All About Laser Prostate Treatment

Prostate disorders have become very common and are of much concern among the men population world over. Especially the men crossing the age of 40 are susceptible for the prostate disorders and the chances of prostate disorders are more among those crossed 50 years of age. Identification of prostate problems at an early stage is an important requirement to avoid severe effects of this malignancy. Men approaching 40s and 50s are advised to go for routine annual checkups for any of the occurrence of prostate disorders. DRE scanning and PSA testing are the usual tools for diagnosis.

Treatment is always risky. Laser treatment is a modern technique with the state of art technology and most modern sophisticated medical equipments are used in laser prostate treatment to treat the prostate related problems. This brand new facility is available in Jacksonville Mayo Clinic. Laser prostate treatment is a better option for the treatment of prostate disorders and better cure is assured with this new brand Laser prostate treatment, if patient is diagnosed with the problem sufficiently early.

“Men generally do not come to a doctor unless they carry symptoms… and lose years of valuable, potential treatment -because they wait until they’re really sick to come in” witnesses Dr. Gregory Broderick.

It is amply proved that, Dr. Gregory Broderick again and again confirmed it, the existing pharmaceutical treatments for prostate affect badly the functions of the sexual organs and most of the men having the prostate problems are eagerly looking for other options for cure. Laser prostate treatment comes as a God’s gift for those looking for better options.

Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy, the laser prostate treatment for the prostate patients in Jacksonville Mayo Clinic is performed by well known urologists in Mayo clinic Dr. Gregory Broderick and Dr. Todd Igel. The laser prostate treatment is conducted under anesthesia as an in-office procedure. Mayo clinic urologists use technically advanced laser equipment for the laser prostate treatment by inserting the equipment through the urethra. This can accurately locate the problem area and burn the excess prostate tissues.

Laser prostate treatment of Mayo Clinic also has the risks associated with it. The bleeding, which can be there for days to weeks, incontinence or impotence can also be experienced as the after effect of laser prostate treatment. But the probability of happening these contingencies are very less comparing with the usual surgical procedures. If the patient has been facing the severe symptoms of excessive bleeding and urinary retention, surgical procedures have to be adopted under anesthesia.

If you are looking for the medical services of the Mayo clinic, you can reach out to their central appointment office. The contact numbers are:

Jacksonville, Fla.: 904-953-2272.
Rochester, Minn.: 507-538-3270
Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.: 800-446-2279

For more relevant information and for further details you can browse through the website

Green Light Laser System provides a similar type of service and you can reach them through Their procedure is known as Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP). PVP functions in a similar way as Mayo Clinic’s laser prostate treatment, Interstitial Laser Thermo therapy.

Among the people affected by Prostate problems, most of them are suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and it is the most common problem, apart from prostate cancer. Laser prostate treatments are very effective for BPH, if it is diagnosed at an earlier stage. As far as prostate problems are considered an early detection and proper treatment holds the key for healthy life.

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