are only available for purchase with pearls.

3. Then there is your "cabinet". You have to ask your friends for different components like jars and when you have all of the items you will have completed the challenge.

4. The last challenge currently available is a fish challenge. There are four stages for each type of fish and there are a total of five fish. You have to buy and raise a specified amount of a certain fish to unlock the next level. This challenge is good because it allows you to build up your FishVille cash and experience.

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