Changing Society – One Pant Leg at a Time

Wait! Are my eyes deceiving me? Is that Aston Kutcher flaunting his Ginch Gonch undies in the new movie Spread? Can someone please tell me when things suddenly changed without my knowledge? I Remember a time, not to far too long ago, when guys wearing anything but the traditional “tighty whites”, were ostracized for their underwear choice. In fact, men who dared enough to wear anything remotely sexier than a functional pair of underwear had their masculinity directly attacked! Yet, somewhere along the way these old limitations became obsolete with the introduction of a new, more acceptable form of man, the metro sexual! This new genre of guy, engaging in “man-scapping” practices(body shaving); wearing the latest in men’s designer fashions, and even wearing flamboyant underwear styles, have become the acceptable norm for expressing for individuality. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Well, how fascinated are you with the topic of men’s underwear? Not sure? Well it’s probably more than you think! Interestingly enough, when conducting top searches about “men’s underwear” on the Internet, the results reveal a plethora of underwear website pages specifically targeting men who want to know more about the undies they wear. At the time of this article, there are over 8,990,000 related websites pages about men’s underwear. This includes men’s underwear blogs, men’s online underwear stores and other websites with topics on men’s underwear. After perusing the abundance of men’s underwear blogs it is interesting to discover the tens of thousands of followers that regularly scan through the various articles on the subject of men’s underwear. Whether it’s the allure, or just a mere fascination of what’s hiding beneath those tight pair of jeans, the men in our society are changing; one pant leg at a time!

Looking at yesteryears gone by, it is not hard to acknowledge the monumental changes marking the evolution in men’s underwear, or the focus on feeling sexy in the right kind of underwear. Popular icons have sprung up throughout the years including Marky Mark who seemingly changed the world by showing off his underwear goods; Calvin Klein billboards flaunting those sexy male models in their skivvies; and dare we say “The Naked Cowboy” who has been regularly spotted in New York walking around in his underwear strumming his guitar. While these people, places and events may seem unrelated with their impacts, these images and figures have slowly desensitized public view to create a modern man’s society yearning to look like they just jumped out of the pages of a GQ magazine. So guys! Where does that leave us in the new millennium?

Alright guys! Let’s take ourselves back almost two decades ago while we toiled with social acceptance in our formidable teenage years. Yes, we’re talking about that horrible time period when young social pressures dictated what we were going to wear, or more importantly what we would not be caught dead in during our school locker room days. Well, it appears that in adulthood, those days are over! There seem to be many acceptable styles now that still include the “tighty whities”, but have also expanded into the bikini and square cut underwear styles. An expert in the field of men’s underwear and men’s swimwear, this is the most exciting time for us guys! New underwear designers are springing up everywhere. Designs and colors are becoming more stylish, daring and sexier than ever. Additionally, new types of innovative construction in underwear have helped many men with those irregular body parts; whether trying to hide something or improve an attribute. Recently, the male enhancement underwear has been a newly inspired rage sweeping across the underwear industry.

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