Mafia Wars Leveling Guide – Guide to Power Leveling in Mafia Wars

Do you want to power level your character the fastest way possible to dominate your competition? Well if you want to level up the quickest way possible, you must focus on energy for the first few levels.

Power Level The Fastest Way Possible By Focusing On Energy Points

The first thing you should do when you just start out playing is to put all of your profile points towards your energy. The reason for this is so that you can complete a lot more jobs, thus enabling you to level up quickly. So from level 1-20, put all your profile points towards energy.

Once you hit level 21, instead of putting all of your profile points towards energy, put 3 towards energy and use 2 of them to increase your stamina by one. You will still want to put all of the extra points you get towards energy, but just keep in mind that from level 21-50 increase your energy by 3 and use 2 towards stamina.

Now that you are level 50, spend only 1 point to increase your energy and throw the rest of your points towards stamina. Remember to keep putting the extra points you receive towards your energy. This will help a lot in the future.

When you reach level 100, it will be time for you to start spreading out your profile points out evenly. Spread 1 point towards attack, defense and energy and the rest to stamina. If you follow this leveling guide, you will be able to level up your character in a very quick manner.

However, how can you power level your character the fastest way possible while having strong attack and defense to dominate Mafia Wars?

Power Level A Well Balanced Character The Fastest Way Possible With The Dominate Mafia Wars Guide

Follow this strategy to power level your character can leave you with lots of weaknesses. If you want the fastest way possible to level up a well balanced character, it is highly recommended to use the Dominate Mafia Wars guide.

Dominate Mafia Wars is created from all the ruthless secrets that only the top Godfathers know to build the ultimate mafia. This guide will teach you through step-by-step instructions exactly how to power level your character the fastest way possible while creating a solid foundation so that you become unstoppable.

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