Gymnastics Level 6 Uneven Bars Requirements – How to Score a 10.0 on Your Uneven Bar Routine!

USAG sets forth a specific gymnastics routine for each gymnastics level. Each level incorporates gymnastics skills that have been built upon from the previous level. Here is a list of all the gymnastics skills, faults and deductions set forth by USAG for the gymnastics level 6 uneven bars.

The level 6 uneven bars routine requires the gymnast to use both, the high bar and low bar.

You are not required to use gymnastics had grips on the uneven bars but it is recommended.

  • STRADDLE OR PIKE GLIDE KIP- Must take off from both feet at the same time ( -0.10).

Do not do a run out glide ( – 0.30).

Make sure your feet lead in the glide swing (up to 0.10 deduction).

Must extend body fully at the end of glide (up to 0.20 deduction).

Legs must fully close at the end of the straddle glide ( – 0.10).

  • CAST-cast must be a minimum of 30 degrees above horizontal (up to 0.40 deduction).

Show a straight line from shoulders to feet with a hollow chest (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • CLEAR HIP CIRCLE– Huge pike or arch on upswing or down swing (up to 0.20 deduction for each).

Not reaching 30 degrees above horizontal on the upswing (up to 0.40 deduction).

Hips cannot touch the uneven bars as the upswing finishes ( – 0.80).

Lack of control in to the glide swing (up to 0.10 deduction).

  • 2nd STRADDLE OR PIKE GLIDE KIP– Make sure your feet lead in the glide swing (up to 0.10 deduction).

Must extend body fully at the end of glide (up to 0.20 deduction).

Legs must fully close at the end of the straddle glide ( – 0.10).

  • CAST SQUAT ON, PIKE ON, OR SOLE CIRCLE– insufficient backwards swing into cast ( – 0.05).

Feet must be placed on the uneven bars side by side at the same time ( – 0.20).

  • LONG HANG KIP- Make sure to swing near horizontal before doing the kip (up to 0.20 deduction).
  • CAST– cast must be a minimum of 30 degrees above horizontal (up to 0.40 deduction).

Show a straight line from shoulders to feet with a hollow chest (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • LONG HANG PULL OVER– Show a small arched position at the bottom of down swing ( – 0.10).

Do not over pike your body (up to 0.20 deduction).

Maintain over grip-hands shouldn’t completely release the uneven bars ( – 0.30).

Make sure you do not perform a backwards giant- you must pull hips back to bar ( – 1.0).

  • UNDERSWING– must contact the gymnastics bar with the mid to lower thighs after completing the long hang pull over and before initiating the underswing (- 0.20).

Maintain a straight hollow body (up to 0.20 deduction).

Thighs may contact the bar but hips MAY NOT! ( – 0.20).

  • 1st COUNTER SWING-hips must reach a minimum of 15 degrees below the level of the high gymnastics bar (up to 0.30 deduction).

Make sure to show a straight line from hips to hands while in a hollow position (up to 0.20 deduction).

DO NOT open hips or body where they are extended over the low gymnastics bar ( – 0.30).

  • TAP SWING-show a slight arched position at the bottom of the swing ( – 0.10).

Maintain a straight hollow body on the upswing (up to 0.20 deduction).

Feet must reach the high bar height (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • SECOND COUNTERSWING– Hips must reach the height of the high bar (up to 0.30 deduction).

Makes sure to show a straight line from hips to hands while in a hollow position (up to 0.20 deduction).

Feet should not extend in an arched position over the low gymnastics bar ( – 0.30).

  • TAP SWING– show a slight arched position at the bottom of the swing.( – 0.10)

Maintain a straight hollow body on the upswing (up to 0.20 deduction).

Feet must reach the high bar height (up to 0.20 deduction).


  • TUCK FLYAWAY-must bend hips and legs a minimum of 135 degrees (up to 0.20 deduction for each angle) must stretch before landing (up to 0.20 deduction).
  • PIKE FLYAWAY-hips must be a minimum of a 135 degree pike (up to 0.20 deduction).

Must stretch before landing (up to 0.20 deduction).

  • STRETCHED FLYAWAY- Maintain a straight hollow body position the entire time (up to 0.20 deduction).

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