How to Use a WoW Blacksmithing Guide

Using a WoW blacksmithing guide will explain exactly why teaching your character the blacksmith profession in World of Warcraft can be more than just a way to earn some gold. When you reach a high enough level you can also make your own high-level mail and plate armor as well as your own weapons. As your level increases, the quality of items you can make increases too.

If you decide to learn the blacksmithing skill, you may need to consider using a WoW blacksmithing guide to help you find the items you need. You should also consider learning the gathering skill of mining. As a miner, you can gather a lot of the stones, ores, and other materials you’ll need for your blacksmithing requirements.

Learning and working on these two professions at the same time can mean you save yourself a lot of gold as you won’t have to worry about buying the materials you need from the Auction House. Check your WoW blacksmithing guide to see exactly what materials you’ll need to make certain weapons or armor.

When you first learn your blacksmithing profession, you begin as an apprentice. At level 75, you can visit a trainer at any city and upgrade to journeyman level. Your WoW Blacksmithing guide will show you where to find convenient traingers.

Visit your trainer again at level 150 to upgrade to expert level and again at level 220 to move up to artisan. Master Blacksmithing can be attained by training at level 300 and Grand Master blacksmithing from level 350 up to level 450. If you can’t find a trainer, you can ask a guard at any city or you can check your WoW blacksmithing guide.

When you’ve managed to increase your skill level to 200, you can elect to choose a specialty. You have the option of becoming a Weaponsmith or an Armorsmith. Choose your specialty carefully, as weaponsmiths are able to make high-level swords, maces, and axes while armorsmiths will be able to make high-level mail and plate armor. Always consult your WoW blacksmithing guide to see the benefits of each specialization before you decide which way you want to go. It will cost you gold to retrain to a different specialty later.

For any blacksmiths who have chosen the weaponsmith specialty, once you’ve increased your skill level up to 300, you can choose to specialize in your profession even further. Your options are to choose between becoming a Master Hammersmith, a Master Axesmith, or a Master Swordsmith. While you can make some excellent high-level weapons with these specializations, a good WoW blacksmithing guide will tell you that you can’t trade these weapons with other players and you can’t sell them on the Auction House.

Remember, working your way up to level 450 in blacksmithing can get very expensive, so you will need to be sure you’ve figured out a way to earn plenty of gold before learning this profession or be willing to spend a lot of time mining the materials you will need. You could benefit from using a Warcraft gold guide in conjunction with your WoW blacksmithing guide so you’ll be sure to have plenty of gold when you need it most during your leveling.

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