Conspiracy Theorists And Leftist Writers Never Quit Trying To Scare You Their Political Views

It goes without saying that you can only believe 1/2 of what you read. Everyone is busy trying to sell us something, their political views, their products and services. They use all sorts of tactics – many of which borderline on Fear. Scaring us into taking action – buying what they are selling.

Not long ago, I read an interesting article titled: "9 Chemicals that are Killing Your Testosterone Levels and Stealing Your Manhood (Note: These chemicals are harmful to women too, even though this article focuses on the harm being done to men's Testosterone)" by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist & Dr. Richard Cohen, MD. The article stated:

"Recent studies indicate that the testosterone level of the average male today is 25% less than it was in 1992 (Comparing males of the same ages). Meanwhile, the average male estrogen level has increased an alarming 40% during the same time period. The studies also show that male sperm counts are down 40% in that same time period. "

Of course the authors peddling eBooks, Supplements, and the answers to all the Testosterone Manhood problems which plague the world, didn't cite any recent studies or even bother to give the reader a place to start looking to verify their claims. Now then, this article was emailed to me by a friend who was very concerned, and rightfully so after reading that. Upon first reading of the article I stated: "Wow, it's like you cannot escape that crap – it's almost in everything we eat, breathe, wear, drink or use around the house – scary stuff."

The article went on to say that Monsanto's Round-Up, Air Pollution, Plastics, GMOs, Fluoride in the Water, MSG, and Livestock Growth Hormones. I say to this doubtful. Let me explain further. You see, later after thinking about it, I told my friend and stated the following (Next four paragraphs): On second thought on that article, it contains several factual errors, making me think the whole thing is wrong. It almost sounded like a leftist-conspiracy theorist hit-piece. First, Monsanto's Round-Up's active ingredient is actually salt. No harm or foul for testosterone and salt. Likewise the compound breaks down in only a few days so, it's not like that is even an issue.

Soot and CO2 etc, from smoke-stacks are not as bad as they used to be with the high-tech scrubbers, so I also refute that one. The real reason that men are losing their ability to make testosterone is they are living longer, they are couch potatoes, they eat crappy foods, 65% of men (and women) have diabetes or are outside their BMI or have onset Diabetes.

They also don't take in enough protein. Plus, they don't do labor type jobs using muscles and few workout, some men workout too much, endurance athletes and can't keep up with Testosterone production w / o some sort of supplements – Zinc, Magnesium, calcium, complex vitamin, amino acids, etc. They don't eat enough meat, chicken, eggs either. They make supplements with everything one needs to fix this issue … if one's body is working and they do at least some time of intensity workouts 3-times a week.

So, in hindsight, I think that article is total BS, actually I know it is. I bet their next article will say that Global Warming, failure to install LBGT bathrooms and voting for Trump will cause a lack of testosterone in men, but reading Karl Marx and quotes by Castro and Obama will fix that problem for ALL men?

Let's all be careful what we read and who we blame for our poor health choices.

Sincerely, Lance

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